Survival Mode Post Fire

7 weeks ago my neighbour’s house burnt down the ground. My house has some fire damage & quite a bit of smoke and water damage. We were the lucky ones. The neighbours lost everything! I mean everything! I’m very grateful that my house is still standing and that most of my possessions can be saved. The past 7 weeks have involved lots of moving about from hotel to hotel. One week we were moved 3 times! I’ve been in survival mode all this time and finally it is coming to an end. We have finally moved into a rental house for the duration of the remedial works which is estimated at 6 months.

I have used EFT all through this journey. I was tapping my fingertips the actual night of the fire and it helped me stay (relatively) calm. I’ve used it since for the trauma that I went through. I’ve used it for all the emotions that have come up. I will continue to use it as now that we are settled in one place, I feel my emotions are coming up ready to be dealt with. I will be kind to myself and allow myself to feel all these feelings. They need to be heard. EFT is great at allowing you to face up to your emotions and be able to handle them.

Some of this tapping I will do alone, some with my partner. I will also be tapping with my wonderful EFT buddies. I know that with their patient, caring support I will be looked after and helped through this unsettling period of my life. Amen to that and to EFT!

My Broadband should be re-connected soon and I am looking forward to blogging more often once again.

Keep tapping
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Tapping With Kids

My friend recently asked me for some advice on how to tap with her daughter who is going through a rough patch at the moment. Naturally she is upset and needs help dealing with these funny emotions!

Here’s the advice I gave my friend:

Firstly tap on yourself if you feel in any way anxious or nervous or even silly about tapping with your child. Ensure you are calm and centered beforehand and use EFT to help you get there. This is very important!

When tapping with children always use age appropriate language. You don’t want them saying I deeply and completely accept myself or something similar which won’t mean anything to them!

Here are some example set up statements:

  • Even though {insert problem}, I’m still a good kid
  • Even though {insert problem}, I’m a great kid
  • Even though {insert problem}, my Mummy and Daddy really love me
  • Even though {insert problem}, I’m a clever girl/boy
  • Even though {insert problem}, it’s ok to have these feelings
  • Even though {insert problem}, I’m safe and loved

You can use a cuddly toy to help your child tap. Tappy bear or magic buttons are two specially manufactured versions. Alternately, help your child make their own version, using one of their favourite toys by sewing on some buttons/putting stickers where the tapping points are.

You can either have your child help the toy as if the toy had the problem or have the toy help your child.  Either you or your child can tap on the toy. Have your child copy you tapping whether they are tapping themselves or the toy.

Working with the toy as the ‘client’ goes like this:

  • Even though {toy’s name} is upset because the teacher shouted at him for not sitting still, he is still a great {toy/kid}

Most children love to help their toy in this way. The child may then chip in with suggestions on what to tap on next and what else has upset the toy! This is a great way to work so that they lead it without feeling under any pressure.

You can also suggest tapping statements to the child:

  • Even though I’m upset because the teacher shouted at me for not sitting still, I’m still a good kid

Remember to tap gently, letting the child lead the pace.

It is useful to finish on some positives once the upset has been cleared.  Examples:

  • I’m a great kid
  • I always try my best
  • Mummy and Daddy love me
  • I’m safe and loved
  • I’m a clever kid
  • It’s ok to feel these feelings

Tapping before bed time is great way to ensure your child is calm and relaxed and able to have a good night’s sleep. They can just tap and talk about their day, or you can work together on anything specific that upset them that day.

Reassure them that tapping is a tool they can use when they feel upset. Tell them their toy is great at listening and helping them feel better.

If your child is too young to speak or explain how they feel then tune into them and use the words you would think they would use if they could speak. Tapping will still help them even if you don’t use any words at all. Just focusing on your love for them and tapping will help.

Keep tapping
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Tapping For Inspiration

Sometimes we feel stuck. We try to get started with projects but we just can’t seem to get the creative juices flowing. So we procrastinate. Wouldn’t it be easier if we just admitted to ourselves that we were stuck? It is often hardest to admit things to ourselves though. EFT can help us acknowledge how we feel, accept it and then actually help change it too.

Start by acknowledging how you, e.g.

  • Even though I feel stuck, I still love & accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve been stuck for so long and I couldn’t admit it to myself because then I’d feel I have to do something about it, I’m still ok anyway
  • Even though I’m stuck and I just don’t know how to get started, my inspiration seems to have disappeared, I’m completely ok anyway

Use EFT on any blocks, fears etc that are making you feel stuck. When you feel you have cleared these issues then use EFT to help with the inspiration.

