Happy New Year…a little late perhaps. But I would genuinely like to wish you all the very best for 2015. Have you set resolutions and dropped them already?

That’s why I choose not to set resolutions myself. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the resolutions buzz and then not really commit to them. Some people make loads of resolutions and then give up simply because it’s not practical to quit smoking, lose weight, get fit and find a new job all at the same time! Too many changes all at once spell disaster.
If you really want to change your life, in my opinion you need to do it gradually. Here are my top 5 tips:
- Commit to the change
- Be accountable (your friend, family, colleagues or coach can help you with this)
- Take baby steps
- Use #EFT to eliminate your fears, blocks etc
- Celebrate small milestones along the way
If you would like some help making changes this year, then I am here to help. I offer 121 sessions in Exeter and Tavistock in Devon and Skype sessions worldwide.
Keep tapping & I wish you a truly happy, healthy and successful 2015.