Sleep…Perchance to Dream

If you’ve ever had a sleepless night you realise just how important sleep is. It is often only when we don’t have things that we realise just how important they are. Sleep is like that. We take it for granted. Yet it is so valuable for our health and well-being.

You may lie awake at night, worrying about money, your job, your relationship, your family or your health. Or you could find yourself drifting off to sleep ok, only to wake up a few hours later and not be able to get back to sleep.

Firstly, I’d recommend trying the obvious things – avoid mental stimulation before going to bed i.e. no TV, computer etc. Avoid drinking coffee or any other stimulants at least a few hours before your bedtime. Ensure your bedroom is a dark enough and a comfortable temperature etc.

It can be useful to keep a notebook and pen beside your bed. Jot down any thoughts that are going through your mind. It can feel like the proverbial hamster in a wheel otherwise with the same thoughts going round and round your head all night.



You can also address your worries, stress, anxiety etc with EFT before you go to bed. Here are some examples you might want to try:

  • Even though I lie awake in bed every night, worrying about my finances, I still deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I toss and turn every night because I’m stressed at work, I have too many responsibilities and I just can’t cope, I’m still ok
  • Even though I can’t sleep because I’m so worried that my marriage is failing and I just can’t talk to my husband/wife, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I lay awake each night worrying about my Mother’s health and I don’t know if she’ll make it through this year, I love and accept myself anyway

Whatever it is that you are worrying about be really specific. Tap a few rounds on what you do at night when you are not sleeping. Here’s an example:

  • Even though I can’t sleep and I lie there tossing and turning all night long, I’m ok right now
  • Even though I keep checking the clock to see how much sleep I’m missing out on, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I lie there listening to every noise, wondering what it is, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I can’t sleep at night
Side of eye: I lie there tossing and turning
Under eye: I keep checking the clock
Under nose: To see how much sleep I’ve missed
Chin: I think I’ll never get to sleep
Collarbone: My mind races at night
Under arm: It feels like I’m awake all night
Top of head: I feel so lonely lying here with no-one to talk to

Eyebrow: I hate not sleeping
Side of eye: I feel so tired
Under eye: I really want to go to sleep
Under nose: But I can’t stop worrying about ………………
Chin: I listen to all the noises
Collarbone: I wonder what they are
Under arm: I can’t get comfortable
Top of head: I keep getting up to go to the toilet

Eyebrow: Maybe I can write down how I feel
Side of eye: I could write down all my worrying thoughts
Under eye: I wonder if I’m worrying too much
Under nose: What if I could get a good nights sleep
Chin: Maybe I can stop worrying
Collarbone: What if I could just focus on my breathing
Under arm: Maybe I can get really comfortable
Top of head: What if I did some deep breathing and felt really relaxed

Remember to tune in to how you feel and be specific as possible.

I hope that the script and ideas help you get a good nights sleep!

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

The Right Words?

The most common question that I get asked is what are the “right” words to use in EFT? Some people ask if they have to use words at all. They find it difficult to find the words to use or they find it distracts from their feelings. If you are new to EFT it can put you off doing it! You may have gotten stuck into this thinking that you can’t find the “right” words to say and you’ll do it wrong if you say the “wrong” words.

Let’s set the record straight right now! There are no “right” words! Or “wrong” words for that matter!

Right Words/Wrong Words?

When we are working with ourselves sometimes the words don’t flow. We are often too far into our problem to see what is going on. Like seeing the proverbial wood through the trees. If you are new to EFT there is a lot going on – figuring out the words, where to tap, how many times to tap, how hard to tap and oh yeah what was I feeling again?

The most important thing is that we are tuned in to how we are feeling. If you are having the feelings right here and now you can easily tune in and tap! If you are working on something not in the here and now then make sure you really tune in to the feelings and then tap.

If you have sensations in your body then focus on them as well as the emotions you are feeling. Our body often has wonderful messages for us if we just take some time to listen! You don’t need to know what the message is – just acknowledge your body for giving you the message and use what is going on for you.

