Do You Follow the Herd?

What I mean by this is do you find yourself being affected by other people?  It could be work colleagues – you know the ones, they always moan and whinge about everything. Or it could be your friend or family member who is always complaining and seeing the glass as half empty. It’s draining isn’t it?

If you are finding yourself getting dragged down with others, feeling stressed because everyone around you is stressed, then maybe it’s time to do something about it. I’ve read before that you should get different friends, hang around with different colleagues etc. Whilst that may be possible, often you actually do love your friends, you just wish they were a bit more positive! You obviously can’t change your family. So what to do?

The only thing you can do is change how you feel about it. Think about what it is that is bothering you and then do some tapping.   Below is an example script for if you are taking on other people’s stress. Use your words if they are more appropriate.

  • Even though I’m surrounded by stressed people and it’s making me feel stressed, I accept how I feel about this
  • Even though I’m taking on everyone else’s stress and it’s making me feel awful, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve taken on other people’s stress and now I’m stressed right out, I accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: I’m so stressed
Side of Eye: I’ve taken on other people’s stress
Under Eye: I wasn’t stressed until I hung around with {person}
Under Nose: I shouldn’t have taken on their stress
Under Chin: I hate feeling this stressed
Collarbone: I don’t normally get this stressed by myself
Under Arm: I don’t want to feel their stress and mine
Top of Head: I wish I could let this stress go

Eyebrow: I’m wish I hadn’t taken on this stress
Side of Eye: All this stress is not even mine
Under Eye: {person} is making me feel stressed
Under Nose: I should’ve stayed calm
Under Chin: I don’t want all this stress
Collarbone: Most of this stress isn’t even mine
Under Arm: I hate feeling all this stress
Top of Head: This stress is freaking me out

Eyebrow: Maybe I can take a step back
Side of Eye: What if I can relax and let this stress go
Under Eye: I don’t need to hold on to their stress
Under Nose: Maybe I can let this stress go
Under Chin: What if I can calm down
Collarbone: Letting this stress go with grace and ease
Under Arm: Maybe I can relax and just let it all go
Top of Head: Letting it be safe, easy and comfortable to let this stress go

Always remember to keep on tapping until you feel better. It’s best to rate your feeling score before you start and after you finish, so you know when you’re truly down to zero (and done).

Keep on tapping and enjoy feeling better.

What is stopping You Going for it?

What is Stopping You Going for it?
I had a recent client who was feeling stuck. I’m sure that is something we’ve all experienced at some point in our life. It’s what we do about it though that is important. Firstly, ask yourself the following questions: 


Why do I feel stuck?

What is stopping me from going for it?
Has there been a similar situation in the past where I’ve felt the same?

This is all valuable information to help you move forward.

Here are some general statements that can help you start to clear out the stuck feelings.

  • Even though I feel really stuck, I accept how I feel
  • Even though I’m scared to move forward, I deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I’m not sure why I’m stuck, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’m anxious about doing {insert action}, I’m open to the possibility it won’t be as difficult as I think it will
  • Even though I’m procrastinating, what if I found it easy to take action

My client wanted to change jobs. But he was stuck because of fear. Fear that he wouldn’t be good enough. Fear of the unknown – would his new job be better or would it be worse? Fear that he wouldn’t have the freedom he has now. Fear of the impact on his life and that of his family.
Fear is usually the major reason for keeping us stuck. Most of the time though, the fear is worse than actually doing it! I don’t believe in “feeling the fear and doing it anyway”. I’ve done that in the past and ok, I got through it, I survived. There is an easier way though – using EFT to address all of your fears! Here’s a tapping script that can help you address your fears.
Setup: Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I’m scared to do {insert action}, I accept how I feel about this
  • Even though I’m full of fear and I just can’t move forward, I accept all of my feelings
  • Even though I feel stuck and I’m too scared to take action, I accept all of me anyway

Eyebrow: I’m stuck and I’m scared
Side of Eye: I’m full of fear
Under Eye: It’s just too scary to take action
Under Nose: I want to do {action} but I’m too scared
Under Chin: I hate feeling this fear
Collarbone: I can’t stop feeling this fear
Under Arm: I don’t want to feel scared
Top of Head: I wish I could let this fear go

Eyebrow: I’m procrastinating because I’m scared
Side of Eye: I’m afraid and I’m stuck
Under Eye: {action} is too scary
Under Nose: I can’t do {action} because I’m afraid
Under Chin: I don’t want to make mistakes
Collarbone: I’ll embarrass myself if I try
Under Arm:  I’m scared and I won’t do it right
Top of Head: I wish I could stop procrastinating

Eyebrow: I’m open to the possibility it will be easier than I think
Side of Eye: What if I just tried
Under Eye: Maybe it won’t be so difficult
Under Nose: Maybe I can start with small steps
Under Chin: What if it was easy
Collarbone: Maybe I can do it
Under Arm: What if I could release my fear
Top of Head: I will do it

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Remember to keep tapping until your fear has gone completely to zero.
If there are any other emotions that are coming up for you, then use EFT on them too until you feel calm and excited about taking action. Ok, so now that you have released your fear and any other emotions, what steps will you take next?
What are the steps you can take to achieve your outcome?
What is the first SMALL step that you can take?
What is the first BIG step that you can take?
When you will you achieve these steps?
Let me know how you get on with this – I’d love to celebrate your success with you.
My client completely released his fear by the end of the session. He was feeling more positive, motivated and excited about changing his job. He was now playing a different movie in his mind – a positive, empowering one that will help him move forward.

