In the midst of a recession it is not surprising to hear that a lot of people are having money worries right now. Many people are feeling very stressed about money and whilst I can’t guarantee your income will increase with tapping, you can deal with the associated stress, anxiety, fears and other emotions that come up.
From a law of attraction point of view what we focus on is what we get. So if you are constantly focusing on lack of money then that is what you get. I’ll include some suggestions to address that, after the tapping script.
Firstly, assess how you are feeling. On a scale of 0 – 10 how do you feel about not having enough money? 10 being the most stressed/worried/scared etc. Write down the emotion(s) you feel too, scoring each one if there are multiple feelings.
- Even though I don’t have enough money right now and it is such a struggle to keep up with all the bills, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
- Even though money is so tight, there’s never enough, I accept my feelings about this
- Even though I’m so stressed because we just don’t have enough money coming in and it’s getting worse every month, I still love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: There isn’t enough money coming in
Side of eye: I’m so stressed about money
Under eye: I’m scared we can’t pay all the bills every month
Under nose: I hate having these money worries
Chin: I have sleepless nights because of money
Collarbone: My stomach churns at night because I’m worrying about money
Under arm: I’m scared because we never have enough
Top of head: I’m working really hard and there still isn’t enough
Eyebrow: I don’t know what else to do
Side of eye: It’s so draining worrying about money all the time
Under eye: I’ll never have enough money
Under nose: I hate struggling to pay the bills
Chin: I never have any luxuries
Collarbone: It’s hard enough just paying for the essentials
Under arm: I’m so fed up of all this money stress
Top of head: This money stress is a burden on my back
Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this money stress go
Side of eye: Worrying about money is not helping
Under eye: I’m open to changing these feelings today
Under nose: What if I can let go of this fear about money
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about money
Collarbone: Maybe I can sleep peacefully at night
Under arm: Maybe I can let this stress in my stomach go
Top of head: I’m open to feeling calmer about money
Repeat the tapping, until you feel calmer and your scores are down to zero. As usual use your words where they are more appropriate.
What message are you sending to the Universe? Notice when you say things like:
- I can’t afford it
- We don’t have enough money for that
- That is too expensive
By saying these things we are sending the message of lack to the Universe. Try changing your responses to a more positive response, e.g.
- I have other priorities for my money at the moment
- We’re keeping some money aside for X
- I’ve seen a better value product somewhere else
Gently remind yourself to focus on what you do have, rather than what you don’t. Keep on tapping on all those negative money emotions!
Talk soon!
07866 013 637