Tap Into Meditation


Do you struggle to meditate?

Do you find that as soon as you sit down, get all comfortable and begin your meditation that your mind becomes super busy and you think of everything you should have done, need to do or play you events over and over?

You’re not alone 🙂

I have meditated on and off for over 20 years. At times I really struggled and fell off the meditation band wagon as it were. Since discovering EFT though I have found it much easier.

I often use EFT to help me clear my mind before I start. I just allow all my random thoughts of the day to come up and I tap through all the points as I do so. This helps me in two ways. 1) My mind has a free rein to think all the random thoughts it can. 2) I acknowledge and accept how I’m feeling. If there is any particular emotion or feeling that comes up then I’ll do some more tapping on that. Often our emotions just want to be acknowledged. But we can repress them by putting them to one side or not wanting to “go there”. EFT allows me to gently “go there” and acknowledge how I feel. If I don’t have a lot of time to work fully on anything that comes up, then I make a note of it and then come back to it when I do have time.

I then get into my meditation position, ensure all phones and distractions are turned off. Then I allow myself time to settle and if there is still more thoughts, then I’ll tap along the lines of:

  • Even though my mind is still busy with lots of distracting thoughts, I choose to let them go now
  • Even though I can’t seem to silence my mind right now, I’m open to the possibility of calming my mind down
  • Even though I really want to meditate and my mind won’t seem to co-operate, I love and accept myself anyway

Once I have done that I find that I am much calmer and more present in my body. It is useful to do the tapping quite slowly too, whilst breathing deeply.

I usually find if I do this then my meditation goes a lot smoother and I seem to get in the zone a lot easier.

Hope this helps.

If you would like some help with your meditation practice or your general stress or anxiety, then please drop me a line and we can arrange a session.

Keep tapping