Kids Leaving the Nest

Are your children about to leave the nest? Are you questioning who you will be now that your children are leaving home? The Mother role is diminishing and it can make you re-evaluate who you are, who you want to be and what you want to do with your life. Maybe you haven’t worked or only worked limited hours when your children have been at home and you are now considering whether to go back to work or work longer hours. Or maybe you’re considering re-training for a new career.

If that sounds like you, then you might like to tune in to your body and see what messages it is trying to tell you. Do you feel tension or tightness anywhere? Notice what is going on in your body and ask it if it has a message for you.

Here is a script you can use to help you during this transitional time.

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I hate change and I still want to be a Mom to my kids, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though part of me doesn’t want my kids to leave, I don’t know who I’ll be when they are gone, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve been needed for so long, now it feels like my kids don’t need me anymore and I don’t know how to handle that, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I hate change
Side of Eye: Change is scary
Under Eye: I don’t know who I’ll be when my kids leave home
Under Nose: I’ve been a Mum for so long
Chin: I don’t know what I’ll do when my kids leave
Collarbone: I like to be needed
Under Arm: Part of me doesn’t want them to leave
Top of Head: What will I do when they leave home

Eyebrow: I feel this worry in my shoulder
Side of Eye: My shoulder is frozen in fear and worry
Under Eye: Who will I be when they leave?
Under Nose: This is so hard
Chin: I don’t know how to handle them leaving 
Collarbone: How will I handle having all this extra time
Under Arm: I’m frozen in fear of this change
Top of Head: I’m not sure what I’ll do with my life now

Eyebrow: I’m open to feeling different about this
Side of Eye: What if I could feel excited about the opportunities I have
Under Eye: Maybe I can feel less scared and worried
Under Nose: I’m open to finding this easier
Chin: What if I could see this as an opportunity for me
Collarbone: Maybe I’ll enjoy the extra time I’ll have
Under Arm: What if I found it easier to handle this situation
Top of Head: I’m open to letting it be easy to let my kids go

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel so scared or worried. I’d love to hear your feedback, so please leave a comment.

Keep tapping!


07866 013 637

You Can Spare 5 Minutes

Many people know the benefits of EFT. They have had success with it. Yet they frequently don’t have time to tap or work on their issues. We all have the same 24 hours available to us. Yet sometimes we make strange choices about how we fill our time, or what we prioritise. Surely our health and wellbeing should be at the top of our list?

I’m not suggesting that you spend an hour every day or even every week working on your issues. Yet that would be wonderful if you could! What I am suggesting is taking just 5 minutes for yourself every day. Everybody, no matter how busy they are can take 5 minutes for themselves!

So turn off the phone, step away from the computer, TV, kids, partner etc. Find a quiet spot and sit comfortably. Then spend 5 minutes tapping for yourself, for your wellbeing. What you tap on you can decide each day. Just make sure you do this for yourself. You’ll thank yourself for it, I promise you.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Tap Every Day Anyway

Many people learn EFT and use it successfully to create a big shift in their life, e.g. overcome a fear, give up smoking or lose weight. Once they have achieved their goal they tend to forget about EFT. EFT is not just a tool for issues such as those already mentioned. It is very much a tool for everyday use. Most people face stress every day. Most people have some sort of challenge every day. It doesn’t matter what the size of the challenge or the stress, it is usually best to deal with it there and then if you can so that you can let it go. By not clearing our daily stress and emotions they tend to build up and build up. Eventually we start to feel overwhelmed. Think of a situation where you “lost it” over something trivial – e.g. dropping the milk. We know it’s not dropping the milk that has caused us to “lose it”, but all the other challenges, stress, niggles and emotions leading up to dropping the milk. So rather than waiting to deal with things until they seem overwhelming, it is much better for us to deal with them on a daily basis and prevent the overwhelm.

My advice is to make EFT a part of every day. Every day we wash and brush our teeth and hair etc. Making EFT a part of your daily routine can really help you reduce your overwhelm, stress and help you handle things much more calmly and easily. So make EFT a part of your daily routine and enjoy the benefits!

