Janey Lee Grace – Is an EFT Convert

Janey Lee Grace – author and Radio 2 presenter (Steve Wright’s afternoon show), is now an EFT convert too! Janey is an avid holistic and alternative therapy advocate. Her website http://www.imperfectlynatural.com/ provides a wealth of information on topics from natural health to EMFs.

Janey had experienced EFT in the past – in combination with other treatments and always thought it was the other therapies that worked not the Emotional Freedom Techniques.

That all changed when Janey attended an EFT Level 1 course. During the day she explored a traumatic experience from the past that resulted in a phobia. Janey discovered one of the most beneficial aspects of EFT – that you don’t actually have to reveal to the practitioner what that trauma or phobia is! EFT is a very gentle technique and limits any further trauma.

To read the article see Janey’s blog:


I look forward to hearing more of Janey’s journey with EFT!

EFT in the News – Telegraph Article

I always get excited when EFT is mentioned in the media. It helps raise awareness with people who have never heard of it. It can also help those who won’t try anything unless it is covered by a newspaper or national television. Whilst Emotional Freedom Techniques has been around since the early 1990’s there are still many people who haven’t a clue about what it is.

The Telegraph.co.uk article was written by Beverley Turner who attended an EFT course in London. She explains what it was like to attend an EFT course (lack of sandal and kaftan wearing attendees) and relates experiences of some experienced practitioners on topics such as drug problems and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

She mentions celebrities such as Michael Ball and the late Stephen Gately who used EFT for performance anxiety, Lily Allen who credits her weight loss to EFT and professional athletes such as American PGA golfers who use it to improve their game.

To read the article: http://bit.ly/cuzzny

Here’s to hoping EFT will make it into the media on a regular basis and more people will discover this amazing, life changing tool.

Physical Healing equals believing…

There are plenty of sceptical people out there who don’t believe we have an energy system, let alone that something like EFT can actually heal us. One thing that does seem to convince even sceptical people is if they try it on a physical issue. Many people have been pleasantly surprised when their headache disappeared, or their back pain was dramatically reduced.

My response is – just try it…what have you got to lose? Only some time. There are plenty of free EFT manuals out there (if you want to download mine just sign up to my informative newsletter and it’s yours http://bit.ly/FFE_Newsletter).

Once you have the manual, you can try EFT for free in the comfort of your own home. My advice is to try it on something physical e.g. headache, back pain, cold etc. I wouldn’t recommend trying it on your long-standing illness on your own (get some help from a qualified practitioner!).

I have two recent experiences where EFT worked beautifully on physical issues. The first was an “unidentified” ulcer/cold sore on my lip. This appeared on Monday afternoon. I didn’t know what it was, but it looked like an ulcer on my lip – I suspected a cold sore but it wasn’t tingling and besides, I haven’t had one for about 20 years.  So I tapped on:

Even though this “thing” on my lip has appeared on my lip from nowhere, I accept myself anyway.

Even though I have this ulcer on my lower right lip, my body has a wonderful healing ability and can easily deal with this.

Even though this thing on my lip is hurting, I’m grateful for the amazing healing ability of my body.

Then I tapped on the rest of the points using phrases like:

  • My body can easily heal this
  • This thing on my lip is healing now
  • I have this amazing healing ability
  • My body is healthy and strong and can heal my lower right lip
  • I’m grateful for this thing on my lip and acknowledge my body for sending me this message
  • My lower right lip is healing beautifully

I tapped on this for several rounds a few times for 2 days. My lip is now completely healed.

The second was a case of first aid EFT. I accidently burnt my ring finger on my cooker. I felt stupid for doing it as I was cleaning a spillage on the hob and knew it was hot. Plus my finger really hurt. I ran it under some cold water for a few minutes then immediately tapped on:

Even though I feel real stupid for burning my finger on the hob, I accept myself and my stupidity

Even though this burn on my finger is really hurting and it was my fault, I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself

Even though I had this accident and burned my finger, it shouldn’t have happened and it hurts like hell, I accept and forgive myself anyway.

Then I tapped on the remaining points using phrases like:

  • I was stupid and I burnt my finger
  • My ring finger really hurts
  • This burn on my right ring finger is hurting like hell
  • I didn’t do this on purpose but I do feel kinda stupid
  • This burn on my right ring finger knuckle
  • This red hot burn on my right ring knuckle
  • This red burning sensation on the knuckle of my right ring finger
  • My body has a wonderful healing ability
  • I can heal this quickly and easily
  • My pain is reducing and the redness is calming down
  • My wonderful body and it’s healing ability can deal with this
  • What if my body could easily heal this burn on my right ring finger
  • What if a big blister didn’t appear
  • Maybe my body can heal this burn on my finger easily

After a short time the pain had disappeared completely. The swelling went down and only a tiny flat blister appeared. I was expecting some pain when I bent my knuckle, as the burn was right on my knuckle. I could bend my finger no problem without any pain. Later, I was washing my hands in hot water and thought – still no pain! Wow! The next day I did a couple more rounds of my finger healing quickly and easily. I’ve had no pain since and there is only a tiny blister remaining. I love the healing power of EFT!

