Tapping For Inspiration

Sometimes we feel stuck. We try to get started with projects but we just can’t seem to get the creative juices flowing. So we procrastinate. Wouldn’t it be easier if we just admitted to ourselves that we were stuck? It is often hardest to admit things to ourselves though. EFT can help us acknowledge how we feel, accept it and then actually help change it too.

Start by acknowledging how you, e.g.

  • Even though I feel stuck, I still love & accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve been stuck for so long and I couldn’t admit it to myself because then I’d feel I have to do something about it, I’m still ok anyway
  • Even though I’m stuck and I just don’t know how to get started, my inspiration seems to have disappeared, I’m completely ok anyway

Use EFT on any blocks, fears etc that are making you feel stuck. When you feel you have cleared these issues then use EFT to help with the inspiration.

  • Even though my creative juices just aren’t flowing, I’m completely ok anyway
  • Even though my inspiration seems to have left me, I love and accept myself right now anyway
  • Even though I just don’t have any inspiring ideas right now, I’m ok
  • Even though I have no idea how to start this project, I’m open to finding my creativity today
  • Even though all my ideas seem to be no good, I’m open to letting my creative juices flow
  • Even though I can’t seem to find my inspiration, maybe I can let go of my expectations and just let the ideas flow

Keep tapping until you feel your blocks/resistances leaving and your inspiration returning.

This is something that can be repeated for different projects.  Different blocks may be stopping your inspiration and EFT can always help you identify and let these blocks go.

Keep tapping
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