For example, say you are feeling stressed at work and you have a tight knot in your stomach. You can tune in to that feeling and tap. If you want to add some words then you can. Otherwise just acknowledge the feeling, thank your body for giving you this message and focus on the tight knot and the stress as you tap.

When practitioners work with clients we tune in to what the client is telling us. We listen deeply to what they are saying and tune in to our intuition. Sometimes we don’t get it “right” and the client can adjust what we have suggested. Clients often find it easier to adjust some words rather than starting from scratch!

If you are still feeling like you’re not sure – just start tapping. Often the words will start to flow as we begin to tap and release some of this stuck energy. So keep tapping and tuning in.

If you are still feeling stuck about the words then you can actually tap on that too. Try:

  • Even though I don’t know how to find the right words to use, I’m open to just focusing on my feelings and tapping anyway
  • Even though I’m sure I have to use the right words, otherwise EFT won’t work, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’m worried I’ll make myself feel worse if I use the wrong words, I’m open to the possibility that tapping will help me anyway and there are no right and wrong words

Remember to just tune in to how you feel and then tap.

There are no “right” or “wrong” words!

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Money Worries

In the midst of a recession it is not surprising to hear that a lot of people are having money worries right now. Many people are feeling very stressed about money and whilst I can’t guarantee your income will increase with tapping, you can deal with the associated stress, anxiety, fears and other emotions that come up.

Money Worries

From a law of attraction point of view what we focus on is what we get. So if you are constantly focusing on lack of money then that is what you get. I’ll include some suggestions to address that, after the tapping script.

Firstly, assess how you are feeling. On a scale of 0 – 10 how do you feel about not having enough money? 10 being the most stressed/worried/scared etc. Write down the emotion(s) you feel too, scoring each one if there are multiple feelings.

  • Even though I don’t have enough money right now and it is such a struggle to keep up with all the bills, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though money is so tight, there’s never enough, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I’m so stressed because we just don’t have enough money coming in and it’s getting worse every month, I still love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: There isn’t enough money coming in
Side of eye: I’m so stressed about money
Under eye: I’m scared we can’t pay all the bills every month
Under nose: I hate having these money worries
Chin: I have sleepless nights because of money
Collarbone: My stomach churns at night because I’m worrying about money
Under arm: I’m scared because we never have enough
Top of head: I’m working really hard and there still isn’t enough 

Eyebrow: I don’t know what else to do
Side of eye: It’s so draining worrying about money all the time
Under eye: I’ll never have enough money
Under nose: I hate struggling to pay the bills
Chin: I never have any luxuries
Collarbone: It’s hard enough just paying for the essentials
Under arm: I’m so fed up of all this money stress
Top of head: This money stress is a burden on my back

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this money stress go
Side of eye: Worrying about money is not helping
Under eye: I’m open to changing these feelings today
Under nose: What if I can let go of this fear about money
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about money
Collarbone: Maybe I can sleep peacefully at night
Under arm: Maybe I can let this stress in my stomach go
Top of head: I’m open to feeling calmer about money

Repeat the tapping, until you feel calmer and your scores are down to zero. As usual use your words where they are more appropriate.

What message are you sending to the Universe? Notice when you say things like:

  • I can’t afford it
  • We don’t have enough money for that
  • That is too expensive

By saying these things we are sending the message of lack to the Universe. Try changing your responses to a more positive response, e.g.

  • I have other priorities for my money at the moment
  • We’re keeping some money aside for X
  • I’ve seen a better value product somewhere else

Gently remind yourself to focus on what you do have, rather than what you don’t. Keep on tapping on all those negative money emotions!

Talk soon!
07866 013 637

Fear of Success

Fear of what I hear you say? Success? I know most people are familiar with fear of failure. What is often surprising though is that a lot of people also have a fear of success. So how do you go about dealing with that fear of success? Firstly, you need to understand what success means to you and the expectations you associate with it. 

Fear of success


Think about past times in your life and the specific events when you were successful. Now if any of those upset you then use EFT to clear out the negative emotions. Try the movie technique to clear out any negativity from those events. Many people actually sabotage themselves so that they don’t achieve their success. EFT can really help you clear out this self sabotaging behaviour. 

