Pain Relief Summit Starts Today!

Over 54,000 people have already registered for the Pain Relief World Summit.

If you haven’t yet go ahead and register here:

Pain Relief World Summit

If you suffer from any type of physical pain you need to learn about this f.r.e.e
online event that is starting today that can have dramatic results in helping you eliminate your pain.

Back pain, neck pain, fibromylgia, joint pain, knee pain, muscle pain, whatever it is this event can help.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Keeping It Fruity

We all know that eating at least 5 a day helps us stay healthy. But what if we just don’t enjoy fruit or vegetables that much? What if we don’t naturally look for fruit when we are hungry & seek instead something sweet & chocolatey?

Keeping it fruity

Well there is hope! EFT can be very useful when it comes to helping us choose healthy foods. Generally chocolate and cakes etc give people some sort of comfort. You might like to look at what drives you to eat this kind of comfort food. You can use tapping to help you identify the triggers to this kind of eating.

In the meantime, here’s a tapping script that can help you choose to eat more fruit and vegetables.

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I don’t naturally reach for fruit,  I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’d rather eat a chocolate bar than an apple, I’m ok
  • Even though I’m finding it hard to eat fruit and vegetables, I accept my feelings about this

Eyebrow: I just don’t think about eating fruit
Side of Eye: I’d rather eat a chocolate bar {or your comfort food}
Under Eye: I find it so hard to eat fruit and vegetables
Under Nose: It’s so easy to reach for a cake instead
Chin: I just don’t fancy eating fruit
Collarbone: Why is it so hard for me to eat healthily
Under Arm: It’s so hard to eat enough fruit and veg
Top of Head: I don’t naturally look for fruit to satisfy my hunger

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting it be easier
Side of Eye: Maybe I can enjoy fruit more
Under Eye: Maybe if I plan things better, I’ll enjoy eating fruit more
Under Nose: What if I started enjoying fruit more
Chin: I know I’d feel healthier if I ate more fruit
Collarbone: Maybe I can choose different fruit
Under Arm: What if I felt satisfied after eating some fruit
Top of Head: I wonder if I can enjoy fruit more

Repeat using your words where appropriate. Ask yourself some questions like:

What does chocolate {or insert your comfort food} do for me?

Why do I need to feel comforted by food?

What am I trying to comfort with food?

Remember to tap on any emotions that come up until you feel they have been fully addressed.  You can use the choices method to help you choose to eat more fruit and veg. E.g. Even though I still naturally choose other food, I choose to reach for fruit more often.

Keep tapping!

07866 013 637


EFT, Alternative Medicine Therapies and Cancer

Guest Blog

Alternative Medicine Therapies and Cancer: Emotional Freedom Technique

According to recent estimates by the World Health Organization, cancer in its various forms is the cause of 13.3% of deaths worldwide, 19.3% of deaths in the United States alone (1). Over 1.5 million new cases are diagnosed every year in the United States. Particularly prevalent in the United States is mesothelioma, a form of cancer that affects the protective lining of internal organs, predominantly the lining of the lungs, heart, abdominal cavity, and testes. Excessive use of asbestos in architecture during the 1970s and 80s has been linked to the high incidence of mesothelioma in the United States, with death rates increasing significantly each year (2). Despite various pharmacological, chemotherapeutic, and surgical therapies for cancerous growth, including mesothelioma, the prognosis of the disease is very poor.

In light of the low success rate for current medical treatments of cancer, much research in alternative medicine therapies has begun in recent years. The motivation for study in these alternative therapies is to find an effective combination of clinical and psychological treatments of cancer. Such combinations of alternative medicine with current medical treatments may lead to a better mesothelioma prognosis. One particularly promising alternative medicine therapy is the Emotional Freedom Technique, abbreviated EFT. Developed by Gary Craig two decades ago, EFT is a psychotherapeutic method of relieving the psychological and emotional consequences of disease, such as fear and anxiety. In essence, EFT is a non-invasive manner of triggering and desensitizing acupressure points located all over the body, causing a holistic betterment of the psyche and emotional condition. Proponents of EFT emphasize the benefits of its “energy psychology” approach in aiding cancer recovery.

