Happy New Year 2024

Welcome to the new year. I hope that you enjoyed your Christmas (if you celebrate) or enjoyed some time off. It is so important to make time to rest. If we follow nature more closely, winter is the perfect time to rest more. It is not the best time to set new year resolutions or for starting new projects. So why not kick back and relax instead of feeling like you need to lose weight, join a gym or learn a new language.

Happy new year 2024

How about realising that you don’t need to do these things just because others are. It is much better to postpone these things until a time that feels right for you. If you follow nature’s pattern, Spring is a much better time to start new things. Lighter, longer days, brighter weather (hopefully) and more energy. I am still in full snuggle, hibernation mode. Embracing lots of candles and blankets and cosy fires.

So don’t let society push you into setting resolutions that you will probably give up on in less than 2 weeks because you don’t have the energy right now. Instead, take stock, rest and recharge as best you can. Save your new beginnings for when you have more energy and feel like it’s the right time for YOU.

Here are some self-care things you might like to try instead:

  • Enjoy reading a good book
  • Walk in nature
  • Listen to relaxing music
  • Take a long bath
  • Book a treatment or massage
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Eat comforting, warming food
  • Cosy up by the fire or with candles
  • Watch an old favourite movie

Best wishes
