What is your first reaction when you feel ill or feel pain?
Do you feel frustrated, sad, annoyed, angry or something else?
Your body is actually trying to tell you something. It could be telling you to:
- Look after yourself (when was the last time you did that?)
- Slow down
- Exercise more (or less)
- Eat better
- Drink less alcohol
- Say no more often
- Reduce your stress etc.
So, how do you find out what the message is?
You need to listen.

I suggest you set aside some time and firstly tap on any emotions you feel about being ill or in pain. E.g.
- Even though I feel really frustrated that I’ve got a pain in my guts…
- Even though this stomach pain is killing me, I can’t let it stop me working…
- Even though I’m angry my body has this burning stomach pain…
Tap on whatever emotions come up and keep going until you feel ok or you feel ready to listen to what the message is.
Then you can try tapping on being willing to listen and understand what your body needs. E.g.
- Thank you body for this message
- I’m willing to listen to my body
- I’m open to listening to what my body needs
- I’m sorry I haven’t been listening
- Sorry I’ve been too busy to care for my body
- I love & appreciate my body
I have done this work with clients and they always find it very helpful. Many have ‘light bulb’ moments where they realise what has been going on and how their body is trying to help them.
Do drop me an email, if you’d like some help with this.
Keep tapping