Try the following questions and write down what comes up for you… 

  • Success means ……………
  • I fear success because ……………
  • I don’t deserve success because ……………
  • Last time I was successful …………… happened
  • Being successful means I’ll have to ……………
  • Being successful means I won’t be able to ……………
  • Being successful means I’ll have to give up ……………
  • Being successful means I’ll lose ……………
  • I sabotage myself by doing ……………

You can now use this information and do some tapping. So, if for example, you are worried that if you are succesful you won’t have enough time for your family then tap on that. If you think you’ll have so much pressure on you to keep up that success that it will drain you until you crash and burn, then tap on that.  If you think you don’t deserve to be successful, then tap on that. Tap, tap, tap! 

Here is a sample tapping script that you can use. Score your fear before you start tapping (where 10 is maximum fear). 

  • Even though I have this fear of success, I’m open to changing that today
  • Even though I’m really frightened I’ll be a success and that will put so much pressure on me that I’ll crash and burn, I acknowledge and accept my feelings
  • Even though I’m so scared I’ll be a success and then I’ll have no time for my family, I’m open to finding the right balance in my life

Eyebrow: I have this fear of success
Side of eye: It seems strange to fear success
Under eye: I’m scared I’ll have all this pressure on me
Under nose: I don’t want to get so busy that I have no family life
Chin: What if the pressure is too much for me
Collarbone: What if I feel overwhelmed
Under arm: I’m scared of success
Top of head: I’m scared I’ll have no time for my family and they’ll resent me 

Eyebrow: I don’t deserve success
Side of eye: There will be too much pressure on me to keep this success going
Under eye: I’ll get overwhelmed
Under nose: I’m not good enough to succeed
Chin: I’ll feel guilty that I’m not giving enough to my family
Collarbone: I don’t want to succeed and then find it all too much to handle
Under arm: I’m scared of  sustaining this success
Top of head: What if my family hate me for doing so well 

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this fear go
Side of eye: I want to clear out all these doubts
Under eye: I’m open to changing this fear today
Under nose: What if I can enjoy my success
Chin: What if I can find the right balance between success and family life
Collarbone: Maybe my family will support me
Under arm: Maybe I do deserve to be successful
Top of head: I’m open to enjoying my success 

Remember to use your words where appropriate. Re-check your score and keep tapping and adjusting your statements until you are down to zero. Tap on all the different aspects of your fear. Test your results when you think you are finished. Visualise yourself being successful and check that no negatives come up. If they do, then do some more tapping. 

I will leave you with this amazing quote from Marianne Williamson: 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

Keep tapping and enjoy the success you deserve!
07866 013 637

Simply Breathe to Relieve Stress

One of the first things that happens when we are stressed is that we start breathing very shallowly, only using the top of our lungs. We often don’t breathe deep enough in general and when we get stressed this becomes even worse. You can check how you are breathing by simply placing one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Either lay down, sit or stand comfortably as you do this. Notice whether your chest hand or your stomach hand is rising as you breathe normally. To breathe effectively your stomach area should rise more than your chest as your diaphragm expands.

To counter stress one of the simplest things you can do is to breathe! There are several different breathing exercises you can do and here is one of the simplest and most effective.

Firstly sit in a comfortable position and place your hands in your lap.  You will be breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth in this exercise.  Place the tip of your tongue on the soft tissue just behind your upper front teeth and keep it there during this exercise.

  • Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of 4
  • Hold your breath for a count of 7
  • Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. When you exhale, make a soft “whoosh” sound
  • This is 1 round. Repeat again 3 times, making a total of 4 rounds

The important thing is the ratio of 4:7:8. The out breath is twice as long as the in breath.  You can make the breaths shorter, ensuring you stick to the ratio.  Ensure you only do 4 breaths each time you practice this exercise initially. With time you can increase it to 8 breaths.

4-7-8 Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a natural calming and tranquilizing effect on the body. Use it whenever you feel stressed, feel tension in your body, before you react to a situation and in bed to help you go to sleep. It is a quick and effective exercise to do and can be done anywhere.

“Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”
Andrew Weil, M.D

Repeat this exercise at least twice a day and whenever you feel you need it.

