Well this year has sure been a challenging one and I expect it will be a different Christmas. No-one could predict the global pandemic and how long it would go on for. We’ve been in and out of several lockdowns and had to contend with different tiers and family or friends out of sync with us.
What Have You Missed?
What have you missed the most? We might have missed our freedom, being able to eat out, go for a coffee or travel. I have missed my family and friends the most. I have also missed that spontaneity – just being able to pop out to the shop or for a coffee. At the moment I feel I need a checklist before I go out – mask, hand sanitiser etc. Several times I have had to turn around to go back and get a mask!
Appreciate What We Have
There are still lots of things we can appreciate. Our health, our jobs, our family and friends, nature, our home, garden etc. So spend a bit of time towards the end of this weird year, reflecting on what you do have and what you can be grateful for.
Appreciate Nature this Christmas
Merry Christmas
I know that this year our Christmas and new year celebration might not be what we want or planned. It will be different for sure! We can though, make the most of it and appreciate still being here to celebrate it. If we can’t physically see our family and friends at least we can see them via Zoom etc. So do your best to enjoy yourself and appreciate what you do have. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and hoping that 2021 will bring us all a better year!
Merry Christmas
I have some space to offer Distance Reiki, EFT or Mindfulness over the Christmas period, so if you need a bit of a boost, then please get in touch.
Christmas 2018 is almost upon us. Remember to take some time for yourself. It can get a bit crazy with shopping, wrapping, cooking and travelling to do.
Nobody pushes our buttons like our family. So take a deep breath whenever tension rises. A quick meditation or some tapping can really help us calm down.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. I look forward to sharing with you in 2019.
My last post of this year is to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thank you very much for reading my blog this year. If you would like me to address a topic please send me an email. I would love to hear from you.
Merry Christmas
Remember to look after yourself this Christmas! Self care is so important and we can’t keep giving to others without charging our own batteries. So please take some time out just for you. Even 5 minutes of tapping can help us when tensions run high if the family dynamics are challenging 🙂
Well, here it is – Christmas 2016. Wishing you a truly wonderful Christmas. I hope that you enjoy the time with your family and friends. I am looking forward to catching up with my family and friends and enjoying lots of quality time with my husband and step daughter.
Remember to tap if you start to feel overwhelmed. All you need to do is to focus on what it is that you are feeling. So if it is stress or overwhelm having too much to do then focus on that. Notice where in your body you feel that stress (e.g. tightness in your chest) and use that in your tapping, e.g.
Even though I feel so stressed and I still have so much to do, I choose to accept myself anyway
Even though I feel tightness and restriction in my chest when I think of all I still have to do for Christmas, I accept my feelings
Even though my chest is so tight and I’m so stressed because I still have too much to do, I accept this is how I feel right now
Keep tapping and tapping! You will probably need a few rounds of tapping and remember to keep changing the words as your feelings and body sensations change. Daily tapping might be helpful 🙂
I also highly recommend getting away from everyone (even for 5 minutes) and doing some mindful meditation. Just focus on your breathing. Bring your awareness to your inhalation and your exhalation, noticing the full breath. Notice where you are holding any tension and breathe into that area. See if you can relax the tension on your out breath. Repeat as necessary!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas 2015. I hope that you have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas with your family and friends.
Remember that you can tap if it all gets too much for you. Just find a quiet spot for 5 minutes and tap on anything that is upsetting or overwhelming you.
I recommend daily tapping anyway to keep your energy flowing and to ensure your emotions are balanced.
It’s Christmas time. Parties, meals out with friends and colleagues. Visits from family. It can be really hard not to overindulge at Christmas!
Not just with food or sweets but alcohol too. So how do you remain polite and social without overindulging? Impossible right?
It doesn’t have to be. But don’t rely on your willpower because that is bound to be challenged at this time of year!
Instead, you need to do some tapping. Whatever it is that you find hardest to resist, start with that. So, for example, if you find it really hard to resist chocolate at the best of times, let alone Christmas, then tap on that.