  • Even though my creative juices just aren’t flowing, I’m completely ok anyway
  • Even though my inspiration seems to have left me, I love and accept myself right now anyway
  • Even though I just don’t have any inspiring ideas right now, I’m ok
  • Even though I have no idea how to start this project, I’m open to finding my creativity today
  • Even though all my ideas seem to be no good, I’m open to letting my creative juices flow
  • Even though I can’t seem to find my inspiration, maybe I can let go of my expectations and just let the ideas flow

Keep tapping until you feel your blocks/resistances leaving and your inspiration returning.

This is something that can be repeated for different projects.  Different blocks may be stopping your inspiration and EFT can always help you identify and let these blocks go.

Keep tapping
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Sharing My Gratitude of EFT

I’d like to share my gratitude for EFT. EFT has really changed my life for the better. I know that any challenge I face does not have to overwhelm me or fill me with anxiety or fear. I can tap on it.

I know that when I feel a bit stressed, I can tap it away.

I know that when I feel upset or harassed or even right pissed off, I can tap on it.

I know that when I don’t feel like tapping, I can even tap on that too!

I’m grateful I have this amazing flexible tool at my fingertips anytime I need it.

I’m grateful I can tap away my fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, stress, sadness, pain etc.

I’m grateful that EFT allows me to really feel my feelings, to acknowledge them and accept them, without judgement.

I’m really grateful to have EFT in my life. I hope that you learn this amazing tool and use it for your benefit like I have.

Keep tapping
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I’m Highly Sensitive and that’s OK

Lately my clients have been people who are highly sensitive. I find I can relate to these clients very well as I am highly sensitive myself. I, like many sensitive folk found it hard growing up. I was told:

  • You’re too sensitive
  • Stop taking things so seriously
  • Toughen up
  • You should have thicker skin
  • Don’t take things to heart so much

I thought it was wrong to be so sensitive. I wasn’t “normal”.

This means that I grew up with this big stigma. I tried to play down my sensitive side. I would cry at movies my friends didn’t seem bothered by. I would always try & hide the fact that I had cried, unless one of my friends had cried too & then it would be “ok” for me to admit that I had cried too. I have even been known to cry at adverts but would not admit that to anyone!

I need time alone every day. That must mean I am some kind of freak surely! Ok, maybe it means that I’m ok when my partner goes away & I have to spend time alone. I enjoy my own company and relish this quiet time to myself.

I have done a lot of tapping about this and now realise that being highly sensitive is actually a good thing. Especially as an EFT practitioner. It makes me more empathetic. I understand my clients on a deep level.

If you are highly sensitive, then I suggest you do some tapping to help you come to terms with it and accept that it is actually a good thing. Here are some suggestions:

  • Even though I’m highly sensitive, maybe that’s ok
  • Even though I was always told to toughen up and get thicker skin, maybe I’m ok just the way I am
  • Even though I was always told I’m too sensitive and take things to heart too easily, what if this is a good thing for me
  • Even though I was always told not to be so sensitive and that spending time alone is wrong, what if everyone else is wrong and I know what I need

I cannot tell you how much better I felt after I worked on this.To feel ok in your own skin is so important!

Let me emphasise that again – to feel ok in your own skin is so important!

I feel so grateful that EFT allowed me to do this.

If you are highly sensitive then I suggest that you work with someone who really understands you and is highly sensitive themselves.

If you want to explore this issue yourself, Rue Hass, EFT Master has a wonderful website and book for Highly Sensitive People.

I cannot recommend working on this issue highly enough if you are highly sensitive.

Get tapping – you will feel so much more comfortable and ok with yourself if you work on this issue.

Keep tapping!
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Weekend Has Gone Too Fast

This weekend seems to have flown by. Whilst I got a lot done, I feel that there is so much more I needed to/could’ve/should’ve done! But I also acknowledge that I needed some down time too, like enjoying a film at the cinema & a nice meal with my partner. The weather had its part to play too and didn’t comply with my plans to be in the garden all weekend. Well we have to learn to adapt and adjust in these situations. But we can be left with feelings of frustration, anger, guilt etc.

We can use EFT to help us deal with these feelings and also enable us to be more flexible about our plans so that we can go with the flow more easily. Try statements like the following:

  • Even though I didn’t get everything done that I needed to this weekend and I feel frustrated, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I feel guilty for taking some time off and enjoying myself, I love and accept myself
  • Even though I wish I could’ve got a lot more done this weekend, I accept that I’m not superwoman/man
  • Even though there just wasn’t enough time to fit everything in this weekend, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I didn’t manage to fit everything in this weekend, I acknowledge that I need some down time too

Remember to keep tapping until you feel better about how your weekend turned out.

