We’ve all experienced disappointment at some point in our lives. You may feel disappointed with the results of the recent UK General Election! It’s not something we can avoid. But how can we deal with it?
A recent client came to me feeling very disappointed about a situation at work. She was losing a new employee to another job. She had spent quite a bit of money and a lot of time and effort recruiting and subsequently training the new person and was very disappointed they would soon be leaving!
I always recommend by starting with acknowledging fully how you feel. So vent e.g.
- Even though I’m so disappointed that I’m losing X, I accept my feelings anyway
- Even though I’ve wasted so much money & effort training X and I’m going to have to do it all again…
- Even though I’m so annoyed and disappointed and frustrated I’m losing X…
Once you have got all those feelings cleared then it’s time to ask yourself some questions.
- What have you learnt?
- What would you do differently next time?
- What would you skip?
- Is there someone who can help you?
- What can you refine about the process?
Spend a bit of time actually writing down your answers.
We can’t always avoid disappointment, but we can use EFT to help us handle the emotions. If we’ve learnt something or can do something different next time then our experience hasn’t been wasted!
Drop me an email if you’d like some help. I offer face to face sessions in Devon & Skype sessions Worldwide.
Keep tapping