Let me know how this exercise helps you.
07866 013 637

I Want that House!

Are you going through some moving stress? Have you found the house you want to buy? Maybe you’ve really fallen in love with it and set your heart on it. Or maybe you’re holding yourself back just in case it doesn’t go through. It isn’t easy either way. With the current recession, lack of available mortgages, wondering whether the house prices are going to fall even further. It all causes us stress. Then you have the whole hassle of the move itself. All that packing, organising, change of address and on the list goes.

I want this house

This tapping script is targeted at that stressful time when you’re trying to buy your house and you have that uncertainty, fear and trepidation about whether it will or won’t happen. Before you start, rate your score on a scale of 0 – 10 where 10 is maximum intensity.

  • Even though I really want that house, it’s so perfect for me/us, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I’m scared this house purchase will fall through, I’m open to remaining calm
  • Even though it is so stressful not knowing if we will get this house and I’ll be really disappointed if we don’t, I accept all my feelings anyway

Eyebrow: I’m so stressed about this house
Side of eye: I really hope we get it – it’s my perfect house
Under eye: I’m so scared it will all fall through
Under nose: I hate feeling all this stress
Chin: I wish I knew if we were going to get this house
Collarbone: I really love this house and will be devastated if we don’t get it!
Under arm: I can’t stand this waiting game
Top of head: It’s so stressful not knowing if we’ll get this house or not

Eyebrow: I just can’t cope with the thought that we’ll lose this house
Side of eye: We’ve looked at so many houses and this is the only one I want
Under eye: I just won’t cope if it all falls through
Under nose: I have this big knot in my stomach
Chin: I wish it would all hurry up and go through
Collarbone: Why is it taking so long?
Under arm: I wake up at night in a cold sweat about this house
Top of head: I can’t stand this stress, it’s making me feel ill

Eyebrow: I’m open to staying calm
Side of eye: I guess worrying about it doesn’t really help
Under eye: Maybe I can feel a bit calmer
Under nose: What if I could let this stress go
Chin: I really want this house
Collarbone: Maybe I can remain positive
Under arm: What if it all goes smoothly
Top of head: Maybe it will all work out ok

Now take a deep breath and check your score again. Repeat the tapping until your score comes down to zero.  Remember to use your words if they are more appropriate to you.

There are many different aspects about moving that cause us stress and anxiety. In future blogs I will address these aspects.

Until then, keep tapping!
07866 013 637

50% off Promotion – The Tapping Solution

Pick up your copy of the amazing film – “The Tapping Solution” now for 50% off! Yes, that’s right – you did read it correctly!

A whopping 50% off this incredible film!!!

Nick Ortner (producer of the film) is offering 100% of GROSS sales of “The Tapping Solution” to Dawson Church’s New Study, from now until September 17th! This is an amazing offer and such a valuable research study.

Dawson Church, author of “The Genie in Your Genes” is heading up a research study with 10 war veterans with PTSD, to prove how EFT affects stress genes, the genes that contain the code for stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

What’s more you will be able to listen to a Dawson Church interview for free! Dawson talks about:

  • how stress affects our genes and how EFT can help
  • changes that are likely to come to our health service
  • the story of an Iraqi veteran and how EFT helped

Please help support this very important new research. It can help EFT gain credibility in the mainstream health care system.

Pick up your copy of “The Tapping Solution” right now. It is an incredible film about the amazing benefits of tapping or EFT.  I have watched the film many times and have used it to introduce people to EFT if they have not heard of it before.

Click here to order your copy right now.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

We Need to Talk

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck and desperately wanting to be understood by your partner? Do you put off having “that talk” about your relationship, because you anticipate it will be difficult, uncomfortable or agonising!  Many of us don’t approach our partner because we think they will respond in a certain way. We anticipate their reaction, how they will feel and we think it’s just too difficult to deal with. So we don’t have that talk and bury our heads in the sand! Instead we go around seething, resenting, judging, getting angry, frustrated, sad and upset! Does that sound familiar?

EFT can’t change our partner but what it can help us with is our own judgements, thoughts, feelings and blockages that prevent us from approaching our partners and communicating with them in a calm way. It can also help us deal with the reaction we get if it’s not we want, expect or need.