If you would like some help releasing your fears, please get in touch. I would love to help you.

Alex Reid uses EFT

Alex Reid, (Katy Price’s husband) is a tapper! The cage fighter has an EFT trainer who helps him deal with stress and “sort his head out”.  He has suggested that X-Factor judge Cheryl Cole use his Emotional Freedom Technique Trainer to help her de-stress following her split from footballer Ashley Cole.

Reid stated: “I have to say a special thanks to Dennis, my EFT trainer. That stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. He’s like a therapist and has really helped me deal with the trials and tribulations of my new celebrity life! ”

Let’s hope that Cheryl takes his advice and gains the benefits of EFT. EFT is an amazing technique that can help you deal with:

  • Negative emotions
  • Relationship problems
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Self-esteem
  • Confidence

All of these issues can come up when you split with a partner or are going through a divorce. I know – I’ve been there! If only I’d had EFT at the time – life would have been so much better.

I feel like a freak

Ok, I’ve said it. I feel like a freak.

Have you ever said those words to yourself?

Have you ever thought, “I’m the only one who feels like this!!!”?

If you’re a woman with fertility issues, then I bet you’ve felt something like this before. If you’ve been trying for a baby for a while and had no success I’m sure you’ve said:

  • Why me?
  • It’s not fair
  • What’s wrong with me?
  • Why can’t I get pregnant?
  • What have I done wrong?
  • I’ll never get pregnant

Well, let me reassure you…you are not a freak! You most certainly are not alone.

I have lots of clients who experience these exact feelings. One of the most common feelings is jealousy. I am always surprised by how many women find this a taboo subject. That’s why I felt compelled to write this. I don’t want any woman to feel like a freak or that she is alone.

Jealousy is a perfectly normal emotion to experience if you are having trouble getting pregnant. You may think that everywhere you turn there is a pregnant women. Or you may see babies and toddlers where ever you go.

Let me assure you that there isn’t a sudden increase in pregnant women and babies. You are just tuned in to them and that is why you notice them. There is a special part of your brain (called the RAS – Reticular Activating System) that acts like an antenna. You are desperate to get pregnant and have a baby so your RAS responds and flags them to you everywhere you go.

Your RAS keeps showing you what you are tuned in to. It is no wonder that you feel jealousy, envy, sadness, despair every time you notice that you don’t have what you really want.

Another big emotion that then shows up is guilt! You feel guilty about feeling jealous or envious. You think “I should be happy for my best friend / sister /neighbour” etc. But you don’t. You feel jealous and envious and really wish it was you who was pregnant or just had a baby. So you feel guilty and that adds to all the negative energy and stress you are experiencing.

So what can you do about it? You do not have to suffer these emotions and feelings alone. You do not have to hide your feelings from everyone. You can get help. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) can eliminate all of the negative feelings and stress. EFT is easy to learn and very effective.

Below are some sample tapping statements to try. Always tune in to your feelings first and score them on a scale of 0 to 10 (where 10 is the maximum intensity). Keep tapping on each emotion until it comes down to 0.

Replace the dots with whoever it is you are jealous of e.g. friend / sister / neighbour

  • Even though I feel so jealous of my …………….. because she’s got a baby and I haven’t, I’m open to accepting myself and my feelings
  • Even though I feel envious and I don’t want to think about my …………….. because it’s so unfair that she’s got a baby and I haven’t, I accept how I feel about this
  • Even though I feel jealous of my …………….., she’s a lucky cow and it’s so unfair that she’s got a baby and I haven’t, I’m open to accepting myself

Eyebrow: I’m so jealous of ……………..
Side of Eye: I wish I could be happy for her
Under Eye: Why do I feel this envy of ……………..
Under Nose: I feel so much jealousy
Under Chin: I hate feeling all this jealousy
Collarbone: I wish I didn’t feel this way
Under Arm: All this jealousy
Top of Head: It’s so unfair that …………….. has a baby and I don’t

Take a deep breath and tune in to your feelings again. If your jealousy feelings are at zero then you can move on to the next feeling. If not, keep tapping on jealousy until you are down to zero.

