Just Listen

I’m referring to listening to our inner talk. Those repetitive thoughts that we have day in day out. If things aren’t the way you want them to be, you can bet that your thoughts are repetitively focusing on what you don’t want, not what you do want.

So just take the time to listen to your inner talk. Make some notes about the thoughts that you are having. It is very important to not beat yourself up because you are having ‘negative’ thoughts. Just listen and observe them. Remember that what we resist persists!

So learn your inner dialogue first. Once you know what thoughts are repeatedly going on in your mind you can focus instead on the kind of thoughts you would like to have. Write a list of the kind of thoughts that are the opposite to your negative thoughts. Write them out in a positive way.

Any time one of those old negative thoughts pops into your mind just thank it and let it go. Be gentle with yourself. Then bring to mind one of your positive thoughts for a few moments. The more you focus on those positive thoughts the more the negative ones will turn up less often.

If you find it difficult to focus on the positive and negative thoughts seem to dominate your mind then tap along with this script.

  • Even though I’m so negative all the time, I accept my feelings anyway
  • Even though my thoughts are so negative all the time, it’s a life long habit, I still accept myself anyway
  • Even though I just can’t have positive thoughts, they’re always negative, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: I can’t have positive thoughts
Side of eye: My thoughts are always negative
Under eye: I’ve always had very negative thoughts
Under nose: I’ve tried to be positive before
Chin: It just didn’t work
Collarbone: My mind just brought up more negatives
Under arm: It feels like too much hard work
Top of head: It’s just easier to think negative thoughts

Eyebrow: It takes too much energy to think positively
Side of eye: It’s so hard to think positively
Under eye: I just don’t have the energy to change my thinking
Under nose: Negative thoughts are easy to me
Chin: I find it really hard to have positive thoughts
Collarbone: My mind is always negative
Under arm: It’s natural for me to think negatively
Top of head: I feels like I have to force myself to be positive

Eyebrow: I’m open to the possibility of changing this today
Side of eye: I could just try this
Under eye: Maybe it will work this time
Under nose: What if it was easier this time
Chin: I could be kinder to myself
Collarbone: I could just let those negative thoughts go
Under arm: Maybe I can practice this every day
Top of head: I could be kind and patient with myself

Remember to keep tapping until you feel at ease with changing your thoughts to be more positive. If you still find yourself having a lot of negative thoughts then do some more tapping, focusing on the cause of your negative thoughts.

Practice makes perfect!

Remember the words of Buddha:

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

I Don’t Know What to Tap On

This is another common thing people say. I don’t know what to tap on or I have so much “stuff” that I don’t know where to start.

A good way to approach this is to start by working on the feeling of overwhelm. It can feel very overwhelming if you have a lot of issues to work on. Rate this feeling of overwhelm on a scale of 0 – 10 (10 is maximum overwhelm) and then do some tapping. E.g.

  • Even though I feel so overwhelmed, I just don’t know where to start, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I have  too much stuff to work on, it feels too overwhelming, I’m ok right now
  • Even though I feel all this overwhelm because I don’t know where to start, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway

Keep tapping on your overwhelm until you feel calm again. You might want to try tapping on:

  • Even though I don’t know what to tap on, I’m open to the possibility of figuring it out
  • Even though I have so much stuff going on, I don’t know where to start, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I just don’t know where to start, I deeply and completely accept my feelings anyway

You can also try writing a list of issues you need to work on. Then you could prioritise them by how much they are affecting you on a daily basis or by writing out their score and going for the highest scoring ones first.


EFT - Write a list
Write a list of things to tap on

Another useful approach is Gary Craig’s famous question:

If you had your life to live over, what person or event would you just as soon skip?

This can often highlight the core issue that you need to work on.

Often it can be useful to tap on what is going on with you right now. Tapping to clear out these issues can help you feel ready to deal with other issues from the past.

The key is to just start! Be gentle with yourself and keep tapping. Work your way through your list and watch the issues transform.

I hope this has been useful.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

Sleep…Perchance to Dream

If you’ve ever had a sleepless night you realise just how important sleep is. It is often only when we don’t have things that we realise just how important they are. Sleep is like that. We take it for granted. Yet it is so valuable for our health and well-being.

You may lie awake at night, worrying about money, your job, your relationship, your family or your health. Or you could find yourself drifting off to sleep ok, only to wake up a few hours later and not be able to get back to sleep.

Firstly, I’d recommend trying the obvious things – avoid mental stimulation before going to bed i.e. no TV, computer etc. Avoid drinking coffee or any other stimulants at least a few hours before your bedtime. Ensure your bedroom is a dark enough and a comfortable temperature etc.

It can be useful to keep a notebook and pen beside your bed. Jot down any thoughts that are going through your mind. It can feel like the proverbial hamster in a wheel otherwise with the same thoughts going round and round your head all night.