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Snowed Under?

Ever have one of those weeks when everything seems to happen at once? It can seem like things are quiet for months and then suddenly loads of stuff seems to happen in the same week. What is that all about? I’m having one of those weeks this week! I am moving house and have also taken on extra work and had extra clients. How am I coping? Well, I’ll admit I’ve had the odd “wobbly” moment. But I’ve also had EFT to help me too. I know looking back at other times I’ve had like this that I had a tendency to have lots of “wobbly” moments and collapse in a big heap at the end of it! Burnt out and battered would be a good description of how I felt at the end of those busy periods.

Thankfully that doesn’t happen any more because I now use EFT to help me cope. Ok I can’t actually change things so that they are less busy (I would if I could!) but I can tap to help me stay calm and centered. It helps me put things into perspective and see the bigger picture. It can be useful to tap before things get too busy to prepare the way as it were for the busy times ahead. Then you can tap during your busy times when things start to feel like they are getting too much.

I often tap in the car whilst I am driving. In addition to helping me let go of any stress, anxiety and feeling snowed under etc, it helps me focus on my journey more easily. As I tap I can feel my body relax, my shoulders drop, my breathing get deeper and slower. I use finger tapping normally as this allows me to keep both hands on the wheel and tap the fingertips of one hand safely.  In addition to this I will also tap at home working through all the emotions I am feeling and the physical sensations in my body (e.g tense, tight shoulders).

So, remember we can’t always change our circumstances but we can always choose how we handle them!

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Power of the Mind with Bruce Lipton

A Must See Video On the Power of the Mind with Bruce Lipton

Would you like to know why EFT works and why it’s so effective?  🙂

Well Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and best-selling author, is about to explain to you why he considers EFT to be like “super learning”.

In this fascinating video Bruce will explain to you how your thoughts can make you sick, broke and unhappy, why regular “positive thinking” doesn’t work and how you can use EFT to reprogram your mind to get what you want in life.

You can check it out here:

Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who has spent years studying how our thoughts affect us in all areas of life.

His scientific studies are so shocking and revealing and have such wide-ranging ramifications that the established communities have gone to great lengths to keep them hidden, especially the medical community.

Bruce Lipton has out-right said that the majority of medical studies done today are inaccurate and misleading and he has the proof to show why.

If you’re ready for some mind-blowing information on how your thoughts effect all areas of your life and how you can use EFT to be healthy, wealthy and happy then I highly suggest watching this video:

Here are a few of the things that he discusses:

– Why positive thinking is not enough to change your life (And what he says does work)

– How the unconscious programming you received in childhood is effecting you today (And what you can do about the programs that aren’t serving you)

– The one simple belief that traditional medicine is based on that is 100% false.

This video is guaranteed to be one of the most eye-opening videos you’ll see all year.


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P.S. – This video is part of the fr*ee Tapping World Summit Video series being released over the next few days leading up to this enormous event starting
on Feb. 21st (Last year over 100,000 people attended this event online)

If you missed the first video with Jack Canfield on how your past traumas and negative emotions may be keeping you from attracting what you want in life you’ll get access to that video as well when you see this one. Both are very powerful…

Talking To Yourself

I was recently working with a new client who was new to EFT. After explaining the technique and tapping through a few rounds he experienced a noticeable shift. He felt more relaxed (a common result) and also had a cognitive shift regarding his issue.

He said that the way we had tapped was like having a conversation with himself. He explained that he was always having these conversations with himself anyway, so it would be great to tap at the same time to clear out the energy disruption and emotions involved.

Previously he had been explained EFT in a very mechanical way. The person had given him the words to use and repeat on each tapping point. E.g. this craving. Whilst that is one way of working, it doesn’t leave room for being creative and letting the words flow like in a conversation.