Christmas Chocolates
Even though it’s really hard to resist all these wonderful chocolates, I deeply & completely accept myself anyway
Even though I find it impossible to not eat chocolates at Christmas, I choose to be able to just have one
Even though it’s so hard to say no to chocolates, when they’re everywhere at Christmas, I choose to be able control how many I eat
Be as specific as possible, so if it’s Roses that really do it for you, then use that. E.g. Even though I can’t just have one Roses from the tin…what if I could?
Then try tapping on what triggers you to eat the chocolates – this could be certain thoughts or emotions or stress. E.g.
Even though the deadlines are looming at work and I feel so stressed and keep reaching for the chocolates, I choose to stay calm and eat some fruit instead.
Even though I still have loads of Christmas shopping to do and wrapping and cooking and it’s all too much for me so I keep stuffing my face with chocolates, what if I can relax and get it all done?
Please do try to help yourself as much as possible. So bring some healthy snacks to eat at the office instead of succumbing to the chocolates. You could also try moving the chocolate tin to a different part of the office if they’re too tempting by your desk!
The other kind of tapping you can do is being able to say that magic word – NO! Many people struggle to say it and before they know it they’re going to every event happening, when really they’d rather be at home for most of them. So tune in what makes it hard for you to say no & tap on that. E.g.
Even though I find it hard to say no to people (or use their name), because I don’t like to let them down and I feel guilty, what if I could respect my needs instead.
I hope that this has given you some ideas to help you stop overindulging this Christmas.
Well Christmas 2013 is almost upon us! My log fire is burning, Christmas tunes are playing and I’m excited about catching up with my family and friends. I hope that you are feeling the joy too…if not then please take some time to tap. So many people forget that they have this amazing tool at their fingertips. So here are some reminders to help you stay calm this Christmas time:
Tap if you are still running around doing your Christmas shopping
Finger tap if you are stuck in a queue or suffering trolley rage in a supermarket
Tap if you can’t find the “right” presents
Tap when you are feeling stressed about getting everything done
Finger tap if you are stuck in traffic or can’t find a parking space
Tap on any money worries you have
Tap when you are feeling angry, frustrated etc with family not helping
Use tapping if you are getting stuck in the middle of family disputes or arguments
Tap if you feel overwhelmed
Remember you can finger tap discreetly practically anywhere, anytime. Take yourself off to the bathroom if it is all feeling too much and spend 5 minutes tapping until you feel calmer.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and happy, healthy New Year.
Merry Christmas
If you would like a one to one session with me, please drop me a line. I offer sessions face to face or via Skype.
The Christmas build-up has started! The decorations are up in the town centres, shops are getting busier and the stress has started to build! Have you felt it yet? Well, if not – lucky you! If you have then it is time to start some tapping…
Here are some ideas to help you with the Christmas build-up stress:
Even though I’m starting to feel stressed about Christmas, I’m ok
Even though I haven’t started shopping yet, there’s still time
Even though the thought of going Christmas shopping stresses me out, I choose to be able to stay calm
Even though I hate all the crowds and the rushing about, I choose to remain calm
Even though I feel stressed by all the people pushing and shoving, I choose to remain in my own little bubble
Even though it’s so stressful having to do all this preparation, I accept myself anyway
Even though my stress levels are starting to soar, what if I could feel calmer
Even though there’s not enough time to get everything done, I choose to manage ok
Even though I do this to myself every year and NEVER learn, I’m open to that changing
I hope that this helps you stay a little calmer as you do your Christmas shopping and preparations!
Keep tapping
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas indeed. I hope you enjoy your day with your family and friends.
Remember to tap if the tension starts to rise between family members or you find yourself having to try too hard to keep the peace or the kids get out of control!
Wishing you lots of love, peace & joy this Christmas and the year ahead.
I know you say it every year to yourself…next year I will start my Christmas shopping and preparation earlier. I’ve done it myself. Well sometimes things come up that you weren’t expecting or time just seems to fly by and before you know it Christmas is only 10 days away and there is still much to do! Stay calm.
