I Can’t Get Back To Sleep
You manage to go to sleep ok and think that’s it for the night, but then you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep. You toss and turn and try plumping up your pillow. You may even get up to go to the toilet or have a drink of water. But when you get back into bed, you just lie there getting frustrated! Your thoughts start churning and you start worrying about work or money or the economy or the destruction of the rainforests! It doesn’t matter what it is you’re worrying or thinking about you just can’t get back to sleep. Then you check your clock every couple of minutes and get stressed about how little sleep you’ll get.
Sleep Deprived
Any one who has suffered a sleep deprived night knows just how horrible it is. The next day you struggle because you’ve not had enough sleep and you can feel tired and like you have brain fog! You can’t focus properly and maybe your work suffers. It takes you longer to do things that you’d normally fly through. Emotionally wise we can be more sensitive and something that would normally not bother us can send us off into meltdown.
Tap In Bed
So what can we do? You can try tapping in bed. If you are in bed with a partner, you might want to try tapping very quietly and gently or just finger tap. If you’re on your own, then you can be as loud as you like! Here’s some tapping statements that you might find helpful to get you started:
- Even though I went to sleep fine, why oh why did I have to wake up?
- Even though I was fast asleep, something woke me up and I’m pissed off
- Even though I get so upset and frustrated when I wake up in the night, I choose to accept this anyway
- Even though I’m so stressed that I can’t go back to sleep, I accept myself anyway
- Even though I worry about how little sleep I’ll get, I choose to accept myself
- Even though I hate not being able to go back to sleep, I love and accept myself anyway
Use a few of the statements that resonate with you and tap a few rounds. Always tune in to how you feel and use your words where possible. Hopefully these statements will trigger what feels right for you.
Once you’ve tapped a few rounds, you may start to feel a bit better. Check-in with how you feel now. If you have cleared enough of the ‘negatives’ it could be time to use some more positive choices.
The next statements offer some choices that may help you too:
- Even though I hate waking up in the middle of the night, I wonder if I can go back to sleep easily?
- Even though I feel upset about waking up, I’m curious if I can let that go and go back to sleep
- Even though I worry about {work/money etc}, what if I can easily let that go
- Even though I get so stressed when I wake in the middle of the night, maybe I can be less bothered and fall asleep again
- Even though I feel so awake, I wonder if I can start to feel drowsy and relaxed
Try tapping on whatever alternate choice feels good for you. Slow rhythmical tapping can be helpful. Breathe slowly and deeply and hopefully you’ll soon drop off to sleep.
Wishing you a good nights sleep 🙂
If you’d like some help, drop me an email.