Firstly try writing down exactly what it is you are feeling.  Then use what you have written down to come up with your tapping statements.  Below are some examples to help you get started:

  • Even though I keep putting off talking to my partner, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I can’t find the time to talk to my partner properly, I’m open to making the time
  • Even though talking about how I feel with {name} is so difficult, they just don’t understand me, I accept myself completely anyway
  • Even though {name} won’t understand what I’m trying to say, it’s just so difficult to talk with them, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though {name} will get upset when we have this talk, what if they surprised me and really listened to what I have to say
  • Even though I’m scared of hurting {name} with what I have to say, I’m open to remaining calm and getting my points across anyway
  • Even though {name} can’t handle it when I get upset, I really need to talk about this
  • Even though I don’t know how to explain  how I feel and what I need from {name}, I’m open to letting it be easier than I think it will be

Next, tap your way through your list until you feel a shift (check your scores are all down to zero before you stop). Then try practicing “your talk” with your partner in your mind. Visualise how you both react. If there is anything that doesn’t go as you planned it, then keep tapping on the different aspects until you feel comfortable.

Whilst we cannot control how our partners will actually react, we will succeed in communicating a whole lot better if we are calm and in control of our emotions. If the talk doesn’t go as planned, then do some more tapping to help you deal with the situation.

Good luck with “that talk”.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Clearing Your Clutter

Is clutter the bain of your life? It’s all that stuff that you mean to sort out one day. Except that one day never seems to come does it? You know the kind of stuff right? Your magazines, photos, paperwork, bills, the kids toys, old gadgets, presents, clothes, knick knacks etc. It gets sorted into piles and left until another time. Then time passes and you get used to walking around that pile or even moving it off the dining table so you can eat and then pop it back again when you’re done.


It takes an effort to clear our clutter. It takes energy. It takes our emotions for quite often there are sentimental feelings about our clutter.

This isn’t the only type of clutter though. We have email clutter – just think when was the last time you had a good sort out of your inbox? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of emails that you get? It could be time to de-clutter your inbox and free yourself of those negative feelings when you check your email.

There is also thought clutter too. When we get overwhelmed by different ideas and thoughts. So you can also de-clutter your mind and write your ideas and thoughts down to free you to be more inspired.

If the idea of de-cluttering makes you break out into a sweat then use EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques to help you with this resistance.

Try the following setup statements:

  • Even though the thought of de-cluttering makes me break out into a sweat, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though it takes too much energy and I feel emotionally drained after de-cluttering, what if I found it easy and felt energised afterwards instead
  • Even though I keep putting off de-cluttering because of the hassle factor, I know how much better I’ll feel after I’ve done it

Tap through your resistance. Tap on any emotions you feel about de-cluttering such as anxiety, fear or sadness about letting your things go.

As well as feeling less overwhelmed yourself you can help out other people. You can donate things to charity, recycle or swap items easily through different websites. Just think how good you’ll feel when you’ve de-clutttered your home and inbox. Your energy and inspiration can flow easily!

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Tapping Script for Work Stress

One of the major causes of our stress these days is our work.  It is estimated that 16.7% of people who worked in 2009 thought their job was very or extremely stressful (Psychosocial Working Conditions survey). Of course, this stress doesn’t just affect our working life but our home life too. Many people suffer strained relationships as a result of their work stress.

So what to do? I recommend learning EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or tapping as it is commonly called. This technique is easy to learn and can be done any time you feel stressed. Just taking 5 minutes to tap during a toilet break can really reduce your stress levels. If you don’t know how to tap just yet then take a look at my “What is EFT?” page. Below is a tapping script which can help you reduce your stress level right now.