Instead of getting stressed or having a flap, why not take some time out and do some tapping. Yes I know you’ve got a million and one other things to do…but 5 or 10 minutes can make a difference! You’ll feel better afterwards and probably be able to think clearer.
Rate your current stress level and then try tapping along with the following:
Even though I’ve left things too late again, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
Even though I’m feeling stressed because I didn’t start my shopping in time, I’m open to giving myself a break
Even though I’m so stressed because I’ve got far too much to do and not enough time, I’m ok
Eyebrow: I should’ve started earlier Side of Eye: Why do I always leave it to the last-minute Under Eye: It makes me so stressed every year Under Nose: It’s so stressful why don’t I plan things better Chin: I promised myself I’d start earlier this year Collarbone: Why is it so hard for me to stick to my plans Under Arm: It’s so stressful at this time of year Top of Head: I don’t have enough time left to finish all my shopping and preparations
Eyebrow: I’m open to letting it be easier Side of Eye: Maybe I can get it all done Under Eye: Maybe if I plan things better, I’ll feel less stressed Under Nose: What if I got some help Chin: I can choose to feel different Collarbone: Maybe I can feel calmer Under Arm: What if I got myself better organised Top of Head: I’m open to getting all my shopping done and staying calm
Remember to keep tapping until you feel better. Notice your stress level after the tapping. Focus on any particular aspects that are stressing you out. If it is all the Christmas cards you have to write then tap on that. If it is all the hustle and bustle at the shops that really stresses you out then focus on that. You get the idea – be more specific with your tapping.
I know, you said you wouldn’t do it this year. But it is very difficult not to over-indulge at Christmas. When you visit family especially they always seem to insist you eat and drink a lot! Even if you don’t necessarily eat more, what you do eat tends to be richer and more calorie laden! You try your best and yet you somehow manage to put on at least a few pounds. Well now that the new year is here, it’s time to shift those extra Christmas pounds.
So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you. Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum guilt/disappointment etc).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
Even though I feel so guilty for putting on weight at Christmas again, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
Even though I feel disappointed with myself because I over-indulged again, I’m willing to forgive myself
Even though I feel sad that I’ve put this weight on, when I was doing so well, I love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: Why did I have to over-indulge? Side of Eye: I’m so disappointed with myself Under Eye: I feel so guilty that I ate too much Under Nose: Why do I put weight on so easily Chin: I feel sad now when I look in the mirror Collarbone: Getting on the scales makes me mad with myself Under Arm: I should have had more self-control Top of Head: I should have tried harder to say no
Eyebrow: But it’s so difficult with all the parties Side of Eye: Everyone else is eating and drinking Under Eye: I feel so bad when I try to not do the same Under Nose: I feel pressured to eat as much as everyone else Chin: It seems rude to not eat at a party Collarbone: When they’ve gone to all that trouble Under Arm: I hate myself for eating too much Top of Head: I find it so hard to stop eating once I start
Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently Side of Eye: What if I could give myself a break Under Eye: Maybe I did my best under the circumstances Under Nose: Christmas is a tempting time Chin: What if I can shift these extra Christmas pounds Collarbone: Maybe I can lose this extra weight easily Under Arm: What if I enjoyed losing this Christmas weight Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I shift these Christmas pounds
Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel any guilt, disappointment or sadness. If you feel a craving for a specific food then tap along with my video. If you would like some help losing weight with EFT then please do get in touch.
I know, you said you wouldn’t do it this year. But it is very difficult not to over-indulge at Christmas. When you visit family especially they always seem to insist you eat and drink a lot! Even if you don’t necessarily eat more, what you do eat tends to be richer and more calorie laden! You try your best and yet you somehow manage to put on at least a few pounds. Well now that the new year is here, it’s time to shift those extra Christmas pounds.
So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you. Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum guilt/disappointment etc).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
Even though I feel so guilty for putting on weight at Christmas again, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
Even though I feel disappointed with myself because I over-indulged again, I’m willing to forgive myself
Even though I feel sad that I’ve put this weight on, when I was doing so well, I love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: Why did I have to over-indulge?