I’ve blogged in the past about people worrying about “the right words” to use and I thought the idea of having a conversation with yourself might just explain it even better. So next time that something is bothering you, notice the conversation you are having with yourself and tap! Just keep tapping as you go through your conversation. All those things you are telling yourself. Perhaps you are weighing up the pros and cons of a decision or a talking to yourself about a behaviour you do. Perhaps you are trying to figure out how to speak to someone about an issue, or how to approach a situation. Just start tapping whilst you are having this conversation with yourself. You may feel energy move in your body, feel calmer, yawn or be able to laugh at yourself. All these can indicate a shift. Keep tapping until you feel a shift occur and there is more clarity or a resolution.

You can also begin to notice any negative self talk you do as well. E.g. notice when you say to yourself – I’m not good enough for that, I’m not clever enough to go for that job, I don’t deserve that promotion etc. Again when you begin to notice the self talk you can tap any time you notice it, acknowledge it and let it go. You can even say “I now release these thoughts” as you tap.

Keep the conversations going and keep tapping!

07866 013 637

Patience is a Virtue

Do you hate waiting for things? I’m referring to things like a job offer, a promotion, moving house or going on holiday. Or maybe it’s the smaller things that really try your patience like waiting for a bus, waiting in the traffic or waiting at the dentists.  Is there a difference in your patience? Do you have more patience for bigger events and less for the mundane things? Or is it the other way around?

What things do you do whilst you have to wait? What emotions are present when you are waiting? Frustration, anger, fear, guilt? Make a note of your feelings around these issues so that you can compare with how you feel after you have done some tapping on the issue.

So, as usual, write down your score on a scale of 0 -10 (where 10 is maximum impatience).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I hate waiting for things, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I get so frustrated and angry when I’m waiting, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I have no patience, I accept how I feel anyway

Eyebrow: I hate waiting
Side of Eye: It makes me angry and grumpy
Under Eye: It’s so frustrating waiting
Under Nose: I have no patience
Chin: I get so mad if I have to wait
Collarbone: It frustrates me waiting for things
Under Arm: I don’t have any patience
Top of Head: It feels like I’m wasting my life waiting

Eyebrow: I can’t sit still when I’m waiting
Side of Eye: I have to keep checking how much time has passed
Under Eye: and how much time is left to go
Under Nose: I find it so annoying
Chin: It makes me so mad
Collarbone: It really winds me up waiting
Under Arm: I find myself fidgeting and pacing back and forth
Top of Head: I have no patience and hate waiting

Eyebrow: I’m open to feeling different about waiting
Side of Eye: What if I could feel calmer about waiting
Under Eye: Maybe I can feel less frustrated
Under Nose: I’m open to having more patience
Chin: What if I could do something constructive when I have to wait
Collarbone: Maybe I won’t get angry and frustrated
Under Arm: What if I found it easier to wait
Top of Head: I’m open to letting it be easy to feel patient

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel so impatient. I’d love to hear your feedback, so please leave a comment.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

It’s Too Hard To Lose Weight

Does it always seem like a struggle for you to lose weight? Is it always an uphill battle? Does it seem like you have to fight your willpower? Do you feel the pounds pile on when you just look at a cake or chocolate bar?

Have you tried lots of different diets? Have you started them with full enthusiasm and then given up by the time the week is out?

It’s no wonder 95% of diets fail. We are always going to battle our willpower if we have to limit our calorie intake and avoid eating certain foods. We know that on a bad day, it is just too easy to think “sod it” and grab a chocolate bar or biscuit.

Weighing scales
Lose weight with EFT

Instead, we can forget about calorie counting, cabbage eating (unless you enjoy cabbage that is!) and watching the “sins” we eat. We can utilise the power of EFT instead and lose weight the easy way.

Here’s a script that can help you if you feel it is just too hard to lose weight and you have failed so many times in the past that you think you’ll fail again.

Rate your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first, where 10 is it feels impossible to lose weight or you’re convinced you’ll fail again.