EFT, in conjunction with other drug or surgical therapies, can improve cancer prognosis by complementing biological treatment with psychological improvements. Cancer is an emotionally taxing ailment, and current chemotherapy and surgical procedures only exacerbate this emotional drain. Thus, it is plausible to claim that alternative medicine therapies like EFT can prove to be extremely effective in the future as a complementary cancer treatment option. The outlook for such combination therapies is promising in providing an all-encompassing treatment for one of the most malignant diseases on the planet.


Molly Hartwick
Molly Hartwick is a blogger and cancer advocate for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. You can reach her by email at

Thanks to Molly for a great article. If you would like to contribute a guest blog, please get in touch. Louise

Survival Mode Post Fire

7 weeks ago my neighbour’s house burnt down the ground. My house has some fire damage & quite a bit of smoke and water damage. We were the lucky ones. The neighbours lost everything! I mean everything! I’m very grateful that my house is still standing and that most of my possessions can be saved. The past 7 weeks have involved lots of moving about from hotel to hotel. One week we were moved 3 times! I’ve been in survival mode all this time and finally it is coming to an end. We have finally moved into a rental house for the duration of the remedial works which is estimated at 6 months.

I have used EFT all through this journey. I was tapping my fingertips the actual night of the fire and it helped me stay (relatively) calm. I’ve used it since for the trauma that I went through. I’ve used it for all the emotions that have come up. I will continue to use it as now that we are settled in one place, I feel my emotions are coming up ready to be dealt with. I will be kind to myself and allow myself to feel all these feelings. They need to be heard. EFT is great at allowing you to face up to your emotions and be able to handle them.

Some of this tapping I will do alone, some with my partner. I will also be tapping with my wonderful EFT buddies. I know that with their patient, caring support I will be looked after and helped through this unsettling period of my life. Amen to that and to EFT!

My Broadband should be re-connected soon and I am looking forward to blogging more often once again.

Keep tapping
07866 013637

Sharing My Gratitude of EFT

I’d like to share my gratitude for EFT. EFT has really changed my life for the better. I know that any challenge I face does not have to overwhelm me or fill me with anxiety or fear. I can tap on it.

I know that when I feel a bit stressed, I can tap it away.

I know that when I feel upset or harassed or even right pissed off, I can tap on it.

I know that when I don’t feel like tapping, I can even tap on that too!

I’m grateful I have this amazing flexible tool at my fingertips anytime I need it.

I’m grateful I can tap away my fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, stress, sadness, pain etc.

I’m grateful that EFT allows me to really feel my feelings, to acknowledge them and accept them, without judgement.

I’m really grateful to have EFT in my life. I hope that you learn this amazing tool and use it for your benefit like I have.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

I’m Highly Sensitive and that’s OK

Lately my clients have been people who are highly sensitive. I find I can relate to these clients very well as I am highly sensitive myself. I, like many sensitive folk found it hard growing up. I was told:

  • You’re too sensitive
  • Stop taking things so seriously
  • Toughen up
  • You should have thicker skin
  • Don’t take things to heart so much

I thought it was wrong to be so sensitive. I wasn’t “normal”.

This means that I grew up with this big stigma. I tried to play down my sensitive side. I would cry at movies my friends didn’t seem bothered by. I would always try & hide the fact that I had cried, unless one of my friends had cried too & then it would be “ok” for me to admit that I had cried too. I have even been known to cry at adverts but would not admit that to anyone!

I need time alone every day. That must mean I am some kind of freak surely! Ok, maybe it means that I’m ok when my partner goes away & I have to spend time alone. I enjoy my own company and relish this quiet time to myself.

