Snowed Under?

Ever have one of those weeks when everything seems to happen at once? It can seem like things are quiet for months and then suddenly loads of stuff seems to happen in the same week. What is that all about? I’m having one of those weeks this week! I am moving house and have also taken on extra work and had extra clients. How am I coping? Well, I’ll admit I’ve had the odd “wobbly” moment. But I’ve also had EFT to help me too. I know looking back at other times I’ve had like this that I had a tendency to have lots of “wobbly” moments and collapse in a big heap at the end of it! Burnt out and battered would be a good description of how I felt at the end of those busy periods.

Thankfully that doesn’t happen any more because I now use EFT to help me cope. Ok I can’t actually change things so that they are less busy (I would if I could!) but I can tap to help me stay calm and centered. It helps me put things into perspective and see the bigger picture. It can be useful to tap before things get too busy to prepare the way as it were for the busy times ahead. Then you can tap during your busy times when things start to feel like they are getting too much.

I often tap in the car whilst I am driving. In addition to helping me let go of any stress, anxiety and feeling snowed under etc, it helps me focus on my journey more easily. As I tap I can feel my body relax, my shoulders drop, my breathing get deeper and slower. I use finger tapping normally as this allows me to keep both hands on the wheel and tap the fingertips of one hand safely.  In addition to this I will also tap at home working through all the emotions I am feeling and the physical sensations in my body (e.g tense, tight shoulders).

So, remember we can’t always change our circumstances but we can always choose how we handle them!

Keep tapping!
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