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though it feels impossible for me to lose weight, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel it’s too hard for me to lose weight, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I think there’s no point as I’ll just give up and feel like a failure again, I accept how I feel about this

Eyebrow: It’s impossible for me to lose weight
Side of Eye: It takes too much effort
Under Eye: It’s too difficult to stick to healthy food
Under Nose: I don’t want to fail yet again
Chin: I fail every time
Collarbone: It takes too much energy for me to lose weight
Under Arm: I don’t have enough self-control
Top of Head: I hate fighting my willpower

Eyebrow: There’s too much temptation everywhere I look
Side of Eye: Why is it so difficult for me to lose weight?
Under Eye: I hate feeling hunger all the time
Under Nose: I love my food too much
Chin: It feels like an uphill battle for me to lose weight
Collarbone: I hate struggling to lose weight
Under Arm: I’ve tried so many diets
Top of Head: I always end up quitting and feeling like a failure

Eyebrow: I’m open to trying something different
Side of Eye: What if I could change how I feel about food
Under Eye: Maybe I can feel satisfied eating less
Under Nose: I’m open to changing my relationship with food
Chin: What if I could feel comforted without eating
Collarbone: Maybe I won’t fail this time
Under Arm: What if I it was easier this time
Top of Head: I’m open to letting it be easy this time

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel it is impossible to lose weight or that you’ll fail again. I’d love to hear your feedback, so please leave a comment.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Shift The Christmas Spread

I know, you said you wouldn’t do it this year. But it is very difficult not to over-indulge at Christmas. When you visit family especially they always seem to insist you eat and drink a lot! Even if you don’t necessarily eat more, what you do eat tends to be richer and more calorie laden! You try your best and yet you somehow manage to put on at least a few pounds. Well now that the new year is here, it’s time to shift those extra Christmas pounds.

So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you.  Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum guilt/disappointment etc).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I feel so guilty for putting on weight at Christmas again, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel disappointed with myself because I over-indulged again, I’m willing to forgive myself
  • Even though I feel sad that I’ve put this weight on, when I was doing so well, I love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: Why did I have to over-indulge?
Side of Eye: I’m so disappointed with myself
Under Eye: I feel so guilty that I ate too much
Under Nose: Why do I put weight on so easily
Chin: I feel sad now when I look in the mirror
Collarbone: Getting on the scales makes me mad with myself
Under Arm: I should have had more self-control
Top of Head: I should have tried harder to say no

Eyebrow: But it’s so difficult with all the parties
Side of Eye: Everyone else is eating and drinking
Under Eye: I feel so bad when I try to not do the same
Under Nose: I feel pressured to eat as much as everyone else
Chin: It seems rude to not eat at a party
Collarbone: When they’ve gone to all that trouble
Under Arm: I hate myself for eating too much
Top of Head: I find it so hard to stop eating once I start

Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if I could give myself a break
Under Eye: Maybe I did my best under the circumstances
Under Nose: Christmas is a tempting time
Chin: What if I can shift these extra Christmas pounds
Collarbone: Maybe I can lose this extra weight easily
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed losing this Christmas weight
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I shift these Christmas pounds

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel any guilt, disappointment or sadness. If you feel a craving for a specific food then tap along with my video. If you would like some help losing weight with EFT then please do get in touch.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

