How to Deal with Upsetting News

As a highly sensitive person I am deeply affected by the news. I am very empathetic and often feel moved to tears by the news. In the past I had a problem with this – I thought I was “wrong” and needed to toughen up. You can read more about how tapping can help you if you are highly sensitive person here.

Now I accept it as is. I still get upset by the news but not that I am upset by it. Often we feel upset and powerless to do anything about the situation. Whilst we may not physically be able to help a situation thousands of miles away I believe we can help energetically.

Firstly tap on your own emotions about the upsetting news, e.g.

  • Even though I feel so sad seeing all the horrific devastation in Oklahoma, I deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I feel so sad and upset about those poor people who lost their lives in Bangladesh when that factory collapsed, I love and accept myself

Keep tapping on all the emotions you feel, e.g. sadness, anger, frustration, powerlessness etc.

When you feel calm and in a better space then you can focus your energy and send some healing thoughts to those affected. You can tap as you do this or sit quietly in a meditative state.  Focus on sending calm, peaceful thoughts and support to those people. Send them your love and healing. If you believe in God/Angels etc then call upon them for help. Send your positive thoughts to all those people who are helping – e.g. volunteers, aid workers, service personnel etc. Send those people the strength to cope with all they need to do to help in the situation.  Surround the area affected with love and light, knowing this will help everyone involved.

You might like to end with some gratitude for everything you have in your life.  Again you can do this silently or whilst tapping.

I hope you have found this useful.  I certainly have.

Keep tapping

I Feel SAD Autumn is Here

The temperature has dropped, the nights are drawing in and the leaves are falling. Autumn is definitely here! If you hate the season change you are not alone. Many people get affected by it. We want to carry on doing what we have all year, yet we don’t seem to have the same energy levels.

Many of us feel like hibernating as we don’t fancy going out in the cold, dark and often wet evenings. The days will seem even shorter when the clocks go back at the end of the month. At this time of year, some people suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder.  SAD symptoms include low energy levels, mood changes, depression, anxiety, loss of concentration, overeating and sleep problems.

We may start craving stodgy, comfort food and put on a bit of weight. One thing is for sure, our ancestors were much more in tune with the seasons than we are. Lets face it – they had to be. They didn’t have the resources and technology that we have that allow us to work into the night, lit by artificial lights etc.

So one of the things that you may want to try doing is to listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Slow down if you feel your energy levels are dropping. Wrap up warm and eat more soups and stews!

You can also try some tapping statements to help you adjust. Here are a sample of setup statements that you may want to try.

  • Even though I hate the clocks going back and I find the dark nights so depressing, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I don’t want to go out because it’s so dark and cold, I accept my feelings anyway
  • Even though I feel like hibernating when autumn starts, I love and accept myself
  • Even though my energy levels drop in the autumn and I get frustrated with myself, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so down because it gets dark so early and I really crave sunlight, I’m ok
  • Even though I don’t want to slow down but my energy levels force me to, what if I could listen to my body’s needs
  • Even though I can’t do all the things I want to in the autumn, I’m open to accepting that
  • Even though my body feels so sluggish in the autumn and winter, I’m open to accepting this
  • Even though I crave stodgy, comfort food, what if I ate what my body needed
  • Even though I put weight on at this time of year because I eat stodgy comfort food, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so lethargic and I don’t have the energy to do much, I accept my feelings anyway
  • Even though I have to change my lifestyle because of this seasonal change and I hate doing it, I accept my feelings about it

I hope these statements have inspired you to do some tapping and release these feelings about the onset of autumn!

Autumn colours

Try to look at the positive things about this time of year – the beautiful fall colours, catching up on your projects (e.g. sorting out your photos, reading, painting), enjoying the foods you don’t fancy in the summer (soups, stews and pies) and enjoying a slower pace of life.

Keep tapping.
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Low Energy Levels

If you feel that everything is taking much more energy at this time of year, then you are not alone.  It’s typical for us to slow down in the winter and spend more time inside.  Many people suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder.  SAD symptoms include low energy levels, depression, anxiety, mood changes, overeating, loss of concentration and sleep problems.  

If that feels like you then why not invest in a solar lightbox?  I’ve got a Bodyclock dawn simulator which is an alarm clock that wakes you with a sunrise.  This really helps me get up on a dark winter morning!  The brightening light is a natural signal for your body to reduce the production of sleep hormones and gradually increase the levels of hormones that wake you up and get you moving.  I wouldn’t be without mine.    

If you could do with a bit of an energy boost try this tip and follow the tapping script to help improve your energy levels.  

Thump Your K27 Points (Collarbone)


  • Increases energy
  • Relieves tiredness if you are feeling drowsy
  • Focuses your mind  


Tap on the collarbone (K27) points with your fingers bunched together for about 20 – 30 seconds.  The collarbone points are located just below and slightly outward from the bumps at the end of the collarbone.  Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. 

Do this at least once every day and more often if you need it.  This is a great pick me up if you are driving – do one side at a time to keep one hand on the steering wheel!

Tapping Script


Tap on the Karate Chop spot on either hand whilst repeating out loud these 3 setups (or change the words to suit your situation).

  •  Even though I feel so worn out, I’ve got no energy, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so tired, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel
  • Even though the winter is draining my energy levels, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel  

Reminder Phrases:

  • Eyebrow: I’m just so tired
  • Side of eye: I’ve got no energy
  • Under eye: I don’t want to feel tired time all the time
  • Under nose: I can’t be bothered to do anything
  • Chin: I’m so worn out
  • Collarbone: I’m exhausted
  • Under arm: I wish I had more energy
  • Top of head: I wish I had the energy to do more  


  • Eyebrow: Maybe I can feel better
  • Side of eye: Maybe my energy levels will increase
  • Under eye: What if I had more energy
  • Under nose: What if I had all the energy I need
  • Chin: I can start to feel more energised
  • Collarbone: I’m open to gaining more energy
  • Under arm: What if my energy levels were boosted
  • Top of head: I am feeling my energy increase and I want to do more


  • Eyebrow: I’m so lethargic
  • Side of eye: My energy is increasing
  • Under eye: I wish I wasn’t so tired
  • Under nose: What if my energy started increasing
  • Chin: I can’t do things I want to do
  • Collarbone: My energy levels are returning
  • Under arm: I just want to sleep all the time
  • Top of head: I am feeling more vibrant and alive  

Repeat the tapping as necessary and use your own words where appropriate.  Try tapping on the specific things that are draining your energy and keep tapping until you feel better.