September is the season of the new start. New season – officially it is now Autumn but it still feels like summer (yay!).
New school, new College or University. Maybe a new job or new relationship.
Whatever the ‘new’ is, there is often some trepidation or worry associated with it. There may even be downright fear! No matter – help is at hand (quite literally).
So how do you have the best start possible? Tap on any worries, concerns or fear that you have. Keep tapping on each aspect until you feel calm and excited about your new start.
Here’s some examples.
New school for the kids in your life:
Even though I’m scared of starting my new school, I’m still a good girl/boy/kid
Even though I won’t know anyone and I’ll feel scared talking to new kids, I’m ok
Even though I’m worried about finding my way around my new school, I’m going to be ok
New College/Uni:
Even though I’m not sure how I’m going to cope, living away from home for the first time, I’m ok
Even though I don’t know anyone & I don’t know how I’ll fit in, I choose to accept myself anyway
Even though I’m worried about living on my own for the first time, I’m sure I’ll be ok
New job/relationship:
Even though I’m worried I won’t know how to do the job and if I’ll fit in, I accept my feelings anyway
Even though I’m scared of not being good enough or experienced enough, I choose to stay calm anyway
Even though I feel nervous about this new relationship, I choose to relax & go with the flow
Remember, just keep tapping until you feel better.
When anxiety kicks in it can be easier to just stay at home. But what if that seems like all the time and eventually you start staying home more and more often? Leaving the house can seem like an overwhelming scary event.
If that sounds like you, here is a script that can help.
Even though I have all this anxiety and I just want to stay at home where I feel safe, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
Even though I have this fear of leaving the house, I accept myself anyway
Even though I’m so scared and anxious when I leave my house, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
EB: I have this fear of leaving the house SE: I hate feeling so scared UE: I feel so overwhelmed when I have to leave the house UN: I feel so scared when I leave my home CH: I feel terrified when I leave my house CB: I feel really anxious when I’m out of my house UA: I’m scared of having a panic attack if I leave my house TH: I feel so scared and anxious when I have to leave the house
EB: My palms sweat and I get really anxious SE: I start to feel sick when I leave my house UE: My stomach churns when I’m forced to go out UN: It’s so much easier to just stay at home where I feel safe CH: I feel so overwhelmed and scared when I have to go out CB: I’ll have a panic attack if I leave home UA: I feel so safe at home TH: I feel comfortable, safe and in control at home
EB: I hate having this fear of leaving home SE: It restricts my life UE: I wish it was easier to leave my house UN: I wish I could just go out without thinking about it CH: I hate feeling so scared and overwhelmed CB: I wish I could leave my house easily UA: I hate having this restriction in my life TH: I wish I didn’t have this all this fear
Keep tapping on all the different aspects about your fear and anxiety. When you have tapped on all of them and start to feel calm then you can tap in some positives. E.g.
It’s ok for me to leave my house
It’s safe for me to leave my home
It gets easier to go out every day
I can calmly leave my house
I hope this script helps. If you’d like a one to one session to help with your issue just drop me an email.
Keep tapping
Do you have a fear of crowds? Or being around a lot of people? If you are a highly sensitive person you are more likely to be affected by the energy of other people especially when there are a lot of people in one place.
Here is a tapping script that can help if you suffer with this fear.
Even though I have this fear of crowds, I’m ok
Even though I have this fear of being around a lot of people, I accept myself anyway
Even though I’m so scared in a crowd, I’m ok
EB: I have this fear of crowds SE: I hate being surrounded by lots of people UE: I feel so overwhelmed when I’m in a crowd UN: I feel so scared when I’m surrounded by people CH: I feel like everyone is in my space CB: I feel really anxious in a crowd UA: I can’t breathe when I’m in a squashed amongst lots of people TH: I feel like I’m lost when I’m in a crowd
EB: My heart rate shoots up when I’m in a crowd SE: I start to feel sick UE: My stomach churns when I’m with lots of people UN: It feels like there is no room for me in a crowd CH: I hate feeling overwhelmed by lots of people CB: My palms sweat and I get really anxious in a crowd UA: I feel so lost and scared TH: I just want to run away if there are lots of people
EB: I hate having this fear of crowds SE: It restricts my life UE: I can’t even go shopping UN: Or to the cinema CH: I hate feeling this way about crowds CB: I wish I was ok in crowds UA: I hate having this restriction in my life TH: I wish crowds didn’t bother me
What symptoms do you feel?
Use those words to really tune in to how it feels for you. Keep tapping on all the different aspects until your fear is at a zero. Try imagining being in a crowd and check your body has no response. If it does then tap some more on whatever comes up. Test it for real only once you can get no response from detailed imagining!
