How To be More Mindful This Autumn

Autumn Mindfulness

Yay! It’s Autumn. One of my favourite times of year. It’s also the perfect time of year to be more mindful. I will share with you some tips on how to be more mindful at this time of year…


Autumn Mindfulness
Autumn Mindfulness

Mindful in Nature

Nature is putting on a spectacular show for us right now. So, time to tune in, slow down and appreciate the beauty around us.

Notice the amazing colours of the leaves as they transform. From yellow to orange to red to burgundy. The colours in Autumn are just incredible. I love to notice the transformation of certain trees that I see every day. One minute the leaves are all green and the next they are yellow or orange.

Autumn Mindfulness
Amazing Autumn Colours

You can also walk mindfully amongst the fallen leaves. Remember when you were a kid and you used to walk through the leaves, kicking them up. Why not do that now? Listen to the rustle of the leaves, watch the colours and textures as they fall. Feel the crisp air on your skin and the wind blowing your hair.

Candle Meditation

Autumn is the start of the days getting shorter and the nights getting longer. I love to light candles in the evening and this is a great way to do a little mindful meditation.

Watch the flickering flame for awhile and then close your eyes. Picture the candle in your minds eye. If you can’t “see” it then open your eyes slightly so that you can just physically see the flame. Then bring your attention to your breath, watch the full breath coming and going. Focus on the candle in your minds eye whilst breathing calmly and deeply. Finish off by offering up your gratitude for the candle, the light and warmth of the flame and anything else you are grateful for in your life.

Candle Meditation
Candle Meditation

Autumn Mindful Eating

With the colder weather our minds turn to comforting and warming food. Soups, stews and casseroles are perfect at this time of year. You can be more mindful whilst preparing your food – lots of peeling and chopping to do! Be more mindful as you eat too – savour the smell, look, texture and taste – especially of your first bite.

“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower”

Albert Camus

Enjoy being more mindful this Autumn 🙂


What brings you Joy?

Just wanted to share the joy I felt today. It really felt that spring has sprung. I went out for a walk first thing and it was quite chilly. Later on I visited a nearby park to see if the spring flowers were out…and they were.

Spring flowers
Spring flowers

The sky was blue, the sun was shining and the crocuses and snowdrops were out in abundance 🙂 My favourite the daffodils weren’t yet poking their heads out!

I spent some time walking & pondering the magnificence of nature. I felt true gratitude for the flowers, trees, birds, sun and blue sky. So that got me thinking about what else brings me joy and how I can cultivate that feeling on a regular basis.

So spend a few minutes thinking about what brings you joy. Decide to seek out the things, people or places that bring you joy. Appreciate them and they will show up more in your life.

If you are feeling a lack of joy in your life at the moment, then acknowledge that too and tap on whatever is causing that. Your life might be difficult at the moment, but if you could notice some little things that bring you joy, you might just begin to feel better.

Wishing you more joy in your world.

Keep tapping.

Connecting With Nature

So I was feeling kind of wobbly and a bit out of sorts. My usual “tool” would be to start tapping. Today felt different. I felt like I needed to get out and get some fresh air. It was cold and starting to sleet. I wrapped myself up in coat, hood and gloves and started walking. I walked in my local park and connected with the river. I stood and just watched it. I felt the constancy of the water flowing. I felt the wonderful energy of the water, trees and plants.

Daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses were starting to appear. I felt a wonderful sense of aliveness and new life. I breathed in deeply and appreciated everything around me. Everything else just seemed to disappear. My problems faded into the background.

Today I was helped by mother nature and I felt very grateful for this experience.

Flowing River
Flowing River

I know that EFT is always there for me. Sometimes a walk in the park can help too. Sometimes combining the two is even more powerful – tapping in nature, surrounded by all that wonderful energy 🙂

Do you have somewhere special where you go to connect with nature and indeed yourself? I’d love to hear your experiences too.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Take 5

With life rushing by us at such a hectic pace, it is hard to take time out. But we can all manage to find 5 minutes for ourselves in a day. What to do with that 5 minutes?

  • You can sit quietly and just breathe – watch your breath going in and out
  • You can tap several rounds on an issue that bothering you
  • You can just tap – don’t tune in to anything in particular and don’t say anything – just tap
  • You can tap in some positive affirmations
  • You can tap in some gratitude – speak out loud all the things you are grateful for

You see, you don’t need an hour. Most people would struggle to find that amount of time for themselves every day. Even the busiest of people can find 5 minutes a day.

Take 5
Take 5

I hope this encourages you to take some much-needed time for yourself. We all face so many pressures, demands and stress. It is so important to do something to combat that every day. Doing something that takes just 5 minutes is one way of ensuring we do something beneficial.

What suggestions do you have for doing something for yourself in just 5 minutes a day?

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Sharing My Gratitude of EFT

I’d like to share my gratitude for EFT. EFT has really changed my life for the better. I know that any challenge I face does not have to overwhelm me or fill me with anxiety or fear. I can tap on it.

I know that when I feel a bit stressed, I can tap it away.

I know that when I feel upset or harassed or even right pissed off, I can tap on it.

I know that when I don’t feel like tapping, I can even tap on that too!

I’m grateful I have this amazing flexible tool at my fingertips anytime I need it.

I’m grateful I can tap away my fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, stress, sadness, pain etc.

I’m grateful that EFT allows me to really feel my feelings, to acknowledge them and accept them, without judgement.

I’m really grateful to have EFT in my life. I hope that you learn this amazing tool and use it for your benefit like I have.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637