Before you start, score your stress level on a scale of 0 – 10 (10 is maximum intensity). Once you have your score, tap along:

  • Even though I’m so stressed, I have way too much to do and I’ll never get it all done, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I’ve got too much on my plate and I just can’t cope,  I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve been given way too many responsibilities, no-one could cope with this workload, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: I’m so stressed right now
Side of eye: I’ve got too much to do
Under eye: I’ve got way too much for one person to handle
Under nose: I can’t cope with this workload
Chin: No-one could cope with this amount of work it’s ridiculous
Collarbone: I’ve got too much on my plate
Under arm: I’ve got way too many responsibilities
Top of head: I’m so stressed and I just can’t cope any more

Eyebrow: I don’t want to let anyone down
Side of eye: I feel I should be able to cope better
Under eye: I’m letting myself down
Under nose: It’s just too much work to handle
Chin: The deadlines are too tight and not realistic
Collarbone: I’ll never get it all done
Under arm: I’m so overwhelmed
Top of head: It’s too much to cope with

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this stress go
Side of eye: Maybe I can delegate some tasks
Under eye: What if I could prioritise easily
Under nose: Maybe I can release all this tension and think clearer
Chin: What if I could stop for five minutes and calm my breathing down
Collarbone: Maybe I can focus and work more efficiently
Under arm: Maybe I can cope better
Top of head: I’m open to letting this stress and overwhelm go

Now take a nice deep breath and re-assess your score. If you are down to 0 then you are done. If not keep on tapping and address any other aspects until you feel calm and in control once again.

Remember – if you are facing stress every day then you need to address it every day. Do a bit of tapping every day and you’ll be well on your way to a calmer life.

Keep on tapping
07866 013 637

Summer Holiday Hell

Ok so you’ve booked your summer holiday. Got your bags packed, your tickets and passport at the ready. You get to the airport in plenty of time and that’s where it all starts to go wrong! Your flight has been delayed and you begin to feel the stress kick in. 


Several years ago this exact thing happened to me. I must admit that I completely freaked out and didn’t handle it at all well! Our flight was delayed which meant we missed our connecting flight. We then had to fly a different route with an extra stop over. I was really stressed by this stage and didn’t handle all the extra security at Miami airport at all well. By the time we reached our destination, we were 12 hours late and our luggage was missing. We had 2 hours sleep before starting our tour and I was in a right mood! My boyfriend managed to calm me down (God bless him!).  We were without our luggage for 3 days and it took me until the end of the holiday to see the funny side. It would’ve been a whole lot easier if I had had EFT to calm myself down. Well thankfully now I do! My boyfriend is very grateful too!!!

You can stay calm and enjoy your holiday even though it doesn’t go exactly as you planned it would. You just need to do a bit of tapping.
Tap on each individual thing that could go wrong with your holiday. Starting with the one that would stress you or upset you the most. 

Examples include:

  • Stressing whilst packing
  • Getting lost on the way to the airport
  • Arriving late at the airport
  • Flight being delayed or cancelled
  • Missing your connection
  • Lost luggage
  • Missing the bus to the resort
  • The hotel not being what you expected
  • Getting food poisoning 

Use a different setup statement and reminder phrase for each of these different aspects and keep tapping until you have covered them all.

Here is a tapping script that covers the flight being delayed, your luggage going missing and the hotel being sub-standard. These are some of the most common things that can go wrong and stress you out before your holiday has really begun.

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I really want the whole holiday to go smoothly and it will stress me out if anything goes wrong, I’m open to the possibility that I can remain calm no matter what happens
  • Even though I want this holiday to be perfect, I’ve been waiting all year for it and I just can’t handle anything going wrong, I accept myself and my feelings anyway
  • Even though I want the holiday to go smoothly and that there are no flight delays, lost luggage or sub-standard accommodation, I’m open to dealing with any mishaps calmly and rationally