I have done a lot of tapping about this and now realise that being highly sensitive is actually a good thing. Especially as an EFT practitioner. It makes me more empathetic. I understand my clients on a deep level.

If you are highly sensitive, then I suggest you do some tapping to help you come to terms with it and accept that it is actually a good thing. Here are some suggestions:

  • Even though I’m highly sensitive, maybe that’s ok
  • Even though I was always told to toughen up and get thicker skin, maybe I’m ok just the way I am
  • Even though I was always told I’m too sensitive and take things to heart too easily, what if this is a good thing for me
  • Even though I was always told not to be so sensitive and that spending time alone is wrong, what if everyone else is wrong and I know what I need

I cannot tell you how much better I felt after I worked on this.To feel ok in your own skin is so important!

Let me emphasise that again – to feel ok in your own skin is so important!

I feel so grateful that EFT allowed me to do this.

If you are highly sensitive then I suggest that you work with someone who really understands you and is highly sensitive themselves.

If you want to explore this issue yourself, Rue Hass, EFT Master has a wonderful website and book for Highly Sensitive People.

I cannot recommend working on this issue highly enough if you are highly sensitive.

Get tapping – you will feel so much more comfortable and ok with yourself if you work on this issue.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Weekend Has Gone Too Fast

This weekend seems to have flown by. Whilst I got a lot done, I feel that there is so much more I needed to/could’ve/should’ve done! But I also acknowledge that I needed some down time too, like enjoying a film at the cinema & a nice meal with my partner. The weather had its part to play too and didn’t comply with my plans to be in the garden all weekend. Well we have to learn to adapt and adjust in these situations. But we can be left with feelings of frustration, anger, guilt etc.

We can use EFT to help us deal with these feelings and also enable us to be more flexible about our plans so that we can go with the flow more easily. Try statements like the following:

  • Even though I didn’t get everything done that I needed to this weekend and I feel frustrated, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I feel guilty for taking some time off and enjoying myself, I love and accept myself
  • Even though I wish I could’ve got a lot more done this weekend, I accept that I’m not superwoman/man
  • Even though there just wasn’t enough time to fit everything in this weekend, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I didn’t manage to fit everything in this weekend, I acknowledge that I need some down time too

Remember to keep tapping until you feel better about how your weekend turned out.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Tackling The Self Doubt Voice

How often have you had self doubts? Many people beat themselves up all the time with their self doubts.  We often give ourselves a much harder time than we do other people. If this sounds like you then here is a tapping script that can help.

Write down the level of your self-doubt on a scale of 0 -10 before you start (10 being maximum self-doubt).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I have all these self doubts,  I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I doubt my abilities all the time and give myself such a hard time, I’m open to being kinder to myself
  • Even though I beat myself up all the time constantly doubt myself and my abilities, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I doubt myself all the time
Side of Eye: I can’t do anything without doubting how I’ve done
Under Eye: I seem to beat myself up with my self doubts
Under Nose: I have all this negativity
Chin: I doubt my abilities constantly
Collarbone: Why do I have all these self doubts?
Under Arm: I can’t seem to think positively about my abilities
Top of Head: I can’t recognise when I’ve done a good job

Eyebrow: All this self-doubt
Side of Eye: I beat myself about how I’ve done
Under Eye: I analyse how I did and always think I could’ve done better
Under Nose: I beat myself up
Chin: I have all these self doubts
Collarbone: It seems like I’m always doubting myself
Under Arm: I give myself a hard time with all this self-doubt
Top of Head: I wonder why I seem to always doubt myself and my abilities

Eyebrow: Maybe I can feel better about myself
Side of Eye: What if I could be kinder to myself
Under Eye: What if I trusted my abilities
Under Nose: Maybe I can believe in myself
Chin: Maybe I can let these doubts go
Collarbone: What if I believed in myself
Under Arm: What if it was easier than I thought
Top of Head: Maybe I don’t have to doubt myself all the time

Do you doubt yourself in certain situations more than others? What purpose does your self-doubt serve? What would you lose if you didn’t doubt yourself any more? Remember to keep tapping on the different aspects of your self-doubt.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Getting Out Of Your Own Way

Sometimes we feel yuck and know that tapping can help us. Yet we don’t do it! Why is that? Is is some form of self-sabotage? Is it that we don’t think we deserve to feel better? Or is it that we don’t have the time to do it? Well we can always make time when something is important.

