We all have some habits that we wish we didn’t, e.g. biting our nails or smoking. EFT is an excellent tool to use to help you get rid of unwanted habits. What I’d like to share with you today are some ways to get into a good habit – regular tapping. This is another question I get asked a lot by clients – how can they remember to use it on a regular basis.

Many people recognise that EFT is a fantastic self help tool, but they get so busy and caught up with everyday life that they forget to do it. It only works when you use it and sometimes you have to use it quite a lot. One of the key things with EFT is persistence and chasing the pain back to the root cause (not just tapping on your symptoms). So how can we remind ourselves to tap on a regular basis?
Here are some ways that you can develop a good tapping habit:
- Schedule it (yes literally put it in your diary/calendar)
- Tap in the morning as part of your ablutions (e.g. before you shower or after brushing your teeth)
- Tap every time you use the bathroom
- Tap before your lunch
- Tap before you pick up the phone
- Use EFT before any meetings
- Tap whilst stuck in traffic (perfect for road rage!)
- Before bed, tap on anything that didn’t go so well/anything that upset you

I hope that these help you make EFT a good habit. If you have any other suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. 🙂
I always recommend working with an experienced EFT practitioner if you have a long standing or complex issue. We can do a lot of very valuable work by ourselves but it is always better to work with a practitioner who will guide and support you when you need it.
Keep tapping