Eyebrow: I want this holiday to be perfect
Side of Eye: I’ve waited the whole year for this holiday
Under Eye: It’s so important that I be able to relax on this holiday
Under Nose: If anything goes wrong it will spoil it all
Chin: I hope the flight is on time
Collarbone: It will stress me out if it is delayed
Under Arm: It has to go perfectly otherwise I can’t switch off
Top of Head: If my luggage goes missing, I’ll feel so anxious I won’t enjoy my holiday
Eyebrow: I just can’t cope if the accommodation isn’t what I expected
Side of Eye: If my bags get lost I’ll stress right out
Under Eye: I want this holiday to go smoothly otherwise it’ll be ruined
Under Nose: I hate it when something goes wrong
Chin: If the hotel isn’t up to my standards, I’ll want to go home
Collarbone: It’s so frustrating if the flight is delayed
Under Arm:  If the holiday doesn’t start perfectly I’ll feel stressed and I won’t enjoy myself
Top of Head: I get so upset if the flight is delayed
Eyebrow: I’m open to remaining calm no matter what
Side of Eye: What if I could just relax if the flight was delayed
Under Eye: Maybe I can enjoy my holiday if my luggage goes missing
Under Nose: Maybe the flight being delayed just won’t affect me
Chin: What if I could remain calm even if my luggage went missing
Collarbone: Maybe I can cope if the hotel isn’t up to my standards
Under Arm: What if I can relax and enjoy this holiday even if it isn’t perfect
Top of Head: I’m sure I can focus on having a good time anyway

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Remember to keep tapping until the issue has fully resolved. 

Beautiful beach

Now please, enjoy your stress free holiday!

Keep on tapping.
07866 013 637

Do You Dread Social Activities

Parties, dinners, lunches, meeting for coffee…do they fill you with dread?

We’re supposed to enjoy these things right? Well that is not always the case.

Many people are filled with dread when they receive an invite. They feel they “have” to say yes because that is the “right” thing to do.  It’s difficult to say no because you then have to find an excuse as to why. Most people would rather make up an excuse than have to explain why they don’t actually want to go.

So if that sounds like you then pay attention. What exactly is it that you dread?

  • Is it not knowing what to say
  • The social etiquette
  • Do you hate eating in front of people?
  • Do you worry what people will think of you?
  • Do you fear being judged?
  • Have you had a specific event in the past that triggered your social anxiety

Whatever the answer is you can use that and do some tapping (or EFT), to help you clear these emotions, feelings and negative thoughts. Below is an example tapping script that you can use to get you started. Rate your intensity level on a scale of 0 – 10 first (10 is maximum intensity).

  • Even though I hate eating in public, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I hate going out with friends, because I have to eat in public and I feel so self-conscious, I’m ok
  • Even though I feel so anxious, my stomach is in knots and I feel so sick I can’t eat anyway, I totally accept all of my feelings anyway

Eyebrow: I hate eating in public
Side of Eye: I dread going out with friends
Under Eye: I really wish I could enjoy it
Under Nose: But it’s so difficult
Under Chin: I feel sick to my stomach
Collarbone: I get so anxious before I go out
Under Arm: I hate having this social anxiety
Top of Head: My stomach is in knots every time I eat out

Eyebrow: I dread eating out in restaurants
Side of Eye: I really enjoy my friends company
Under Eye: But I get so anxious going out
Under Nose: I wish I could just go out and have fun
Under Chin: My stomach gets so knotty and I feel so sick
Collarbone: This anxiety is ruining my fun
Under Arm: I wish I could relax when I go out
Top of Head: I feel so anxious it makes me feel sick

Eyebrow: Maybe I can overcome this
Side of Eye: What if I could relax and enjoy myself
Under Eye: I’m open to the possibility I can get over this
Under Nose: Maybe I can let this anxiety go
Under Chin: What if I felt safe and relaxed when I went out
Collarbone: Maybe my stomach can relax
Under Arm: What if I actually enjoyed myself
Top of Head: Maybe it’s time to let this anxiety go now

Keep tapping until you are down to zero. Then visualise yourself going out with friends and see what comes up for you now. If you feel more anxiety then do more tapping! Repeat this process until you can visualise several scenarios and feel completely calm.

To increase your success rate I highly recommend using the movie technique on specific events that triggered your social anxiety.

With some more investigation and persistent tapping you’ll be able to enjoy yourself socially like you never have done before!

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

How to Listen to Your Body

We are told to listen to our body. But mostly everyone I know just doesn’t know how to do this. We have a headache and what do we do? Take a paracetamol.


We have back ache and we pop an aspirin or put on an ice pack. We have a stomach ache and we think – I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me.  We just don’t take the time to listen to what our body is trying to tell us. We just want a quick fix and off we go again. 


