Christmas Tapping

Well Christmas 2013 is almost upon us! My log fire is burning, Christmas tunes are playing and I’m excited about catching up with my family and friends. I hope that you are feeling the joy too…if not then please take some time to tap. So many people forget that they have this amazing tool at their fingertips. So here are some reminders to help you stay calm this Christmas time:

  • Tap if you are still running around doing your Christmas shopping
  • Finger tap if you are stuck in a queue or suffering trolley rage in a supermarket
  • Tap if you can’t find the “right” presents
  • Tap when you are feeling stressed about getting everything done
  • Finger tap if you are stuck in traffic or can’t find a parking space
  • Tap on any money worries you have
  • Tap when you are feeling angry, frustrated etc with family not helping
  • Use tapping if you are getting stuck in the middle of family disputes or arguments
  • Tap if you feel overwhelmed

Remember you can finger tap discreetly practically anywhere, anytime. Take yourself off to the bathroom if it is all feeling too much and spend 5 minutes tapping until you feel calmer.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and happy, healthy New Year.

Christmas tree
Merry Christmas

If you would like a one to one session with me, please drop me a line. I offer sessions face to face or via Skype.

Keep tapping