I know, you said you wouldn’t do it this year. But it is very difficult not to over-indulge at Christmas. When you visit family especially they always seem to insist you eat and drink a lot! Even if you don’t necessarily eat more, what you do eat tends to be richer and more calorie laden! You try your best and yet you somehow manage to put on at least a few pounds. Well now that the new year is here, it’s time to shift those extra Christmas pounds.
So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you.  Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum guilt/disappointment etc).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
  • Even though I feel so guilty for putting on weight at Christmas again, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel disappointed with myself because I over-indulged again, I’m willing to forgive myself
  • Even though I feel sad that I’ve put this weight on, when I was doing so well, I love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: Why did I have to over-indulge?
Side of Eye: I’m so disappointed with myself
Under Eye: I feel so guilty that I ate too much
Under Nose: Why do I put weight on so easily
Chin: I feel sad now when I look in the mirror
Collarbone: Getting on the scales makes me mad with myself
Under Arm: I should have had more self-control
Top of Head: I should have tried harder to say no
Eyebrow: But it’s so difficult with all the parties
Side of Eye: Everyone else is eating and drinking
Under Eye: I feel so bad when I try to not do the same
Under Nose: I feel pressured to eat as much as everyone else
Chin: It seems rude to not eat at a party
Collarbone: When they’ve gone to all that trouble
Under Arm: I hate myself for eating too much
Top of Head: I find it so hard to stop eating once I start
Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if I could give myself a break
Under Eye: Maybe I did my best under the circumstances
Under Nose: Christmas is a tempting time
Chin: What if I can shift these extra Christmas pounds
Collarbone: Maybe I can lose this extra weight easily
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed losing this Christmas weight
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I shift these Christmas pounds

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel any guilt, disappointment or sadness. If you feel a craving for a specific food then tap along with my video. If you would like some help losing weight with EFT then please do get in touch.

Energy Toning

Energy what? Energy toning. In other words, toning our energy system. When we exercise we tone our physical body. This is the equivalent for our energy body. This is a concept developed by Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake in their SET or Simple Energy Techniques system. You can continually tap on the points whilst you focus on an issue or just continuously tap on the points without focusing on anything. They noticed that participants  who continuously tapped through their workshops got better results.

This continuous tapping is a great way to help you feel calmer and more balanced every day. One of the easiest ways to do this continuous tapping is to use just the finger points. These are mostly left out now by more EFT practitioners. Use your thumb to tap on the finger points on the same hand. You can either do one hand at a time or both hands together. Some suggestions for when to do this:

  • Stressful meeting at work
  • Stuck in rush hour traffic
  • Watching TV
  • Stuck in a queue at the supermarket
  • Whilst walking

There are so many ways you fit this in to your daily life. Because you don’t need to repeat setup statements and reminder phrases it is easy to do in public and not be seen. The finger points are particularly useful and very discreet. No-one will know you are tapping!

For more information on SET please visit

I have made a commitment to do more continual finger tapping myself this year. Already I have found myself feeling calmer and responding to situations in a more thoughtful, rather than reactionary way.

I would love to hear your experiences with this. Please drop me a comment with your feedback.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

I’m Blogging Every Week In 2011

I’ve signed up to post a blog every week in 2011.  I am looking forward to writing more posts and challenging myself to writing more than one a week whenever possible.


You can help me out by leaving a comment about what topics you’d like to see here. If you have a particular issue in mind, let me know and I can write a tapping script. I love creating tapping scripts and it’s wonderful to share them here so that others benefit.

If you already enjoy my blog I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes and tell your friends.

More soon!

Keep tapping

Releasing Guilt About Needing Help

Something that has come up quite a bit with my clients lately is feeling guilt or shame about needing help. I will jump into a tapping script that can help this issue in just a bit. But first, I’d like to say that admitting to yourself you need help takes a lot of courage! So if you feel like this, perhaps for just a minute you can appreciate yourself for having the courage to admitting you’d like some help.


Help wanted
Help wanted?

Many people struggle for years and never get the help they need. They may eventually become ill or have a breakdown of some sorts that “forces” them to get the help they need. There is so much pressure on us these days to be Superman or Wonderwoman! All the stress from our jobs, families, relationships etc. We live in a very fast paced society which is go, go all the time. Sometimes we need to take a step back, retreat from the world and look after ourselves.

Admitting you need help is not a weakness. It is a wonderful way of honouring your needs. We all deserve to feel healthy, happy and fulfilled. If something is not working for us we need to address it. Having someone who is not directly involved gives us wonderful insights and allows us to see things from a different perspective. We often can’t see the wood through the trees by ourselves.

