There are plenty of sceptical people out there who don’t believe we have an energy system, let alone that something like EFT can actually heal us. One thing that does seem to convince even sceptical people is if they try it on a physical issue. Many people have been pleasantly surprised when their headache disappeared, or their back pain was dramatically reduced.
My response is – just try it…what have you got to lose? Only some time. There are plenty of free EFT manuals out there (if you want to download mine just sign up to my informative newsletter and it’s yours
Once you have the manual, you can try EFT for free in the comfort of your own home. My advice is to try it on something physical e.g. headache, back pain, cold etc. I wouldn’t recommend trying it on your long-standing illness on your own (get some help from a qualified practitioner!).
I have two recent experiences where EFT worked beautifully on physical issues. The first was an “unidentified” ulcer/cold sore on my lip. This appeared on Monday afternoon. I didn’t know what it was, but it looked like an ulcer on my lip – I suspected a cold sore but it wasn’t tingling and besides, I haven’t had one for about 20 years. So I tapped on:
Even though this “thing” on my lip has appeared on my lip from nowhere, I accept myself anyway.
Even though I have this ulcer on my lower right lip, my body has a wonderful healing ability and can easily deal with this.
Even though this thing on my lip is hurting, I’m grateful for the amazing healing ability of my body.
Then I tapped on the rest of the points using phrases like:
- My body can easily heal this
- This thing on my lip is healing now
- I have this amazing healing ability
- My body is healthy and strong and can heal my lower right lip
- I’m grateful for this thing on my lip and acknowledge my body for sending me this message
- My lower right lip is healing beautifully
I tapped on this for several rounds a few times for 2 days. My lip is now completely healed.
The second was a case of first aid EFT. I accidently burnt my ring finger on my cooker. I felt stupid for doing it as I was cleaning a spillage on the hob and knew it was hot. Plus my finger really hurt. I ran it under some cold water for a few minutes then immediately tapped on:
Even though I feel real stupid for burning my finger on the hob, I accept myself and my stupidity
Even though this burn on my finger is really hurting and it was my fault, I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself
Even though I had this accident and burned my finger, it shouldn’t have happened and it hurts like hell, I accept and forgive myself anyway.
Then I tapped on the remaining points using phrases like:
- I was stupid and I burnt my finger
- My ring finger really hurts
- This burn on my right ring finger is hurting like hell
- I didn’t do this on purpose but I do feel kinda stupid
- This burn on my right ring finger knuckle
- This red hot burn on my right ring knuckle
- This red burning sensation on the knuckle of my right ring finger
- My body has a wonderful healing ability
- I can heal this quickly and easily
- My pain is reducing and the redness is calming down
- My wonderful body and it’s healing ability can deal with this
- What if my body could easily heal this burn on my right ring finger
- What if a big blister didn’t appear
- Maybe my body can heal this burn on my finger easily
After a short time the pain had disappeared completely. The swelling went down and only a tiny flat blister appeared. I was expecting some pain when I bent my knuckle, as the burn was right on my knuckle. I could bend my finger no problem without any pain. Later, I was washing my hands in hot water and thought – still no pain! Wow! The next day I did a couple more rounds of my finger healing quickly and easily. I’ve had no pain since and there is only a tiny blister remaining. I love the healing power of EFT!
Some tips with physical issues:
- Start with something simple not a major injury/illness
- Be specific, e.g. burn on my right ring finger
- Use any emotions associated with the pain, e.g. my stupid feeling
- Use descriptive words encompassing things like any colour associated with the pain, whether there is any temperature, heaviness, tingling etc
- Be persistent – don’t expect a one minute wonder – they do sometimes happen but most often you need persistence
- Be ready to “chase the pain” as Gary Craig says – it may change sensation or move around your body – keep tapping as you follow it. It may move up & out or down further into your body
- Get some help if you get stuck.
Keep on tapping!
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