Keep tapping
How many times have you procrastinated or put things off because you have dreaded doing them? Or just found that other things keep getting in the way and stopping you doing that one thing you must do today? In my experience whenever I have done this, the thing I had to do has always been easier than I imagined it. Our imaginations are very good at creating the worst case scenario or making the task seem more difficult.
After the task is accomplished I often think that was easier than I though it would be. I’d imagined the task to be much more complicated, more time-consuming and to challenge me much more etc. The next time you find yourself putting something off, procrastinating or just outright avoiding doing something, ask yourself why?
Ask yourself if you have imagined it will take too long, be too complicated, cause you too much stress etc. Then do some gentle tapping to help you let go of these things your imagination is putting in the way of you completing your task.
Example tapping statements:
Even though I don’t have enough time to do this task, it’ll take way too long and demand too much of me, I accept my feelings anyway
Even though I’m procrastinating over this task, I choose to let go of all my worries and concerns about it
Even though I keep finding myself doing lots of other things instead of that one thing I know I really need to do, I accept myself anyway
Even though I know I really should do that task, I feel far too stressed to actually start it right now and I’m willing to accept all my feelings about this
Even though my imagination has made this task into a monster, I choose to go easy on myself and trust I can do it
Remember to tap using your own words whenever possible. Really tune in to how you feel and why you keep putting your tasks off. Keep tapping until you feel all your fears, worries, doubts etc have gone and you feel ready to do your task.
You can use your imagination to imagine your task is now really easy to complete. But always tap away any fears, doubts, worries and stress first.
7 weeks ago my neighbour’s house burnt down the ground. My house has some fire damage & quite a bit of smoke and water damage. We were the lucky ones. The neighbours lost everything! I mean everything! I’m very grateful that my house is still standing and that most of my possessions can be saved. The past 7 weeks have involved lots of moving about from hotel to hotel. One week we were moved 3 times! I’ve been in survival mode all this time and finally it is coming to an end. We have finally moved into a rental house for the duration of the remedial works which is estimated at 6 months.
I have used EFT all through this journey. I was tapping my fingertips the actual night of the fire and it helped me stay (relatively) calm. I’ve used it since for the trauma that I went through. I’ve used it for all the emotions that have come up. I will continue to use it as now that we are settled in one place, I feel my emotions are coming up ready to be dealt with. I will be kind to myself and allow myself to feel all these feelings. They need to be heard. EFT is great at allowing you to face up to your emotions and be able to handle them.
Some of this tapping I will do alone, some with my partner. I will also be tapping with my wonderful EFT buddies. I know that with their patient, caring support I will be looked after and helped through this unsettling period of my life. Amen to that and to EFT!
My Broadband should be re-connected soon and I am looking forward to blogging more often once again.
Fear of what I hear you say? Success? I know most people are familiar with fear of failure. What is often surprising though is that a lot of people also have a fear of success. So how do you go about dealing with that fear of success? Firstly, you need to understand what success means to you and the expectations you associate with it.
Think about past times in your life and the specific events when you were successful. Now if any of those upset you then use EFT to clear out the negative emotions. Try the movie technique to clear out any negativity from those events. Many people actually sabotage themselves so that they don’t achieve their success. EFT can really help you clear out this self sabotaging behaviour.
Try the following questions and write down what comes up for you…
Success means ……………
I fear success because ……………
I don’t deserve success because ……………
Last time I was successful …………… happened
Being successful means I’ll have to ……………
Being successful means I won’t be able to ……………
Being successful means I’ll have to give up ……………
Being successful means I’ll lose ……………
I sabotage myself by doing ……………
You can now use this information and do some tapping. So, if for example, you are worried that if you are succesful you won’t have enough time for your family then tap on that. If you think you’ll have so much pressure on you to keep up that success that it will drain you until you crash and burn, then tap on that. If you think you don’t deserve to be successful, then tap on that. Tap, tap, tap!
Here is a sample tapping script that you can use. Score your fear before you start tapping (where 10 is maximum fear).
Even though I have this fear of success, I’m open to changing that today
Even though I’m really frightened I’ll be a success and that will put so much pressure on me that I’ll crash and burn, I acknowledge and accept my feelings
Even though I’m so scared I’ll be a success and then I’ll have no time for my family, I’m open to finding the right balance in my life
Eyebrow: I have this fear of success Side of eye: It seems strange to fear success Under eye: I’m scared I’ll have all this pressure on me Under nose: I don’t want to get so busy that I have no family life Chin: What if the pressure is too much for me Collarbone: What if I feel overwhelmed Under arm: I’m scared of success Top of head: I’m scared I’ll have no time for my family and they’ll resent me
Eyebrow: I don’t deserve success Side of eye: There will be too much pressure on me to keep this success going Under eye: I’ll get overwhelmed Under nose: I’m not good enough to succeed Chin: I’ll feel guilty that I’m not giving enough to my family Collarbone: I don’t want to succeed and then find it all too much to handle Under arm: I’m scared of sustaining this success Top of head: What if my family hate me for doing so well
Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this fear go Side of eye: I want to clear out all these doubts Under eye: I’m open to changing this fear today Under nose: What if I can enjoy my success Chin: What if I can find the right balance between success and family life Collarbone: Maybe my family will support me Under arm: Maybe I do deserve to be successful Top of head: I’m open to enjoying my success
Remember to use your words where appropriate. Re-check your score and keep tapping and adjusting your statements until you are down to zero. Tap on all the different aspects of your fear. Test your results when you think you are finished. Visualise yourself being successful and check that no negatives come up. If they do, then do some more tapping.
