Overcome the Monday Blues

Monday Blues
Monday Blues

So it’s Monday again. Maybe you don’t like your job. Maybe you hate it.

Maybe you’ve just had a really good weekend and you don’t want it end.

Maybe you didn’t have a good weekend and you’d like a few more days at home.

We’ve all been there. We’ve all hated Mondays.

When I was younger I used to dread Mondays.  I would be filled with fear and dread about going back to school. Once I was there I was fine. But every Sunday for quite a while I would have the Monday blues.

If only I’d had EFT back then…things would’ve been a lot different.

So if this has rung true for you in any way, then it’s time to get tapping…

  • Even though I always get the Monday blues…
  • Even though I dread Mondays…
  • Even though I get the Monday blues on Sunday night…
  • Even though I hate my job and hate the thought of having to get up on Monday morning…
  • Even though I’m scared about going back to school on Monday…
  • Even though I hate the stress of Monday mornings…
  • Even though I hate Mondays…
  • Even though I wish I could skip Mondays…

You get the idea. Tap on whatever it is about Mondays that you don’t like or dread. Keep tapping until you feel better.

Sorry I can’t make Mondays disappear…hey EFT is good but not THAT good 🙂

Drop me a line if you’d like some help on this or another issue. Until next time…

Keep tapping