Over time we lose touch with our body’s messages and often it takes a serious illness before we stop and properly look after ourselves.

An easy way to listen to your body is to tune in to your feelings. Then ask yourself the question:  

“If this pain/ache had an emotion behind it, what would it be?”

Or if you are tuned into an emotion already:

“Where do I feel that {insert emotion} in my body?” 

For example, say you were feeling stressed out with work.  You could ask yourself  “Where do I feel that stress in my body?”.  This then gives you the opportunity to get in touch with how your body is feeling that stress. 
Do I feel a knot in my stomach?
Is my heart constricted?
Is there a lump in my throat?
Has my breathing become fast and shallow?
Are my shoulders tense?
Describe your body’s feelings in more detail i.e. is there a size, shape, weight, pressure, temperature associated with it? Is there a colour or sound associated with it?
Sharp blue stabbing lump in my throat
Red hot burning knot in my stomach
Black heavy weight in my shoulders

Whatever response you come up with, you can then use that for your EFT setup statement. 


Even though I feel my work stress like a red-hot burning knot in my stomach, I deeply and completely accept myself and how I feel.
Even though I feel this sharp blue stabbing lump in my throat, I’m ok.
Even though I feel this black heavy weight of my problems pressing on my shoulders, I choose to relax and let the load lighten.
Keep on tapping using your body descriptions.  Sometimes you’ll do what Gary Craig calls “chasing the pain”.  This happens when the body sensations move location or change in quality.  Keep tuning into how you feel and keep following the body sensations until you feel calm, relaxed and peaceful.
I hope using your body’s feelings helps you get even better results with Emotional Freedom Techniques.  If you have any questions or feedback then please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.

You can email me on: or use the form on my contact page. If you want a free consultation, just give me a call on 07866 013 637. I’d love to help you listen to your body’s wisdom.

I work face to face in Exeter and Tavistock in Devon and in Cardiff. I work over the phone or on Skype worldwide.

Do I have to Tap?

Quite simply the answer is no. If you have tried EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and found that you don’t actually like the tapping sensation then there are alternatives.

  • Rub each spot instead. Repeat the tapping statements as you gently rub each spot. Always use a pressure that feels right for you.
  • Touch and Breathe (TAB) is another option – touch each spot and repeat your tapping statement. Then with your fingers still in place, take an easy breath. This is a slower almost meditative form of EFT (developed by psychologist Dr John Diepold).
  • Imagine tapping the spots as you repeat your tapping statements. This is a great way to work when you feel stressed, anxious etc in public. Just imagine you are tapping on the points whilst mentally repeating the statements.

EFT is truly a flexible transformational tool. Experiment to see which method works best for you – tapping, rubbing, touching or imagining. Personally I use a combination of these depending on the situation. If I’m in public and don’t want to be seen tapping, then I imagine the tapping.

Often I will use TAB before going to bed or in bed. This is very slow, meditative and calming – ideal to help you get a good night’s sleep. If a particular tapping point is a bit sore – I will often rub it rather than tapping on it.

Experiment and see what feels right for you.

If you would like any help with EFT then I am available for sessions via phone/Skype worldwide or face to face in Cardiff or Devon. Call me on 07866 013 637 or email me for a free consultation, to see how I can help you.

How to help Veterans

Are you a veteran? Do you know a vet? It is estimated that 33% of the vets returning home suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(Rand Corp report 2008). Many of these men and women are suffering alone with no-one to help them. They are suffering from:

  • Hyper vigilance
  • Hyper arousal
  • Nightmares/Flashbacks
  • Insomnia
  • Alcohol/drug addiction/dependency
  • Depression
  • Stress/anxiety
  • Relationship problems

The traditional approach of drug administration just seems to make them worse. Now, there is an alternative answer. Gary Craig’s long-awaited vet film has been released:

Operation: Emotional Freedom

This important documentary film examines how veterans in America diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) are currently treated.  The film shows a new approach to healing PTSD and trauma using energy psychology (EFT) instead. It follows a group of volunteer vets and their families on this incredible healing journey.

Find out more now how you can help a vet. Visit the website and watch trailers. Purchase the film and spread the word about this important approach to helping our vets now.