I will leave you with this amazing quote from Marianne Williamson:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Ok, so it’s that holiday time of year again. You’re feeling all excited because you’re off to a fantastic destination and you can’t wait to be free from your usual responsibilities. But wait, there’s a bit of a niggle going on. In fact, it’s more than a niggle. It’s a feeling of absolute dread…having that realisation that I have to fly…oh my!
Well wait there just a minute… You don’t have to feel the fear anyway. You don’t have to feel that dread, grin and bear it, take Valium, grit your chattering teeth, get drunk or any other manner of ways you normally deal with it. There is a simple way to clear your fear of flying. It’s EFT…Emotional Freedom Techniques or tapping as it is commonly called.
Now there could be many different things that cause your fear. These are the different aspects of your fear. Like different parts of a jigsaw puzzle as it were. Here are some of the common ones:
Being in a confined space
Noise of the engines
Feeling out of control
Vibration of the engines
Feeling trapped
Taking off
Fear of crashing
Not being able to see ahead
Not being able to see the ground
Fear of dying
Now that list is not exhaustive. So think about what it is that does it for you. If you start feeling a knot in your stomach, a tightness in your chest or throat or your palms starting sweating just thinking about it…tap right away, right now, go on, you’ll feel better I promise you.
Here is a generic tapping script that you can tap along to. Rate your score first on a scale of 0 – 10 where 10 is maximum intensity (fear).
Even though I’m so scared of flying, I hate feeling out of control, I accept myself anyway
Even though I’m so scared of flying, my palms sweat, I get a tight chest and I feel frozen with terror, I’m ok
Even though I have this fear of flying, I’m open to letting this go now
Eyebrow: I’m so terrified of flying Side of Eye: My palms sweat just thinking about it Under Eye: I love to go on holiday, I just hate getting there Under Nose: I’m so scared of flying Chin: I feel so out of control Collarbone: My chest gets tight as soon as I get to the airport Under Arm: My palms sweat the whole flight Top of Head: Flying terrifies me
Eyebrow: I feel frozen with terror the whole flight Side of Eye: This fear really puts me off going on holiday Under Eye: I hate having this fear Under Nose: I wish I didn’t have to fly Chin: But flying is so quick and convenient Collarbone: I hate feeling out of control Under Arm: I’m really terrified of flying Top of Head: I feel so terrified my palms sweat and my chest gets tight
Eyebrow: I’m open to changing this feeling today Side of Eye: Maybe I can let this fear go now Under Eye: What if I could feel calm Under Nose: Letting it be safe for me to let this fear go Chin: Maybe I can feel calm and safe Collarbone: I’m open to feeling differently Under Arm: Letting it be safe, easy and comfortable for me to fly Top of Head: Maybe I can relax and feel calm
I hope the script helped. Remember to work on all the bits of your jigsaw puzzle to fully clear your fear for ever. There may also be specific memories for you to work on. If there are then use the movie technique for each mental movie that has contributed to your fear. See my previous post for details how.
Are you frozen with fear? Is your fear keeping you stuck?
Is your fear stopping you from enjoying relationships?
Is your fear stopping you from being a success in your business?
Does your fear stop you doing things, going places, flying?
Has the fear of your fear taken over your life?
Well now it’s time to conquer your fear. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques can help you overcome your fear. You can tap on all the aspects of your fear – the thoughts you have, the feelings you get and what your fear stops you doing.
Firstly, what does your fear look like? What sounds are associated with your fear?
What do you say to yourself when you think of your fear?
Where do you feel your fear in your body?
Now, write down your answers and use this information to help you release your fear. On a scale of 0 – 10 (where 10 is the worst fear), what is your fear score?
Below is a general tapping script addressing a fear of flying.
Follow along and use your fear, thoughts, words, body feelings where appropriate. This script will help you get idea of how to tap on your fear.