Keep tapping!
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I’m So Tired

Tiredness affects us all from time to time. Whether we’ve had a bad nights sleep or just gone to bed later than we should have. Sometimes our energy levels are below par and that makes us feel tired. EFT can help us in a number of ways. Firstly, if you are having trouble sleeping then tap for that. Tap on all of the things you may be worrying about, stressing over or any physical symptoms that are stopping you from getting a good nights kip.  Check out your bedroom and make sure it is dark enough, quiet enough etc. When was the last time you bought a new mattress? If your mattress has seen better days maybe it is time to invest. We spend a long time in bed and good quality sleep is very important. Avoid stimulants late at night and try to spend some quiet time away from the TV or computer for at least half an hour before bed.

Many people feel there just aren’t enough hours in the day! Life is so hectic these days & we seem to try to pack so much in. It often feels like there just aren’t enough hours to do everything. So we compromise by not getting enough sleep. But this has a knock on effect because we then feel tired, don’t have so much energy and don’t work as efficiently as if we’d had enough sleep.

Here are some tapping suggestions to get you started:

  • Even though I don’t get enough sleep,  I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though there aren’t enough hours in the day, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I compromise on my sleep to fit everything in and I know my health is suffering, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’m really really tired and I don’t know how I’ll get through this day, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I wish I had 27 hours in a day, then I’d manage enough sleep, I’m open to getting to bed earlier
  • Even though I take on too much and then don’t get enough sleep, I’m open to learning to say “no”
  • Even though I wish I had less to do every day, maybe there is a way of reducing my load so I get enough sleep
  • Even though I’m so tired, I just want to close my eyes and sleep for a week, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel weak because I’m so tired, I’m open to feeling like I have the energy I need
  • Even though I can’t concentrate because I’m so tired and I keep making silly mistakes, I love and forgive myself
  • Even though I’m tired of being tired, maybe I can start to make sleep a higher priority in my life

Tap on all the things that mean you don’t get enough sleep. Are they things you want to do, have to do etc. What can you skip or delegate to someone else? Work out ways you can reduce your load so that you get half an hour extra sleep a night. It will make a huge difference!

Remember to tap on all the things that keep you awake at night too. Sleep is an important part of our health and wellbeing. Learn not to compromise on yours.

Keep tapping!
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Tackling The Self Doubt Voice

How often have you had self doubts? Many people beat themselves up all the time with their self doubts.  We often give ourselves a much harder time than we do other people. If this sounds like you then here is a tapping script that can help.

Write down the level of your self-doubt on a scale of 0 -10 before you start (10 being maximum self-doubt).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I have all these self doubts,  I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I doubt my abilities all the time and give myself such a hard time, I’m open to being kinder to myself
  • Even though I beat myself up all the time constantly doubt myself and my abilities, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I doubt myself all the time
Side of Eye: I can’t do anything without doubting how I’ve done
Under Eye: I seem to beat myself up with my self doubts
Under Nose: I have all this negativity
Chin: I doubt my abilities constantly
Collarbone: Why do I have all these self doubts?
Under Arm: I can’t seem to think positively about my abilities
Top of Head: I can’t recognise when I’ve done a good job

Eyebrow: All this self-doubt
Side of Eye: I beat myself about how I’ve done
Under Eye: I analyse how I did and always think I could’ve done better
Under Nose: I beat myself up
Chin: I have all these self doubts
Collarbone: It seems like I’m always doubting myself
Under Arm: I give myself a hard time with all this self-doubt
Top of Head: I wonder why I seem to always doubt myself and my abilities

Eyebrow: Maybe I can feel better about myself
Side of Eye: What if I could be kinder to myself
Under Eye: What if I trusted my abilities
Under Nose: Maybe I can believe in myself
Chin: Maybe I can let these doubts go
Collarbone: What if I believed in myself
Under Arm: What if it was easier than I thought
Top of Head: Maybe I don’t have to doubt myself all the time

Do you doubt yourself in certain situations more than others? What purpose does your self-doubt serve? What would you lose if you didn’t doubt yourself any more? Remember to keep tapping on the different aspects of your self-doubt.

Keep tapping!
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Getting Out Of Your Own Way

Sometimes we feel yuck and know that tapping can help us. Yet we don’t do it! Why is that? Is is some form of self-sabotage? Is it that we don’t think we deserve to feel better? Or is it that we don’t have the time to do it? Well we can always make time when something is important.

What if we don’t think EFT will help in this case? Or is it that we simply want to “wallow” in our feelings for a while. I have done that in the past and got really annoyed with myself! I feel really upset and think I’m not going to do anything about it. I’m going to sulk into these feelings for a while. Then I annoy myself and think I must do something about this!

