It is Depression Awareness Week this week (15th – 21st April 2013). You can find out more at
I find it sad that in this day and age depression is still a taboo subject for many. Many people just don’t understand depression and cannot empathize with those who are depressed. If you break your leg people can understand that and see that your body needs time to heal itself. With depression there is often no outward sign and many people don’t want to talk about it for fear of being labeled, misunderstood or ridiculed.
Those suffering from depression cannot just “pull themselves together” or “snap out of it” (as much as they’d like to be able to). The Depression Alliance offers some great advice about what things you can say and do to help people with depression. If you think you may be depressed yourself, there is great advice about where to get help.
Many things can help with depression e.g. diet, exercise and relaxation as well as antidepressant medication (as prescribed by your Doctor). EFT can help with depression. It is best to work with a practitioner with issues like depression as it can be difficult working by yourself. If you are on medication your practitioner should advise you to continue taking it and refer to your Doctor if you want to make any changes.
To learn more about depression, please check out the Depression Alliance website.
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