Benefits of Mindfulness
We have all probably heard of mindfulness by now. So what are the real-life benefits of doing mindfulness?
I created the following image to show some of the benefits…

These are just some of the benefits of mindfulness meditation. Others include:
- Greater zest for life
- Improved mood
- Reduced depression
- Better resilience
- Pain management
- Decrease in cigarette, alcohol or drug abuse
- Immunity boost
Many people find it hard to find the time to meditate. You can begin to benefit from just 5 or 10 minutes a day, so even if you are very busy, you should be able to fit it in your day. It is better to practice consistently every day for just 5 or 10 minutes than once in a while doing a long practice (30 minutes plus).
Find a time of day that suits you – not everyone can do it first thing in the morning. You might find when you get home from work a good time – allowing you to transition from work mode into home mode. It is also important to find a posture that works for you too. You don’t have to be cross-legged on the floor. You could be sat in a chair or lying down if that is more comfortable. You can have your feet flat on the floor with your knees knocked in and just touching each other. You are less likely to fall asleep in this position and it is helpful if you have a bad back.
The simplest meditation is to focus on your breathing. Watching the full breath on the inhalation and on the exhalation. Any time you find your mind has wandered (and it will – repeatedly!) gently bring it back to your breathing. Notice where in your body you can feel your breath – your nostrils, the back of your throat or your belly rising and falling with each breath.
Why not give it a go?
“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” – Dalai Lama