Some tips with physical issues:

  • Start with something simple not a major injury/illness
  • Be specific, e.g. burn on my right ring finger
  • Use any emotions associated with the pain, e.g. my stupid feeling
  • Use descriptive words encompassing things like any colour associated with the pain, whether there is any temperature, heaviness, tingling etc
  • Be persistent – don’t expect a one minute wonder – they do sometimes happen but most often you need persistence
  • Be ready to “chase the pain” as Gary Craig says – it may change sensation or move around your body – keep tapping as you follow it. It may move up & out or down further into your body
  • Get some help if you get stuck.

Keep on tapping!

What No Chocolate Desire!

Ok, it’s been a few weeks since I created my food cravings video and blog post. I just wanted to give you some of my feedback since that blog & video. Whilst I do love chocolate, I wouldn’t say I felt I had a problem with chocolate. Sometimes I’d really fancy it and other times I could take it or leave it. I would get a craving for it at certain times of the month, like a lot of women. My boyfriend would even joke with me at those times if I was getting a bit grouchy and say “quick it’s time to break out the emergency chocolate”!!!

I can report that I didn’t have any of that this past month. No chocolate cravings. No feeling grouchy before my period.

I have also just completed my usual January detox again and usually have a bit of craving for certain food afterwards, chocolate being one of  them. I finished my detox and didn’t feel like chocolate. I just wanted to carry on eating really healthily like I had been for the past month.

Hmmm, I was thinking what’s different? Then I remembered. I’d created that blog & video!  Could that be it? It seemed too simple. I didn’t create that blog & video for me – I wasn’t tapping on my stuff…or was I?

Whilst I’m not sure if this is a permanent thing, it sure is interesting. So maybe a word of warning would be – don’t tap on your food cravings unless you’re sure you don’t want to eat that food again!

I love EFT and the wonderful ways it works. Happy tapping!

Want a session of EFT to address your cravings? Give me a call on 07866 013 637 or drop me an email – louise@freeflowingenergy.co.uk. Phone sessions available worldwide or face to face in Cardiff or Devon.

Food Cravings

If you want to lose weight, you inevitably end up trying a diet.  People on diets often live with lack and also guilt. Lack because there are certain foods that you are not “allowed” to eat, or you are only allowed a certain amount of calories, or “sins”.  Guilt often comes up from indulging in eating something on your banned list. Neither of these emotions are helpful for losing weight.

Many people find EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) very helpful with food cravings.

Firstly think about the food you are craving, e.g. chocolate.  Next score your craving on a scale of 0 to 10 (where 10 is really high craving). Then try the following script using your food craving, if it is not chocolate. If you have more than one food, then concentrate on one particular food at a time. Be specific. For example, if it is chocolate digestive biscuits then use that rather than chocolate or biscuits.

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I really crave chocolate, I accept how I feel
  • Even though I really want to eat lots of chocolate and I just love the taste of it, I deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I can’t stop thinking about chocolate, I deeply and completely accept myself and all my feelings about chocolate

Eyebrow: I’m really craving chocolate
Side of Eye: I can’t stop thinking about chocolate
Under Eye: Why can’t I stop thinking about chocolate
Under Nose: I love eating chocolate
Under Chin: Nothing satisfies me like chocolate
Collarbone: I want to eat chocolate now
Under Arm: Chocolate is always on my mind
Top of Head: When I eat it, I feel guilty

Eyebrow: This chocolate craving
Side of Eye: Chocolate is my friend
Under Eye: Chocolate satisfies my needs
Under Nose: I’m a chocolate addict
Under Chin: I love chocolate
Collarbone: I’m dreaming of eating chocolate
Under Arm: I really want chocolate
Top of Head: I have this strong craving for chocolate

Eyebrow: What if I could stop craving chocolate
Side of Eye: Maybe I can enjoy eating more healthy food instead
Under Eye: What if chocolate just didn’t do it for me anymore
Under Nose: Maybe I can feel satisfied in other ways
Under Chin: What if I just wasn’t that bothered by chocolate anymore
Collarbone: I can give it a miss
Under Arm: What if I didn’t feel like eating chocolate now
Top of Head: What if I can easily choose to eat healthy foods

Check your score again.  If you are not down to zero, keep repeating the tapping until you are down to zero.  Try testing your craving by finding some chocolate (or your food). Look at it.  Does it still look appealing?  Smell it. Does it still smell appealing? Try tasting it? Does it still taste good?  Often, you will not like the look, smell or taste of your food after tapping on it.  If you still want it, or want it more after this testing, then repeat the tapping again. 