You can also address your worries, stress, anxiety etc with EFT before you go to bed. Here are some examples you might want to try:

  • Even though I lie awake in bed every night, worrying about my finances, I still deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I toss and turn every night because I’m stressed at work, I have too many responsibilities and I just can’t cope, I’m still ok
  • Even though I can’t sleep because I’m so worried that my marriage is failing and I just can’t talk to my husband/wife, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I lay awake each night worrying about my Mother’s health and I don’t know if she’ll make it through this year, I love and accept myself anyway

Whatever it is that you are worrying about be really specific. Tap a few rounds on what you do at night when you are not sleeping. Here’s an example:

  • Even though I can’t sleep and I lie there tossing and turning all night long, I’m ok right now
  • Even though I keep checking the clock to see how much sleep I’m missing out on, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I lie there listening to every noise, wondering what it is, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I can’t sleep at night
Side of eye: I lie there tossing and turning
Under eye: I keep checking the clock
Under nose: To see how much sleep I’ve missed
Chin: I think I’ll never get to sleep
Collarbone: My mind races at night
Under arm: It feels like I’m awake all night
Top of head: I feel so lonely lying here with no-one to talk to

Eyebrow: I hate not sleeping
Side of eye: I feel so tired
Under eye: I really want to go to sleep
Under nose: But I can’t stop worrying about ………………
Chin: I listen to all the noises
Collarbone: I wonder what they are
Under arm: I can’t get comfortable
Top of head: I keep getting up to go to the toilet

Eyebrow: Maybe I can write down how I feel
Side of eye: I could write down all my worrying thoughts
Under eye: I wonder if I’m worrying too much
Under nose: What if I could get a good nights sleep
Chin: Maybe I can stop worrying
Collarbone: What if I could just focus on my breathing
Under arm: Maybe I can get really comfortable
Top of head: What if I did some deep breathing and felt really relaxed

Remember to tune in to how you feel and be specific as possible.

I hope that the script and ideas help you get a good nights sleep!

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

Menstrual Cramp Relief

Does your period feel like a “monthly curse”? Is your menstrual cycle a bane in your life?

  • Do you get irritable, tired, emotional, sensitive and feel like crying at the slightest little thing?
  • Do you get severe menstrual cramps or period pains?
  • Do you feel physically and mentally drained?

Not just me then!  If you would like to skip work, head for your bed and hide under your duvet with a hot water bottle each month, then this is for you!

Menstrual cramps

Here is a tapping script that I hope will help you if you are suffering from menstrual cramps. Firstly write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 (where 10 is maximum pain/discomfort).

  • Even though my period feels like a curse every month, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so emotional and the slightest thing upsets me when I have my period, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I get these really bad menstrual cramps and I just want to curl up into a ball, I still love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: My periods feel like a curse every month
Side of eye: I hate having my period
Under eye: I get these really bad menstrual cramps
Under nose: I can’t concentrate when I’ve got these period pains
Chin: All I want to do is curl up into a ball
Collarbone: These menstrual cramps are dragging me down
Under arm: It feels like my insides are being dragged out of me
Top of head: I find it hard to do anything when these cramps are this bad 

Eyebrow: If someone looks at me funny, I’ll burst into tears
Side of eye: I feel so emotional
Under eye: These menstrual cramps are killing me
Under nose: I feel so drained by these period pains
Chin: It’s so tiring having these cramps
Collarbone: This pain in my ovaries is making me feel so drained
Under arm: I just want to go to bed with a hot water bottle
Top of head: I hate going to work when I feel like this

Eyebrow: I wonder if I could feel better
Side of eye: Maybe I can tap away this pain
Under eye: I’m open to feeling better
Under nose: What if I could concentrate easier
Chin: Maybe I can feel calmer and more balanced
Collarbone: Maybe I can still function when I have my period
Under arm: What if my pain felt easier
Top of head: I’m open to feeling better when I have my period

Take a nice deep breath. Re-assess your score. Keep on tapping and use your words where appropriate. E.g. if you feel you have a dark cloud hanging over you when you have your period, then use these words. If you feel your period pains feel like a red-hot poker digging in your back then use these words! You get the idea!

I hope that you feel better soon.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

We Need to Talk

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck and desperately wanting to be understood by your partner? Do you put off having “that talk” about your relationship, because you anticipate it will be difficult, uncomfortable or agonising!  Many of us don’t approach our partner because we think they will respond in a certain way. We anticipate their reaction, how they will feel and we think it’s just too difficult to deal with. So we don’t have that talk and bury our heads in the sand! Instead we go around seething, resenting, judging, getting angry, frustrated, sad and upset! Does that sound familiar?

EFT can’t change our partner but what it can help us with is our own judgements, thoughts, feelings and blockages that prevent us from approaching our partners and communicating with them in a calm way. It can also help us deal with the reaction we get if it’s not we want, expect or need.

Firstly try writing down exactly what it is you are feeling.  Then use what you have written down to come up with your tapping statements.  Below are some examples to help you get started:

  • Even though I keep putting off talking to my partner, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I can’t find the time to talk to my partner properly, I’m open to making the time
  • Even though talking about how I feel with {name} is so difficult, they just don’t understand me, I accept myself completely anyway
  • Even though {name} won’t understand what I’m trying to say, it’s just so difficult to talk with them, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though {name} will get upset when we have this talk, what if they surprised me and really listened to what I have to say
  • Even though I’m scared of hurting {name} with what I have to say, I’m open to remaining calm and getting my points across anyway
  • Even though {name} can’t handle it when I get upset, I really need to talk about this
  • Even though I don’t know how to explain  how I feel and what I need from {name}, I’m open to letting it be easier than I think it will be

Next, tap your way through your list until you feel a shift (check your scores are all down to zero before you stop). Then try practicing “your talk” with your partner in your mind. Visualise how you both react. If there is anything that doesn’t go as you planned it, then keep tapping on the different aspects until you feel comfortable.

Whilst we cannot control how our partners will actually react, we will succeed in communicating a whole lot better if we are calm and in control of our emotions. If the talk doesn’t go as planned, then do some more tapping to help you deal with the situation.

Good luck with “that talk”.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637