Side of Eye: I’m so disappointed with myself
Under Eye: I feel so guilty that I ate too much Under Nose: Why do I put weight on so easily
Chin: I feel sad now when I look in the mirror Collarbone: Getting on the scales makes me mad with myself
Under Arm: I should have had more self-control
Top of Head: I should have tried harder to say no
Eyebrow: But it’s so difficult with all the parties Side of Eye: Everyone else is eating and drinking
Under Eye: I feel so bad when I try to not do the same Under Nose: I feel pressured to eat as much as everyone else
Chin: It seems rude to not eat at a party
Collarbone: When they’ve gone to all that trouble
Under Arm: I hate myself for eating too much
Top of Head: I find it so hard to stop eating once I start
Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently Side of Eye: What if I could give myself a break Under Eye: Maybe I did my best under the circumstances Under Nose: Christmas is a tempting time
Chin: What if I can shift these extra Christmas pounds
Collarbone: Maybe I can lose this extra weight easily Under Arm: What if I enjoyed losing this Christmas weight
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I shift these Christmas pounds
Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel any guilt, disappointment or sadness. If you feel a craving for a specific food then tap along with my video. If you would like some help losing weight with EFT then please do get in touch.
It is that busy time of year again! There is always lots to do – presents to buy and wrap, food to prepare, parties to attend, work to complete, family to visit etc. We can feel like we are being pulled in all different directions and like there is not enough hours in the day! We often feel overwhelmed and stressed and can get so caught up in the material things that we forget the spirit of Christmas (and I’m not talking about the alcoholic variety).
Christmas tree
So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you. Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum stress/overwhelm etc).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
Even though I’m so stressed about Christmas and everything I have to do, I still deeply and completely accept myself
Even though I still have loads of shopping to do, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
Even though I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list, I love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: I’m stressed about Christmas Side of Eye: I’m so overwhelmed by my to-do list Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do Under Nose: And not enough hours in the day Chin: I’ll never get it all done Collarbone: Why didn’t I start earlier? Under Arm: I always leave it to the last minute Top of Head: It’s always a rush and panic at the end
Eyebrow: I wish I could plan things better Side of Eye: Why do I have to do everything anyway? Under Eye: I feel so stressed, I’ve got so much to do Under Nose: I don’t have the time to buy all the presents, Chin: all the food, prepare the house, do the wrapping Collarbone: It’s all too much for me to do Under Arm: I hate feeling so stressed about Christmas Top of Head: I can’t enjoy myself because I’ve got too much to do
Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently Side of Eye: What if could prioritise my to-do list Under Eye: Maybe I can get some help off my family Under Nose: Maybe I can take some time out to prioritise Chin: What if I can feel calmer about my to-do list Collarbone: Maybe I can get it all done if my family helps me Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I do all these things
Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel calmer and more centered.
EFT is always there for us right at our fingertips, ready to help us when we need it. Remember that you need to look after yourself this Christmas. Making some time every day (even for 5 minutes) will help you stay calm and able to cope with all the extra things you need to do at this busy time of year.
It is that busy time of year again! There is always lots to do – presents to buy and wrap, food to prepare, parties to attend, work to complete, family to visit etc. We can feel like we are being pulled in all different directions and like there is not enough hours in the day! We often feel overwhelmed and stressed and can get so caught up in the material things that we forget the spirit of Christmas (and I’m not talking about the alcoholic variety).
So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you. Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum stress/overwhelm etc).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
Even though I’m so stressed about Christmas and everything I have to do, I still deeply and completely accept myself
Even though I still have loads of shopping to do, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
Even though I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list, I love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: I’m stressed about Christmas
Side of Eye: I’m so overwhelmed by my to-do list
Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do Under Nose: And not enough hours in the day
Chin: I’ll never get it all done Collarbone: Why didn’t I start earlier?
Under Arm: I always leave it to the last minute
Top of Head: It’s always a rush and panic at the end
Eyebrow: I wish I could plan things better Side of Eye: Why do I have to do everything anyway?