Well perhaps some tapping about not tapping is in order. Try:

  • Even though I don’t seem to want to tap about this, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’m sabotaging myself, what if I could get out of my own way
  • Even though I seem to want to wallow in these feelings rather than tapping, I acknowledge and accept these feelings
  • Even though I think tapping won’t help, what if I was pleasantly surprised by the results
  • Even though I don’t think I deserve to get over this, what if I could be kind to myself and help myself
  • Even though I don’t have time to work on this right now, what if I could make the time

Sometimes we just have to acknowledge and accept our feelings. Tapping is perfect to help us do this. Sometimes we have to wallow for awhile. EFT is always there for us when we are ready!

Keep tapping.

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Happy Easter

Whether or not you are celebrating Easter in the traditional way or just enjoying some Easter eggs, I wish you an enjoyable time! I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and not make the time to spend doing things we enjoy. So how about you treat yourself this Easter to some quality time doing something you enjoy. Go on spoil yourself – you deserve it!

If you don’t think you do deserve it then perhaps consider tapping on that! EFT can help us with how we feel about ourselves. If you are too tempted by all the chocolate that is around at this time of year then EFT can help with that too! EFT is such a flexible tool and it is always there for you at the end of your fingertips.

Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs

Whatever you do this Easter, I hope you enjoy yourself and remember to make some time to tap.  🙂

Keep tapping

07866 013 637

Tapping Away Anxiety

Anxiety feels awful. You know that thinking about it makes it worse. You dread the anxiety escalating into a panic attack. You end up worrying about having anxiety or having a panic attack. Which in itself can bring on an attack!

Then you start to avoid certain situations and spend more time at home because it is easier than going through all that anxiety.  The anxiety or worrying about the anxiety is very draining. It literally wears you out and you feel exhausted. Life becomes less enjoyable.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Learning EFT can really help you take control of your life again. You can use EFT to relax and calm your mind and body. You can reduce your symptoms e.g. fast beating heart, sweating, churning or knotty stomach, feeling sick, feeling like you will pass out etc. You can work on the triggers of your anxiety. This part is key. Working with a Practitioner can help you get to the underlying cause of the anxiety.

Figuring out when it started, what was going on in your life then etc. We can work very gently with any traumatic memories from your past with the movie technique. Working on these past memories helps clear out this stuck energy. Your body can then learn that it is safe now and let these symptoms go.

Tapping every day, helps restore calm and puts you back in control. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

  • Even though I hate this anxiety and it feels so awful, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I hate feeling so sick because of this anxiety, I’m ok right now
  • Even though I can’t even go out for a meal without feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I shake like a leaf and my stomach churns in knots, every time I go out shopping, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I worry about having a panic attack every time I have to go out and I feel so exhausted afterwards that I just want to lie down and go to sleep, I accept myself anyway

Tapping really can help as long as you are persistent and work on both your symptoms and the triggers that cause the anxiety. It is possible to enjoy life again and plan things that you avoided in the past.

Keep tapping

07866 013 637

Depression Up

It was reported this week that depression rates are up in the UK by 40% since 2007. Wow! More and more people are turning to antidepressants, many of which have side effects.

Antidepressants can help you feel better initially but often the effect wears off and the dosage needs to be increased. Whilst I am not anti antidepressants per say, they do not address the underlying issues. This is where EFT can help. Working with an experienced practitioner is highly recommended for issues like depression. With help you can discover the underlying issues and work through them to create lasting changes.

EFT as a technique is always there for you when you need it, so it is perfect to use by yourself at home in between sessions with your practitioner. There is a great article about ways of helping tackle depression by Dr. Mercola. He recommends among other things exercise (important for boosting your endorphins), diet and getting enough sunshine (for Vitamin D levels).

If you are suffering from depression, do get help. It doesn’t have to be a journey you do alone.

Keep tapping

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Tapping For Dental Fears

Many people put off going to the Dentist because of their fear. But what if your dental health is being adversely affected? EFT can really help get rid of your fear and help you look after yourself better.

My partner recently had to have a wisdom tooth out & a filling on the same day. He managed to get through this experience thanks to EFT. He tapped before he went for his fear, the fact that he is normally white knuckled and breaks out into a sweat. He didn’t experience any of his normal symptoms and sailed through his appointment. Normally he is quite tired after going because he has been so wired, but this time he just felt calm before, during and afterwards. Even when a piece of his tooth shot out of his mouth he remained calm – what a fantastic result!

