Childless Not By Choice

Childless Not By Choice

Firstly, if you have been unable to have your own child, I am very sorry. My heart goes out to you.

I know first hand the excruciating pain that you are in. I have been there myself, and I am childless not by choice. There are actually very few people who really understand what you are going through right now. You will likely be very disappointed and frustrated with the lack of support and empathy you are getting. Unfortunately though people mean well, they often say the wrong thing. You may get a lot of sympathy but not real empathy. Though my journey will have been different to yours, I have been through this journey and therefore I can offer real empathy and support.

You may feel you cannot speak to certain people about what you’re going through at all. You may be constantly triggered and cannot seem to stop crying. You may be angry and frustrated. You may be numb. You may feel despair and completely overwhelmed. All of these are normal. You will go through cycles of emotions, sometimes in the same day or hour. You may have been told it is time to accept things and move on. No-one has the right to dictate how you process this grief.


What I can offer you is a safe space to explore and acknowledge all of your (very complicated) emotions. I can help you process all of your emotions, thoughts, grief and trauma (because that is what it is). Together we can work towards you reaching a place of acceptance. Only then can you begin to think about anything beyond that. When you reach a place of acceptance, you can begin to heal and start looking towards a future you did not imagine – one without your own children.


I offer unique support to women who have not been able to conceive. I have a set of resources to support you on this horrendous journey. This includes:

  • One to one Therapy Sessions
  • eBook
  • Meditations
  • Reiki Healing
  • Email support

I understand that you may have spent thousands of pounds on IVF or other fertility treatments and funds may be tight, so I offer both free and paid for resources.

If you are ready to start your healing journey then please email me and we can begin working together.

From my heart to yours,

Louise Tremayne