What if we don’t think EFT will help in this case? Or is it that we simply want to “wallow” in our feelings for a while. I have done that in the past and got really annoyed with myself! I feel really upset and think I’m not going to do anything about it. I’m going to sulk into these feelings for a while. Then I annoy myself and think I must do something about this!

Well perhaps some tapping about not tapping is in order. Try:

  • Even though I don’t seem to want to tap about this, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’m sabotaging myself, what if I could get out of my own way
  • Even though I seem to want to wallow in these feelings rather than tapping, I acknowledge and accept these feelings
  • Even though I think tapping won’t help, what if I was pleasantly surprised by the results
  • Even though I don’t think I deserve to get over this, what if I could be kind to myself and help myself
  • Even though I don’t have time to work on this right now, what if I could make the time

Sometimes we just have to acknowledge and accept our feelings. Tapping is perfect to help us do this. Sometimes we have to wallow for awhile. EFT is always there for us when we are ready!

Keep tapping.

07866 013 637

Tapping Away Anxiety

Anxiety feels awful. You know that thinking about it makes it worse. You dread the anxiety escalating into a panic attack. You end up worrying about having anxiety or having a panic attack. Which in itself can bring on an attack!

Then you start to avoid certain situations and spend more time at home because it is easier than going through all that anxiety.  The anxiety or worrying about the anxiety is very draining. It literally wears you out and you feel exhausted. Life becomes less enjoyable.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Learning EFT can really help you take control of your life again. You can use EFT to relax and calm your mind and body. You can reduce your symptoms e.g. fast beating heart, sweating, churning or knotty stomach, feeling sick, feeling like you will pass out etc. You can work on the triggers of your anxiety. This part is key. Working with a Practitioner can help you get to the underlying cause of the anxiety.

Figuring out when it started, what was going on in your life then etc. We can work very gently with any traumatic memories from your past with the movie technique. Working on these past memories helps clear out this stuck energy. Your body can then learn that it is safe now and let these symptoms go.

Tapping every day, helps restore calm and puts you back in control. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

  • Even though I hate this anxiety and it feels so awful, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I hate feeling so sick because of this anxiety, I’m ok right now
  • Even though I can’t even go out for a meal without feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I shake like a leaf and my stomach churns in knots, every time I go out shopping, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I worry about having a panic attack every time I have to go out and I feel so exhausted afterwards that I just want to lie down and go to sleep, I accept myself anyway

Tapping really can help as long as you are persistent and work on both your symptoms and the triggers that cause the anxiety. It is possible to enjoy life again and plan things that you avoided in the past.

Keep tapping

07866 013 637

Depression Up

It was reported this week that depression rates are up in the UK by 40% since 2007. Wow! More and more people are turning to antidepressants, many of which have side effects.

Antidepressants can help you feel better initially but often the effect wears off and the dosage needs to be increased. Whilst I am not anti antidepressants per say, they do not address the underlying issues. This is where EFT can help. Working with an experienced practitioner is highly recommended for issues like depression. With help you can discover the underlying issues and work through them to create lasting changes.

EFT as a technique is always there for you when you need it, so it is perfect to use by yourself at home in between sessions with your practitioner. There is a great article about ways of helping tackle depression by Dr. Mercola. He recommends among other things exercise (important for boosting your endorphins), diet and getting enough sunshine (for Vitamin D levels).

If you are suffering from depression, do get help. It doesn’t have to be a journey you do alone.

