Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy, peaceful Christmas.
I’ll be doing some tapping on Christmas day to send peace, love and health to those less fortunate than myself.
Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the day, why not spend a few minutes being truly grateful for everything you have – your family and friends, your home, the food on your table, your job, your health, the clothes you wear, your presents. We spend so much time wanting the latest gadgets, clothes, car etc that we forget what’s really important. So take some time this year and be truly grateful.
Feeling Grateful
There’s always something to be grateful for
Every day of your life
There’s always something to be grateful for
Regardless of the strife
For some it may be easy to find
For others it may not be so
Yet there’s always something to be grateful for
So why not give it a go
For when you’re feeling grateful
Joy wells up inside
When you’re feeling grateful
Joy can no longer hide
Joy’s in everyone
Shining like the sun
Sometimes hidden from view
Yet always there for you
By Ruth Gilmore – my wonderful friend. I’m truly grateful to have you in my life.
What are you grateful for?