Happy New Year 2012

Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. I hope that 2012 brings you lots of fun, success, joy & peace.

Have you set yourself New Year Resolutions? Do you do this every year and then give up on them before January is out? How about setting yourself goals instead?

Set big goals if you always achieve your goals easily. Set smaller goals if you struggle with your goals. Start with baby steps if you find your goals very challenging. Chunk them down into smaller goals so that you build on your success.

Write a list of all the things that usually stop you achieving your goals and tap on them. Keep tapping as the challenges appear. Look for patterns and tap on these especially.

Blessings for the year ahead.

Keep tapping!
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Getting Back To The Old Routine

For the first time in two months I feel like my old self again. I have moved into a temporary home whilst mine is refurbished post fire. I am finally back into my old routine and it feels so good! It feels like I have returned back to reality. Whilst things are not progressing as fast as I would like with my house, I am at least back to functioning on a day-to-day basis like I was before. I am so grateful to have had EFT in my life to help me through this difficult period.

This got me thinking about routines in general and how they affect us when they are changed (whether by choice or otherwise). Many teachers struggle at this time of year, having had 6 weeks off it can be difficult getting back into the new term routine.


Here is a tapping script that can help you if you are struggling to get back into your old routine or even start a new one!

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I’m struggling to get into my routine,  I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I can’t seem to get into the flow of things, I’m ok
  • Even though I’m finding it hard to get going again, I accept my feelings about this

Eyebrow: I’m struggling to get into this routine
Side of Eye: I can’t seem to get going again
Under Eye: I’m feeling stressed about my routine
Under Nose: Why does it seem so hard?
Chin: I feel anxious because my routine doesn’t feel right
Collarbone: Why is it so hard to get back into it?
Under Arm: I can’t seem to slip back into my routine
Top of Head: This routine feels so difficult

Eyebrow: I’m open to allowing it to happen at its own pace
Side of Eye: Maybe it will get easier
Under Eye: Maybe I’m thinking about it too much
Under Nose: What if I took the pressure off myself a bit
Chin: I know this is a good routine for me
Collarbone: Maybe it will feel more natural soon
Under Arm: What if I just relaxed more
Top of Head: I wonder if I can enjoy this transition period

Remember to use your words where they are more appropriate and keep tapping to clear out any negative feelings you have before you try the positive reframes.

At different times our energy levels change and sometimes activities flow easily and at other times they seem like a struggle. Acknowledge things around you that could be influencing you, e.g. your energy levels, other people’s moods, the weather etc.

Keep tapping until you feel like you are in the swing of things!

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New Years Resolutions vs Specific Goals

Happy New Year. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas. Wishing you a wonderful 2011.

It might just seem like a strange idea for me to suggest you don’t make any new year’s resolutions. I have good reasons:

  • People usually make them halfheartedly
  • They are usually very generic and not specific, e.g. lose weight, go to the gym more, eat more healthily
  • People set too many at the same time
  • Most people give up by the end of January

You see the trouble is, people often make new year’s resolutions not because they want to but because they feel they have to. People ask what your new year’s resolution is and they feel they have to give an answer.


Instead of just giving a generic answer like lose weight, how about you actually spend some time instead working out proper, specific goals. Use the SMART way of writing your goal – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Always include a date for your goal and a measurable outcome.

Think about what it is you actually want to achieve. How do you want to feel? So instead of just saying I want to lose weight, you could set a goal like this instead:

By 31st March 2011 I will weigh ………. (insert your goal weight).

Now write down how you will look, feel and any sounds that are important to your goal (e.g. hearing people congratulate you on how good you look). Put your goal somewhere where you will see it. Read it regularly.

If it seems too big, then break it down into smaller steps.

E.g. By 14th January I will weigh ……….(insert intermediate goal weight). Repeat these smaller goals, until you have achieved your bigger goal.

It is also important to congratulate yourself and celebrate your success. So have something specific in mind for when you have achieved your goal. For example, you could treat yourself to a new outfit when you have reached your ideal weight, or a new hairstyle. Whatever it is this will help with your motivation towards achieving your goal.

Write out your goals now and how you want to feel when you have achieved them. In upcoming articles I will be writing more about using EFT to help you lose weight. EFT can be used to help you achieve any goal. You can use EFT to help you if you are struggling with motivation, lack of confidence, not believing in yourself, failures in the past etc. It really is a flexible tool that can help you in many different ways to achieve your goals.

“A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

Here’s to your success.

“A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

How To Handle Change

One thing that is guaranteed in this world is change.  Sometimes it’s a change that we want and welcome.  Other times we have changes forced upon us and we fight them.  Even when it’s a change we want, we can experience resistance and negative emotions.  How do we deal with all of that?  EFT is there for us as usual, right at our fingertips.  Here’s a tapping script that you might find useful to help you cope with change.

Tap on the Karate Chop spot on either hand whilst repeating out loud these 3 setups (or change the words to suit your situation):

  • Even though this change feels so hard and uncomfortable, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I didn’t want this change and I don’t want to have to deal with it, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel
  • Even though this change feels so difficult and I want things to stay the way they are, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel

Eyebrow: This change is so difficult and uncomfortable
Side of eye: I’m so upset by this change
Under eye: I don’t want this change
Under nose: I didn’t choose this change
Chin: Changes never work out for me
Collarbone: I’m so resistant to this change
Under arm: I wish this change didn’t have to happen
Top of head: Why can’t things stay the same?

Repeat the above several times or change the words to suit how you feel, until you feel a reduction in the intensity. If you feel ready you can tap on these statements which focus on the solution:

Eyebrow: Maybe this change will be easier
Side of eye: Maybe this time the change is for the best
Under eye: What if this time it’ll be easier
Under nose: What if things work out ok for me this time
Chin: What if things go my way
Collarbone: What if it turns out even better than I expected
Under arm: What if it does work out for me
Top of head: What if this change turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to me

Repeat the tapping as necessary and use your own words where appropriate.  Tap on the specific changes that are happening in your life and how you feel about them, until you feel calmer and able to handle the situation.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Even though I’m worried of having a panic attack and not being able to handle it I choose to know I can get through it and feel normal again quickly


Even though I can’t handle having a panic attack and just want to take a tablet and go to bed to sleep it off, I choose to know it will pass and I can get through it


Even though I hate the feeling in my legs when I’m feeling anxious and having a panic attack I choose to get through it quickly and feel calm and normal again easily and quickly


Eyebrow: I worry I’ll have a panic attack

Side of Eye: I hate having these panic attacks

Under Eye: I wish I didn’t have these panic attacks

Under Nose: I hate feeling anxious

Chin: I can’t stand my legs feeling like jelly

Collarbone: I want to take a tablet and sleep it off when it starts

Under Arm: I just want to get away from these feelings

Crown of head: I just want it to be over


Now tap on the positives:

Eyebrow: I choose to be able to handle these strange feelings

Side of Eye: I know I’m ok even though I feel like this

Under Eye: I can get through this easily

Under Nose: My legs will feel normal again quickly

Chin: I know these feelings will pass quickly

Collarbone: It’ll all be over soon and I’m ok anyway

Under Arm: I choose to be able to handle these panic attacks

Crown of head: I can get through these panic attacks easily and quickly