Keep tapping

07866 013 637

Kids Leaving the Nest

Are your children about to leave the nest? Are you questioning who you will be now that your children are leaving home? The Mother role is diminishing and it can make you re-evaluate who you are, who you want to be and what you want to do with your life. Maybe you haven’t worked or only worked limited hours when your children have been at home and you are now considering whether to go back to work or work longer hours. Or maybe you’re considering re-training for a new career.

If that sounds like you, then you might like to tune in to your body and see what messages it is trying to tell you. Do you feel tension or tightness anywhere? Notice what is going on in your body and ask it if it has a message for you.

Here is a script you can use to help you during this transitional time.

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I hate change and I still want to be a Mom to my kids, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though part of me doesn’t want my kids to leave, I don’t know who I’ll be when they are gone, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve been needed for so long, now it feels like my kids don’t need me anymore and I don’t know how to handle that, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I hate change
Side of Eye: Change is scary
Under Eye: I don’t know who I’ll be when my kids leave home
Under Nose: I’ve been a Mum for so long
Chin: I don’t know what I’ll do when my kids leave
Collarbone: I like to be needed
Under Arm: Part of me doesn’t want them to leave
Top of Head: What will I do when they leave home

Eyebrow: I feel this worry in my shoulder
Side of Eye: My shoulder is frozen in fear and worry
Under Eye: Who will I be when they leave?
Under Nose: This is so hard
Chin: I don’t know how to handle them leaving 
Collarbone: How will I handle having all this extra time
Under Arm: I’m frozen in fear of this change
Top of Head: I’m not sure what I’ll do with my life now

Eyebrow: I’m open to feeling different about this
Side of Eye: What if I could feel excited about the opportunities I have
Under Eye: Maybe I can feel less scared and worried
Under Nose: I’m open to finding this easier
Chin: What if I could see this as an opportunity for me
Collarbone: Maybe I’ll enjoy the extra time I’ll have
Under Arm: What if I found it easier to handle this situation
Top of Head: I’m open to letting it be easy to let my kids go

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel so scared or worried. I’d love to hear your feedback, so please leave a comment.

Keep tapping!


07866 013 637

Snowed Under?

Ever have one of those weeks when everything seems to happen at once? It can seem like things are quiet for months and then suddenly loads of stuff seems to happen in the same week. What is that all about? I’m having one of those weeks this week! I am moving house and have also taken on extra work and had extra clients. How am I coping? Well, I’ll admit I’ve had the odd “wobbly” moment. But I’ve also had EFT to help me too. I know looking back at other times I’ve had like this that I had a tendency to have lots of “wobbly” moments and collapse in a big heap at the end of it! Burnt out and battered would be a good description of how I felt at the end of those busy periods.

Thankfully that doesn’t happen any more because I now use EFT to help me cope. Ok I can’t actually change things so that they are less busy (I would if I could!) but I can tap to help me stay calm and centered. It helps me put things into perspective and see the bigger picture. It can be useful to tap before things get too busy to prepare the way as it were for the busy times ahead. Then you can tap during your busy times when things start to feel like they are getting too much.

I often tap in the car whilst I am driving. In addition to helping me let go of any stress, anxiety and feeling snowed under etc, it helps me focus on my journey more easily. As I tap I can feel my body relax, my shoulders drop, my breathing get deeper and slower. I use finger tapping normally as this allows me to keep both hands on the wheel and tap the fingertips of one hand safely.  In addition to this I will also tap at home working through all the emotions I am feeling and the physical sensations in my body (e.g tense, tight shoulders).

So, remember we can’t always change our circumstances but we can always choose how we handle them!

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Talking To Yourself

I was recently working with a new client who was new to EFT. After explaining the technique and tapping through a few rounds he experienced a noticeable shift. He felt more relaxed (a common result) and also had a cognitive shift regarding his issue.

He said that the way we had tapped was like having a conversation with himself. He explained that he was always having these conversations with himself anyway, so it would be great to tap at the same time to clear out the energy disruption and emotions involved.