Even though I’m terrified of flying, I accept how I feel about this
Even though I’m so scared of flying, I feel so unsafe and out of control, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
Even though I get this tight knot in the pit of my stomach if I just think about flying, I accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: I’m so scared of flying, I get this tight knot in my stomach Side of Eye: I’m terrified of flying Under Eye: I get terrible tight knot in my stomach when I think of flying Under Nose: I’m so scared of flying Under Chin: I hate feeling this tight knot in my stomach Collarbone: I really don’t want to feel this fear Under Arm: I’m so scared of flying Top of Head: I’m terrified of flying
Ok, now take a nice easy breath. Rate your fear again. Repeat the tapping until your score is down to 0.
There may be different aspects to your fear, different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that make up your fear as it were. So it is important to tap on each aspect in turn. For example, with our flying fear you may have to address the following aspects:
Fear of crashing
Noise of the engines
Fear of heights
Fear of confined spaces
Feeling trapped
Feeling out of control
Not being able to see straight ahead
Vibration of the aeroplane
There could be lots of different aspects to your fear, so keep tapping until each aspect is down to 0. When you think you are done, you need to test. Visualise the thing that you were scared of. So again with our example, visualise arriving at the airport, getting your boarding card, checking in, getting onto the plane, taking your seat, putting on your seat belt, aeroplane taxi-ing to the runway, the plane taking off, etc. Visualise it as vividly as possible and keep checking in with yourself to ensure no fear is left as each stage. This ensures you haven’t missed any aspects with your tapping. If you can vividly imagine without any feelings coming up then you are ready for a real life test. Remember to be careful and not put yourself in any danger when you do this!
Enjoy your new-found freedom!
If you have a fear that you would like some help with, please contact me for a session. I work with Skype/phone anywhere in the world or face to face in Cardiff and Devon, UK.
I had a recent client who was feeling stuck. I’m sure that is something we’ve all experienced at some point in our life. It’s what we do about it though that is important. Firstly, ask yourself the following questions:
Why do I feel stuck?
What is stopping me from going for it?
Has there been a similar situation in the past where I’ve felt the same?
This is all valuable information to help you move forward.
Here are some general statements that can help you start to clear out the stuck feelings.
Even though I feel really stuck, I accept how I feel
Even though I’m scared to move forward, I deeply and completely accept myself
Even though I’m not sure why I’m stuck, I accept myself anyway
Even though I’m anxious about doing {insert action}, I’m open to the possibility it won’t be as difficult as I think it will
Even though I’m procrastinating, what if I found it easy to take action
My client wanted to change jobs. But he was stuck because of fear. Fear that he wouldn’t be good enough. Fear of the unknown – would his new job be better or would it be worse? Fear that he wouldn’t have the freedom he has now. Fear of the impact on his life and that of his family.
Fear is usually the major reason for keeping us stuck. Most of the time though, the fear is worse than actually doing it! I don’t believe in “feeling the fear and doing it anyway”. I’ve done that in the past and ok, I got through it, I survived. There is an easier way though – using EFT to address all of your fears! Here’s a tapping script that can help you address your fears.
Setup: Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
Even though I’m scared to do {insert action}, I accept how I feel about this
Even though I’m full of fear and I just can’t move forward, I accept all of my feelings
Even though I feel stuck and I’m too scared to take action, I accept all of me anyway
Eyebrow: I’m stuck and I’m scared Side of Eye: I’m full of fear Under Eye: It’s just too scary to take action Under Nose: I want to do {action} but I’m too scared Under Chin: I hate feeling this fear Collarbone: I can’t stop feeling this fear Under Arm: I don’t want to feel scared Top of Head: I wish I could let this fear go
Eyebrow: I’m procrastinating because I’m scared Side of Eye: I’m afraid and I’m stuck Under Eye: {action} is too scary Under Nose: I can’t do {action} because I’m afraid Under Chin: I don’t want to make mistakes Collarbone: I’ll embarrass myself if I try Under Arm: I’m scared and I won’t do it right Top of Head: I wish I could stop procrastinating
Eyebrow: I’m open to the possibility it will be easier than I think Side of Eye: What if I just tried Under Eye: Maybe it won’t be so difficult Under Nose: Maybe I can start with small steps Under Chin: What if it was easy Collarbone: Maybe I can do it Under Arm: What if I could release my fear Top of Head: I will do it
Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Remember to keep tapping until your fear has gone completely to zero.
If there are any other emotions that are coming up for you, then use EFT on them too until you feel calm and excited about taking action. Ok, so now that you have released your fear and any other emotions, what steps will you take next?
What are the steps you can take to achieve your outcome?
What is the first SMALL step that you can take?
What is the first BIG step that you can take?
When you will you achieve these steps?
Let me know how you get on with this – I’d love to celebrate your success with you.
My client completely released his fear by the end of the session. He was feeling more positive, motivated and excited about changing his job. He was now playing a different movie in his mind – a positive, empowering one that will help him move forward.
If you would like some help releasing your fears, please get in touch. I would love to help you.