Another question I frequently get asked by clients is: Will EFT Work On My X Issue Too?
Say a client has come to me for their stress and anxiety at work issue. They will often only think of using EFT on that issue. They won’t think to use this amazing tool on their fear of spiders issue or when they have an argument with their partner, or when they have a headache etc.
So my advice is always the same – just try it! When clients have resolved their original issue they often forget about EFT and don’t think to use it on other things that come up in their life. I always aim to teach my clients that this amazing tool is theirs – it’s at their fingertips.
Most people need a reminder from time to time though. So my advice is to do some tapping on a daily basis so that it becomes a good habit. That way we don’t have to think about it – we automatically start doing it in times of need. EFT becomes their ‘go to’ self help tool.
Here’s some ways I’ve used EFT this week to give you an idea:
- Daily affirmations (remember to get rid of your “yes buts” first before working with affirmations)
- Stuck behind a slow moving lorry when running late
- Feeling stressed when trying to multi task too many things at once
- Tight and painful shoulders (as a result of previous point!)
- After hearing some upsetting news from a friend
EFT has helped me so much in so many ways. My aim is to educate and spread the word about this amazing tool so that you can benefit from it too.
So, why not try making EFT a part of your daily self care? That way, you will think of using it for your X issue 🙂
Keep tapping
Email Louise