I am sure I am not alone in feeling even more frustrated with this lockdown. For a start it is out of sync with Wales, which means my family and friends there are now out of lockdown whilst here in England we have a few weeks to go. I am so missing the connection with my family and friends.
I have found that EFT or Tapping has really helped me vent my frustration and come to terms with all my emotions.
My tapping setup statements went like this…
- Even though I’m really frustrated we’re locked down again, I accept my feelings anyway
- Even though I really miss my family, I love and accept myself anyway
- Even though I am frustrated I can’t see my family and they are now free again, I acknowledge and accept all my emotions
- Even though I am desperate to see my family and really hope our lockdown doesn’t drag on longer, I accept all my feelings
Tune in to your feelings and tweak your setup statements to suit. Keep tapping until you feel better. You may need to repeat the tapping for many rounds.
After tapping I always feel much calmer and much less frustrated.
Lessons Learnt
What the lockdowns have taught me is that it is the connection with friends and family that I really miss the most. Yes I would love to be able to go out for a meal or a coffee too but it’s the not being able to see people that bothers me the most.
Whilst I am grateful for Zoom and social media it is not the same as seeing people face to face. But it is better than nothing at the moment.
I am continuing to tap regularly and making time to do lots of self care. I am so grateful to get out walking in nature and to be reminded to let go by the trees! 🙂

Stay safe.