Previously he had been explained EFT in a very mechanical way. The person had given him the words to use and repeat on each tapping point. E.g. this craving. Whilst that is one way of working, it doesn’t leave room for being creative and letting the words flow like in a conversation.

I’ve blogged in the past about people worrying about “the right words” to use and I thought the idea of having a conversation with yourself might just explain it even better. So next time that something is bothering you, notice the conversation you are having with yourself and tap! Just keep tapping as you go through your conversation. All those things you are telling yourself. Perhaps you are weighing up the pros and cons of a decision or a talking to yourself about a behaviour you do. Perhaps you are trying to figure out how to speak to someone about an issue, or how to approach a situation. Just start tapping whilst you are having this conversation with yourself. You may feel energy move in your body, feel calmer, yawn or be able to laugh at yourself. All these can indicate a shift. Keep tapping until you feel a shift occur and there is more clarity or a resolution.

You can also begin to notice any negative self talk you do as well. E.g. notice when you say to yourself – I’m not good enough for that, I’m not clever enough to go for that job, I don’t deserve that promotion etc. Again when you begin to notice the self talk you can tap any time you notice it, acknowledge it and let it go. You can even say “I now release these thoughts” as you tap.

Keep the conversations going and keep tapping!

07866 013 637

Releasing Guilt About Needing Help

Something that has come up quite a bit with my clients lately is feeling guilt or shame about needing help. I will jump into a tapping script that can help this issue in just a bit. But first, I’d like to say that admitting to yourself you need help takes a lot of courage! So if you feel like this, perhaps for just a minute you can appreciate yourself for having the courage to admitting you’d like some help.


Help wanted
Help wanted?

Many people struggle for years and never get the help they need. They may eventually become ill or have a breakdown of some sorts that “forces” them to get the help they need. There is so much pressure on us these days to be Superman or Wonderwoman! All the stress from our jobs, families, relationships etc. We live in a very fast paced society which is go, go all the time. Sometimes we need to take a step back, retreat from the world and look after ourselves.

Admitting you need help is not a weakness. It is a wonderful way of honouring your needs. We all deserve to feel healthy, happy and fulfilled. If something is not working for us we need to address it. Having someone who is not directly involved gives us wonderful insights and allows us to see things from a different perspective. We often can’t see the wood through the trees by ourselves.

So onto the tapping script. Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum guilt/shame).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I feel so ashamed that I need help and I can’t sort my own life out, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I should be able to handle this by myself and I feel so guilty that I can’t, I accept my feelings about this anyway
  • Even though I feel so much guilt and shame because I can’t cope with life and I need to get help off someone else, I’m willing to accept my feelings

Eyebrow: I should be able to handle this myself
Side of Eye: I feel ashamed I need help
Under Eye: I can’t cope with this by myself
Under Nose: I feel so guilty for needing this help
Chin: Everyone else seems to cope ok
Collarbone: Why can’t I cope?
Under Arm: I’m ashamed I can’t cope
Top of Head: I feel guilty because I can’t deal with this alone

Eyebrow: I wish I could cope with this alone
Side of Eye: Why do I need this help?
Under Eye: I feel at the end of my tether
Under Nose: I can’t cope on my own and I feel ashamed
Chin: It’s too much for me to deal with by myself
Collarbone: But I feel so much shame for needing this help
Under Arm: I hate feeling this shame and guilt
Top of Head: But I really do need help and can’t cope by myself

Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if felt ok about having this help
Under Eye: Maybe other people need help too
Under Nose: Maybe I don’t have to deal with this on my own
Chin: What if was ok to have this help
Collarbone: Maybe others are getting help but I don’t realise it
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help
Top of Head: I’m open to accepting this help and letting go of this shame and guilt

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel no more shame or guilt.

Think about times in the past, when you have wanted help and couldn’t get it or it wasn’t deemed acceptable for you to have help. Working on these specific memories can help heal your current beliefs.

Keep on tapping
07866 013 637