Dental Fears
Dental Fears

Many fears like this start in childhood so it can be useful to look for any disturbing memories and work through them using the movie technique. You can then tap being specific as possible, e.g. the smells, sounds (e.g. the drill, the suction tube), sights (e.g. the needle), feeling vulnerable (i.e. lying in the chair with your mouth open) etc. Keep tapping on all the different aspects and work on any specific symptoms you experience e.g. gripping the chair with white knuckles, breaking out into a sweat or churning stomach.

Below is a sample script to get you started. Write down your fear on a scale of 0 -10 before you start (10 being maximum fear).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I hate going to the dentist because it is so scary, it always hurts and I hate being vulnerable like that, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’d rather never go to the Dentist ever again, I do hate having tooth ache and I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’m so scared of the Dentist and hate the sound of the drill, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I hate going to the Dentist
Side of Eye: Going to the Dentist is so scary
Under Eye: I don’t know what they’ll do to me
Under Nose: I hate lying there with my mouth wide open like that
Chin: The sound of the drill makes my heart beat so fast
Collarbone: And my body breaks out into a sweat
Under Arm: I have to grip the seat so tight
Top of Head: I’m so scared of having any work done

Eyebrow: In the waiting room, I’m anticipating the worst
Side of Eye: I start sweating and my stomach starts churning
Under Eye: I hate feeling so vulnerable lying in the chair
Under Nose: I don’t know what the Dentist is going to do to me
Chin: All that poking and prodding freaks me out
Collarbone: It hurts when the Dentist prods me like that
Under Arm: What if I need a filling
Top of Head: Injections and the drill freak me right out

Eyebrow: Maybe I can feel better about this
Side of Eye: What if I felt calmer in the chair
Under Eye: What if I trusted the Dentist
Under Nose: Maybe I can relax my body
Chin: Maybe I can breathe slowly and deeply
Collarbone: What if I remained calm
Under Arm: What if it was easier than I thought
Top of Head: Maybe it doesn’t have to be so bad

Remember to keep tapping on the different aspects of your fear. When you feel you have cleared them all, test by visualising yourself going to the Dentist. If it all feels ok and your body remains calm then great. If something comes up, it just means you just have more tapping to do. Try to imagine all possible scenarios to fully test this. If you find during your next visit to the Dentist, your fear still comes up then you can do some tapping right there to clear it. You can always use mental tapping or finger tapping if you don’t want other people to see you tapping.

Keep tapping!
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When I Don’t Tap…

I had a chat with my Mum last weekend. She said that she can tell when my Dad is not tapping because he becomes short-tempered. He is much more mellow when he does regularly tap. I then chatted to my Dad and he said that sometimes when he is working away he is just too busy to tap or he forgets, as he is not in his normal routine.

I told my Dad about finger tapping and several ways to fit in some EFT that won’t take up much of his time. I’m personally a big fan of finger tapping and fitting in some tapping whilst doing other activities e.g. tapping whilst walking or waiting in a queue.

We only benefit from EFT when we make the time to do it. If we can find ways that don’t take up much time and are convenient we are more likely to do it regularly and to gain from the benefits.

Feeling calmer, being more mellow, not getting so stressed are all wonderful benefits. Personally I feel more balanced and centered and able to handle life’s challenges much easier when I tap every day. So I make it a priority to do so every day. I don’t always manage it but most of the time I do. Making a note of the benefits you get when you do tap can also help you make the time to tap. Noticing the downsides like being more short-tempered can also motivate you to tap regularly!

Whatever does it for you – being aware of the downsides or the benefits, I hope that you continue to tap every day.

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Under Pressure

Lately I feel I am being pulled in lots of different directions. I don’t feel I am giving anything 100% because so many different things are trying my attention. I am feeling the pressure and don’t quite know what to do next. So instead of doing anything, I am going to just sit down and tap. Sometimes you need to give yourself some space and time to reflect on things rather than jumping in and doing something!

Here are some phrases you can try if you are feeling this way too:

  • Even though I feel under pressure and I don’t know how to deal with all this stuff,  I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel under pressure and pulled in so many different directions, I’m ok anyway
  • Even though I feel so much pressure from so many different things, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel all this pressure and I don’t feel I am doing anything 100%, and I really want to do so much more, I just don’t have enough energy for everything, I’m willing to look at this differently

Just keep tapping until you feel calmer and under less pressure.  Remember to repeat the tapping any time you feel the pressure building again. Tap for all the different things pulling you in different directions.

You can also throw in some positives once the main negative pressure feelings have subsided.

E.g. I can choose to stay calm and focused.

I can easily handle all these different things

I choose to relax and let this pressure go

Keep tapping!
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