So onto the tapping script. Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum guilt/shame).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I feel so ashamed that I need help and I can’t sort my own life out, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I should be able to handle this by myself and I feel so guilty that I can’t, I accept my feelings about this anyway
  • Even though I feel so much guilt and shame because I can’t cope with life and I need to get help off someone else, I’m willing to accept my feelings

Eyebrow: I should be able to handle this myself
Side of Eye: I feel ashamed I need help
Under Eye: I can’t cope with this by myself
Under Nose: I feel so guilty for needing this help
Chin: Everyone else seems to cope ok
Collarbone: Why can’t I cope?
Under Arm: I’m ashamed I can’t cope
Top of Head: I feel guilty because I can’t deal with this alone

Eyebrow: I wish I could cope with this alone
Side of Eye: Why do I need this help?
Under Eye: I feel at the end of my tether
Under Nose: I can’t cope on my own and I feel ashamed
Chin: It’s too much for me to deal with by myself
Collarbone: But I feel so much shame for needing this help
Under Arm: I hate feeling this shame and guilt
Top of Head: But I really do need help and can’t cope by myself

Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if felt ok about having this help
Under Eye: Maybe other people need help too
Under Nose: Maybe I don’t have to deal with this on my own
Chin: What if was ok to have this help
Collarbone: Maybe others are getting help but I don’t realise it
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help
Top of Head: I’m open to accepting this help and letting go of this shame and guilt

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel no more shame or guilt.

Think about times in the past, when you have wanted help and couldn’t get it or it wasn’t deemed acceptable for you to have help. Working on these specific memories can help heal your current beliefs.

Keep on tapping
07866 013 637

New Years Resolutions vs Specific Goals

Happy New Year. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas. Wishing you a wonderful 2011.

It might just seem like a strange idea for me to suggest you don’t make any new year’s resolutions. I have good reasons:

  • People usually make them halfheartedly
  • They are usually very generic and not specific, e.g. lose weight, go to the gym more, eat more healthily
  • People set too many at the same time
  • Most people give up by the end of January

You see the trouble is, people often make new year’s resolutions not because they want to but because they feel they have to. People ask what your new year’s resolution is and they feel they have to give an answer.


Instead of just giving a generic answer like lose weight, how about you actually spend some time instead working out proper, specific goals. Use the SMART way of writing your goal – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Always include a date for your goal and a measurable outcome.

Think about what it is you actually want to achieve. How do you want to feel? So instead of just saying I want to lose weight, you could set a goal like this instead:

By 31st March 2011 I will weigh ………. (insert your goal weight).

Now write down how you will look, feel and any sounds that are important to your goal (e.g. hearing people congratulate you on how good you look). Put your goal somewhere where you will see it. Read it regularly.

If it seems too big, then break it down into smaller steps.

E.g. By 14th January I will weigh ……….(insert intermediate goal weight). Repeat these smaller goals, until you have achieved your bigger goal.

It is also important to congratulate yourself and celebrate your success. So have something specific in mind for when you have achieved your goal. For example, you could treat yourself to a new outfit when you have reached your ideal weight, or a new hairstyle. Whatever it is this will help with your motivation towards achieving your goal.

Write out your goals now and how you want to feel when you have achieved them. In upcoming articles I will be writing more about using EFT to help you lose weight. EFT can be used to help you achieve any goal. You can use EFT to help you if you are struggling with motivation, lack of confidence, not believing in yourself, failures in the past etc. It really is a flexible tool that can help you in many different ways to achieve your goals.

“A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

Here’s to your success.

“A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

Christmas Spirit – Tapping to keep you sane

It is that busy time of year again! There is always lots to do – presents to buy and wrap, food to prepare, parties to attend, work to complete, family to visit etc. We can feel like we are being pulled in all different directions and like there is not enough hours in the day! We often feel overwhelmed and stressed and can get so caught up in the material things that we forget the spirit of Christmas (and I’m not talking about the alcoholic variety).

