What is your first reaction when you feel ill or feel pain?
Do you feel frustrated, sad, annoyed, angry or something else?
Your body is actually trying to tell you something. It could be telling you to:
Look after yourself (when was the last time you did that?)
Slow down
Exercise more (or less)
Eat better
Drink less alcohol
Say no more often
Reduce your stress etc.
So, how do you find out what the message is?
You need to listen.
I suggest you set aside some time and firstly tap on any emotions you feel about being ill or in pain. E.g.
Even though I feel really frustrated that I’ve got a pain in my guts…
Even though this stomach pain is killing me, I can’t let it stop me working…
Even though I’m angry my body has this burning stomach pain…
Tap on whatever emotions come up and keep going until you feel ok or you feel ready to listen to what the message is.
Then you can try tapping on being willing to listen and understand what your body needs. E.g.
Thank you body for this message
I’m willing to listen to my body
I’m open to listening to what my body needs
I’m sorry I haven’t been listening
Sorry I’ve been too busy to care for my body
I love & appreciate my body
I have done this work with clients and they always find it very helpful. Many have ‘light bulb’ moments where they realise what has been going on and how their body is trying to help them.
Do drop me an email, if you’d like some help with this.
I was tapping with a client recently who was working with a pain in her body. I had her imagine shining a light inside her shoulder and asked her what she saw. We then tapped on what she saw and she related that she had also had a dream involving a similar image in the past. I found that fascinating and we tapped on the emotions & images that came up around that.
Tapping on the physical symptoms can help but in my experience it pays to listen to your body and the message it is trying to give you. So try asking:
What does my body need?
What is this body part trying to tell me?
What emotion(s) are in my body part?
When did this pain start? What happened at that time? e.g. accident/stressful event
Is there a past trauma stuck in my body/body part?
Write down whatever comes up and tap on that. Keep tuning in to your body and asking it what it needs now? Keep listening to your body and tap on all aspects until they are all at zero.
It is always best to work with a practitioner for complex issues like trauma, so that you get the support you need.
Over 54,000 people have already registered for the Pain Relief World Summit.
If you haven’t yet go ahead and register here:
If you suffer from any type of physical pain you need to learn about this f.r.e.e
online event that is starting today that can have dramatic results in helping you eliminate your pain.
Back pain, neck pain, fibromylgia, joint pain, knee pain, muscle pain, whatever it is this event can help.
Many people put off going to the Dentist because of their fear. But what if your dental health is being adversely affected? EFT can really help get rid of your fear and help you look after yourself better.
My partner recently had to have a wisdom tooth out & a filling on the same day. He managed to get through this experience thanks to EFT. He tapped before he went for his fear, the fact that he is normally white knuckled and breaks out into a sweat. He didn’t experience any of his normal symptoms and sailed through his appointment. Normally he is quite tired after going because he has been so wired, but this time he just felt calm before, during and afterwards. Even when a piece of his tooth shot out of his mouth he remained calm – what a fantastic result!
Many fears like this start in childhood so it can be useful to look for any disturbing memories and work through them using the movie technique. You can then tap being specific as possible, e.g. the smells, sounds (e.g. the drill, the suction tube), sights (e.g. the needle), feeling vulnerable (i.e. lying in the chair with your mouth open) etc. Keep tapping on all the different aspects and work on any specific symptoms you experience e.g. gripping the chair with white knuckles, breaking out into a sweat or churning stomach.
Below is a sample script to get you started. Write down your fear on a scale of 0 -10 before you start (10 being maximum fear).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
Even though I hate going to the dentist because it is so scary, it always hurts and I hate being vulnerable like that, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
Even though I’d rather never go to the Dentist ever again, I do hate having tooth ache and I accept myself anyway
Even though I’m so scared of the Dentist and hate the sound of the drill, I accept my feelings about this anyway
Eyebrow: I hate going to the Dentist Side of Eye: Going to the Dentist is so scary Under Eye: I don’t know what they’ll do to me Under Nose: I hate lying there with my mouth wide open like that Chin: The sound of the drill makes my heart beat so fast Collarbone: And my body breaks out into a sweat Under Arm: I have to grip the seat so tight Top of Head: I’m so scared of having any work done
Eyebrow: In the waiting room, I’m anticipating the worst Side of Eye: I start sweating and my stomach starts churning Under Eye: I hate feeling so vulnerable lying in the chair Under Nose: I don’t know what the Dentist is going to do to me Chin: All that poking and prodding freaks me out Collarbone: It hurts when the Dentist prods me like that Under Arm: What if I need a filling Top of Head: Injections and the drill freak me right out
Eyebrow: Maybe I can feel better about this Side of Eye: What if I felt calmer in the chair Under Eye: What if I trusted the Dentist Under Nose: Maybe I can relax my body Chin: Maybe I can breathe slowly and deeply Collarbone: What if I remained calm Under Arm: What if it was easier than I thought Top of Head: Maybe it doesn’t have to be so bad
Remember to keep tapping on the different aspects of your fear. When you feel you have cleared them all, test by visualising yourself going to the Dentist. If it all feels ok and your body remains calm then great. If something comes up, it just means you just have more tapping to do. Try to imagine all possible scenarios to fully test this. If you find during your next visit to the Dentist, your fear still comes up then you can do some tapping right there to clear it. You can always use mental tapping or finger tapping if you don’t want other people to see you tapping.
Does your period feel like a “monthly curse”? Is your menstrual cycle a bane in your life?
Do you get irritable, tired, emotional, sensitive and feel like crying at the slightest little thing?
Do you get severe menstrual cramps or period pains?
Do you feel physically and mentally drained?
Not just me then! If you would like to skip work, head for your bed and hide under your duvet with a hot water bottle each month, then this is for you!
Here is a tapping script that I hope will help you if you are suffering from menstrual cramps. Firstly write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 (where 10 is maximum pain/discomfort).
Even though my period feels like a curse every month, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
Even though I feel so emotional and the slightest thing upsets me when I have my period, I accept my feelings about this
Even though I get these really bad menstrual cramps and I just want to curl up into a ball, I still love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: My periods feel like a curse every month Side of eye: I hate having my period Under eye: I get these really bad menstrual cramps Under nose: I can’t concentrate when I’ve got these period pains Chin: All I want to do is curl up into a ball Collarbone: These menstrual cramps are dragging me down Under arm: It feels like my insides are being dragged out of me Top of head: I find it hard to do anything when these cramps are this bad
Eyebrow: If someone looks at me funny, I’ll burst into tears Side of eye: I feel so emotional Under eye: These menstrual cramps are killing me Under nose: I feel so drained by these period pains Chin: It’s so tiring having these cramps Collarbone: This pain in my ovaries is making me feel so drained Under arm: I just want to go to bed with a hot water bottle Top of head: I hate going to work when I feel like this
Eyebrow: I wonder if I could feel better Side of eye: Maybe I can tap away this pain Under eye: I’m open to feeling better Under nose: What if I could concentrate easier Chin: Maybe I can feel calmer and more balanced Collarbone: Maybe I can still function when I have my period Under arm: What if my pain felt easier Top of head: I’m open to feeling better when I have my period
Take a nice deep breath. Re-assess your score. Keep on tapping and use your words where appropriate. E.g. if you feel you have a dark cloud hanging over you when you have your period, then use these words. If you feel your period pains feel like a red-hot poker digging in your back then use these words! You get the idea!