So I was feeling kind of wobbly and a bit out of sorts. My usual “tool” would be to start tapping. Today felt different. I felt like I needed to get out and get some fresh air. It was cold and starting to sleet. I wrapped myself up in coat, hood and gloves and started walking. I walked in my local park and connected with the river. I stood and just watched it. I felt the constancy of the water flowing. I felt the wonderful energy of the water, trees and plants.
Daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses were starting to appear. I felt a wonderful sense of aliveness and new life. I breathed in deeply and appreciated everything around me. Everything else just seemed to disappear. My problems faded into the background.
Today I was helped by mother nature and I felt very grateful for this experience.

I know that EFT is always there for me. Sometimes a walk in the park can help too. Sometimes combining the two is even more powerful – tapping in nature, surrounded by all that wonderful energy 🙂
Do you have somewhere special where you go to connect with nature and indeed yourself? I’d love to hear your experiences too.
Keep tapping
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Yeah… 🙂 I have a place I go to. It’s a small lake surrounded by forest, it’s so peaceful up there. I love it.
Thanks for sharing Jeanette. 🙂 Blessings, Lou