Christmas tree
Christmas tree

So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you.  Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum stress/overwhelm etc).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I’m so stressed about Christmas and everything I have to do, I still deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I still have loads of shopping to do, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list, I love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: I’m stressed about Christmas
Side of Eye: I’m so overwhelmed by my to-do list
Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do
Under Nose: And not enough hours in the day
Chin: I’ll never get it all done
Collarbone: Why didn’t I start earlier?
Under Arm: I always leave it to the last minute
Top of Head: It’s always a rush and panic at the end

Eyebrow: I wish I could plan things better
Side of Eye: Why do I have to do everything anyway?
Under Eye: I feel so stressed, I’ve got so much to do
Under Nose: I don’t have the time to buy all the presents,
Chin: all the food, prepare the house, do the wrapping
Collarbone: It’s all too much for me to do
Under Arm: I hate feeling so stressed about Christmas
Top of Head: I can’t enjoy myself because I’ve got too much to do

Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if could prioritise my to-do list
Under Eye: Maybe I can get some help off my family
Under Nose: Maybe I can take some time out to prioritise
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about my to-do list
Collarbone: Maybe I can get it all done if my family helps me
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I do all these things

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel calmer and more centered.

EFT is always there for us right at our fingertips, ready to help us when we need it. Remember that you need to look after yourself this Christmas. Making some time every day (even for 5 minutes) will help you stay calm and able to cope with all the extra things you need to do at this busy time of year.

Happy Christmas and keep on tapping!
07866 013 637

It is that busy time of year again! There is always lots to do – presents to buy and wrap, food to prepare, parties to attend, work to complete, family to visit etc. We can feel like we are being pulled in all different directions and like there is not enough hours in the day! We often feel overwhelmed and stressed and can get so caught up in the material things that we forget the spirit of Christmas (and I’m not talking about the alcoholic variety).
So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you.  Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum stress/overwhelm etc).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
  • Even though I’m so stressed about Christmas and everything I have to do, I still deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I still have loads of shopping to do, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list, I love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: I’m stressed about Christmas
Side of Eye: I’m so overwhelmed by my to-do list
Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do
Under Nose: And not enough hours in the day
Chin: I’ll never get it all done
Collarbone: Why didn’t I start earlier?
Under Arm: I always leave it to the last minute
Top of Head: It’s always a rush and panic at the end
Eyebrow: I wish I could plan things better
Side of Eye: Why do I have to do everything anyway?
Under Eye: I feel so stressed, I’ve got so much to do
Under Nose: I don’t have the time to buy all the presents,
Chin: all the food, prepare the house, do the wrapping
Collarbone: It’s all too much for me to do
Under Arm: I hate feeling so stressed about Christmas
Top of Head: I can’t enjoy myself because I’ve got too much to do
Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if could prioritise my to-do list
Under Eye: Maybe I can get some help off my family
Under Nose: Maybe I can take some time out to prioritise
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about my to-do list
Collarbone: Maybe I can get it all done if my family helps me
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I do all these things

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel calmer and more centered.

Different Ways of Tapping

One of the things that people regularly say when they start tapping is “Am I doing it right?”. The good news is that EFT is very flexible. The most important thing to remember is that you need to stay tuned in to the feelings you are working on and tap on the points on the body.

Sometimes you will need to be persistent. This is my Top Tip!

Keep tapping until you feel better”.

Here are some different ways you can try doing EFT:

  • Tap whilst repeating out loud how you feel
  • Tap whilst repeating how you feel in your mind
  • Tap slowly on each point repeating your reminder phrase several times
  • Tap faster on each point just repeating your reminder phrase once
  • Tap really lightly on each point
  • Tap using a bit more pressure on each point (make sure it’s not too hard though – it should not hurt!)
  • Tap using both hands tapping both sides of the body
  • Tap with one hand, tapping the opposite side of the body (i.e. left hand taps right eyebrow, right side of eye etc)

You can either repeat the same reminder phrase on each tapping point or say different phrases related to your particular issue on each point – experiment and see which works best for you. It usually helps if you write down how you feel using keywords and phrases and tap whilst reading the words you have written.

I hope that these tips help you relax and enjoy tapping even more.  If you have any questions or feedback then please leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637