Under Eye: I feel so stressed, I’ve got so much to do Under Nose: I don’t have the time to buy all the presents,
Chin: all the food, prepare the house, do the wrapping
Collarbone: It’s all too much for me to do
Under Arm: I hate feeling so stressed about Christmas
Top of Head: I can’t enjoy myself because I’ve got too much to do
Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently Side of Eye: What if could prioritise my to-do list Under Eye: Maybe I can get some help off my family Under Nose: Maybe I can take some time out to prioritise
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about my to-do list
Collarbone: Maybe I can get it all done if my family helps me Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I do all these things
Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel calmer and more centered.
Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy, peaceful Christmas.
I’ll be doing some tapping on Christmas day to send peace, love and health to those less fortunate than myself.
Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the day, why not spend a few minutes being truly grateful for everything you have – your family and friends, your home, the food on your table, your job, your health, the clothes you wear, your presents. We spend so much time wanting the latest gadgets, clothes, car etc that we forget what’s really important. So take some time this year and be truly grateful.
Feeling Grateful
There’s always something to be grateful for
Every day of your life
There’s always something to be grateful for
Regardless of the strife
For some it may be easy to find
For others it may not be so
Yet there’s always something to be grateful for
So why not give it a go
For when you’re feeling grateful
Joy wells up inside
When you’re feeling grateful
Joy can no longer hide
Joy’s in everyone
Shining like the sun
Sometimes hidden from view
Yet always there for you
By Ruth Gilmore – my wonderful friend. I’m truly grateful to have you in my life.
Christmas should be a wonderful time of year. Spending time with loved ones, giving and receiving gifts and sharing special meals with friends. In reality though, there is often a lot of stress and anxiety involved. There is too much to do in too little time, worries about not having enough money, fears and anxieties about not getting the “right” presents for people, whether the food will be cooked to perfection, will Aunt Joan wind up your father-in-law….and the list goes on.
So instead of just ploughing through the list of chores and letting the stress pile up so that it makes it almost impossible for you to enjoy the festive season, I suggest you make a little time for some different preparations…preparing you!
Tapping Script for Christmas Peace:
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
Even though I’ve got way too much to do and not enough time to do it in and I’m feeling really stressed about Christmas, I accept how I feel
Even though I’m worried that I won’t get it all finished in time, I accept myself and how I feel about this Christmas
Even though I don’t know how I’m going to pay for Christmas this year and it’s so hard finding presents on a budget, I deeply and completely accept myself and all my feelings of inadequacy
Eyebrow: I’ve still got way too many things to do Side of Eye: I should’ve started shopping earlier Under Eye: Why didn’t I get more organised Under Nose: I’ve left it to the last minute again Under Chin: I’m so stressed about Christmas Collarbone: I don’t get enough help with all the preparations Under Arm: When will I learn to start preparing earlier Top of Head: I’ve got too many presents to buy still
Eyebrow: I’m going to be working so hard on Christmas Eve Side of Eye: I don’t think I’ve bought the right presents for people Under Eye: There’s too much pressure on me Under Nose: I can’t afford Christmas! Under Chin: I don’t have enough money to buy presents Collarbone: Why can’t my husband/wife/partner help me? Under Arm: Christmas is too stressful Top of Head: I hate all this pressure to do everything perfectly
Eyebrow: What if I could stop feeling so stressed Side of Eye: Maybe if I was calmer, I’d get more done Under Eye: What if I wrote a list and get more organised Under Nose: Maybe I can get some help Under Chin: Maybe I’m putting too much pressure on myself Collarbone: What if I appreciated the really important things Under Arm: What if I don’t have to do everything perfectly Top of Head: What if I made some thoughtful presents instead of buying stuff people don’t want anyway
Keep tapping until you feel calm and peaceful. If any particular stress or anxieties come up then make sure that you tap on them too.
Tapping Suggestions:
Not having enough money to buy presents, food, drink, party clothes etc
Worries about spending time with certain family members, arguments
Losing the real meaning of Christmas and all the commercialism
Missing a loved one or being separated from loved ones at Christmas
Not having enough time to relax, pressures of having to visit lots of people etc
Having to travel long distances
I wish you a wonderful, calm and peaceful Christmas!