  • Even though I feel so sad that I can’t get pregnant, I don’t know what I’ve done wrong, I’m open to accepting myself and my feelings
  • Even though I feel this sadness in my heart because I can’t get pregnant, I accept how I feel about this
  • Even though I can’t stop thinking it’s all my fault that I can’t get pregnant and I’m obsessed by wanting a baby, I’m open to accepting myself

Eyebrow: All this sadness in my heart
Side of Eye: I feel so sad that I can’t get pregnant
Under Eye: I’m desperately sad because I can’t have a baby
Under Nose: I feel so sad that I’m not pregnant
Under Chin: I hate feeling all this sadness and desperation
Collarbone: I wish I didn’t feel this way
Under Arm: All this sadness in my heart
Top of Head: It’s so unfair that I can’t get pregnant

Remember to use your words, where appropriate. Keep on tuning in to each emotion or feeling in turn and tap until it is down to zero before moving on to the next one. Keep on tapping until you have worked on all of your emotions and stress.

If you would like some help with Emotional Freedom Techniques, I would love to help you. I offer sessions worldwide over the telephone or on Skype. If you would like a face to face session I do these in Cardiff or Exeter and Okehampton, Devon. Please give me a call on 07866 013 637 or use the contact form. I offer a free telephone consultation for you, to see if you would like to work with me. I look forward to helping you overcome your negative emotions and stress.

Christmas Preparations

Christmas should be a wonderful time of year.  Spending time with loved ones, giving and receiving gifts and sharing special meals with friends.  In reality though, there is often a lot of stress and anxiety involved.  There is too much to do in too little time, worries about not having enough money, fears and anxieties about not getting the “right” presents for people, whether the food will be cooked to perfection, will Aunt Joan wind up your father-in-law….and the list goes on.

So instead of just ploughing through the list of chores and letting the stress pile up so that it makes it almost impossible for you to enjoy the festive season, I suggest you make a little time for some different preparations…preparing you!

Tapping Script for Christmas Peace:

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I’ve got way too much to do and not enough time to do it in and I’m feeling really stressed about Christmas, I accept how I feel
  • Even though I’m worried that I won’t get it all finished in time, I accept myself and how I feel about this Christmas
  • Even though I don’t know how I’m going to pay for Christmas this year and it’s so hard finding presents on a budget, I deeply and completely accept myself and all my feelings of inadequacy

Eyebrow: I’ve still got way too many things to do
Side of Eye: I should’ve started shopping earlier
Under Eye: Why didn’t I get more organised
Under Nose: I’ve left it to the last minute again
Under Chin: I’m so stressed about Christmas
Collarbone: I don’t get enough help with all the preparations
Under Arm: When will I learn to start preparing earlier
Top of Head: I’ve got too many presents to buy still

Eyebrow: I’m going to be working so hard on Christmas Eve
Side of Eye: I don’t think I’ve bought the right presents for people
Under Eye: There’s too much pressure on me
Under Nose: I can’t afford Christmas!
Under Chin: I don’t have enough money to buy presents
Collarbone: Why can’t my husband/wife/partner help me?
Under Arm: Christmas is too stressful
Top of Head: I hate all this pressure to do everything perfectly

Eyebrow: What if I could stop feeling so stressed
Side of Eye: Maybe if I was calmer, I’d get more done
Under Eye: What if I wrote a list and get more organised
Under Nose: Maybe I can get some help
Under Chin: Maybe I’m putting too much pressure on myself
Collarbone: What if I appreciated the really important things
Under Arm: What if I don’t have to do everything perfectly
Top of Head: What if I made some thoughtful presents instead of buying stuff people don’t want anyway

Keep tapping until you feel calm and peaceful.  If any particular stress or anxieties come up then make sure that you tap on them too.

Tapping Suggestions:

  • Not having enough money to buy presents, food, drink, party clothes etc
  • Worries about spending time with certain family members, arguments
  • Losing the real meaning of Christmas and all the commercialism
  • Missing a loved one or being separated from loved ones at Christmas
  • Not having enough time to relax, pressures of having to visit lots of people etc
  • Having to travel long distances

I wish you a wonderful, calm and peaceful Christmas!

Welcome to Devon EFT

Would You Like To Achieve Emotional Freedom? 

Are Stress, Anxiety Or Panic Attacks Causing You Misery? 

I would love to help you beat your stress, overcome your anxiety and put an end to your panic attacks.  If you are having relationship problems, I can help you deal with the emotional issues and get your relationship back on track.  If you are limited by a fear or phobia, just imagine how much more you will get out of life if you let me help you put it behind you.

Louise Woods Devon EFTMy name is Louise Woods and I hope to inspire you to try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or tapping as it is commonly referred to. I’m an EFT practitioner who loves to share the gift of EFT with others. EFT has helped me let go of years of stress, fears, relationship problems and much more. I would be honoured to teach you EFT so that you can get the benefits I have experienced.

Try EFT for yourself or give me a call and let me help you now. I offer telephone sessions worldwide or face to face sessions in Devon.

Call me now to book your appointment.  Tel: 07866 013 637

Not sure if EFT can help you?  Please give me a call for a free chat.

This site represents the views and ways of working with EFT of Louise Woods and not necessarily those of Gary Craig. Gary Craig’s original version of EFT and complete training can be found at