Remember to keep tapping until your craving subsides completely.  Repeat the exercise for other food cravings.

Here is a video of me tapping for food cravings. Try tapping along with me, anytime you have a food craving.


Keep tapping until you no longer crave these foods. Also try tapping on any feelings of guilt etc that come up if you do eat foods that you are avoiding.

Happy tapping.

Happy New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year!

I hope that you’ve had a wonderful Christmas and are ready to face the new year.

This is traditionally the time of year when people make new year’s resolutions. Well maybe you’ve made them before and they fell by the way side by the end of January (or even the middle of Jan!). It doesn’t have to be that way. You see, many people have a small setback and think, oh that’s it – I’ve blown it. Might as well give up. There then follows that inner dialogue – you know the one – I’m never good at new year’s resolutions. I always give up on things. I’m never good at sticking to new things. I’m not good enough and on it goes. Sound familiar?

When you learnt to walk, you didn’t give up the first time you fell over. You kept going and fell over many times. You just kept getting up more times than you fell over. That’s one of the keys. The other is to use a simple tool to help you, with all of that negative self talk. It’s called EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques.

Here’s a great video you can tap along with by Fiona McCallion:


The other thing to do is to actually write down your resolution in the form of a goal. Be specific. Use numbers and dates etc. So if you are wanting to lose weight – write down your ideal weight and when you want to achieve this by. Set yourself a challenge and be realistic at the same time. It’s no good setting yourself a target of losing 2 stone in a month – it just won’t happen, so you’re setting yourself up for a fall from the beginning.

Next, visualise yourself having achieved your goal. This step is really important. Step into yourself at your ideal weight – how good do you feel? Look in the mirror at your new self & admire how you look. How great your body feels. How much more energy you have. Your new zest for life.

Get the idea? Make the picture big & bright, with lots of colours. Turn up the feelings and the sounds. Really feel it. Now step out of the picture and hold it in your hands. Feel yourself being drawn towards your goal and go for it!

So now, what is your new year’s resolution?

If you want some help with yours, I’d love to help you get rid of that negative self talk, help you eliminate your cravings and help you bust your bad behaviours.

Give me a call on 07866 013 637. I work on the telephone or face to face in Cardiff, or Okehampton and Exeter in Devon, UK.

Christmas Wishes

Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy, peaceful Christmas.

I’ll be doing some tapping on Christmas day to send peace, love and health to those less fortunate than myself.

Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the day, why not spend a few minutes being truly grateful for everything you have – your family and friends, your home, the food on your table, your job, your health, the clothes you wear, your presents. We spend so much time wanting the latest gadgets, clothes, car etc that we forget what’s really important. So take some time this year and be truly grateful.

Feeling Grateful

There’s always something to be grateful for
Every day of your life
There’s always something to be grateful for
Regardless of the strife

For some it may be easy to find
For others it may not be so
Yet there’s always something to be grateful for
So why not give it a go

For when you’re feeling grateful
Joy wells up inside
When you’re feeling grateful
Joy can no longer hide

Joy’s in everyone
Shining like the sun
Sometimes hidden from view
Yet always there for you

By Ruth Gilmore – my wonderful friend. I’m truly grateful to have you in my life.

What are you grateful for?

Christmas Preparations

Christmas should be a wonderful time of year.  Spending time with loved ones, giving and receiving gifts and sharing special meals with friends.  In reality though, there is often a lot of stress and anxiety involved.  There is too much to do in too little time, worries about not having enough money, fears and anxieties about not getting the “right” presents for people, whether the food will be cooked to perfection, will Aunt Joan wind up your father-in-law….and the list goes on.

So instead of just ploughing through the list of chores and letting the stress pile up so that it makes it almost impossible for you to enjoy the festive season, I suggest you make a little time for some different preparations…preparing you!

Tapping Script for Christmas Peace:

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I’ve got way too much to do and not enough time to do it in and I’m feeling really stressed about Christmas, I accept how I feel
  • Even though I’m worried that I won’t get it all finished in time, I accept myself and how I feel about this Christmas
  • Even though I don’t know how I’m going to pay for Christmas this year and it’s so hard finding presents on a budget, I deeply and completely accept myself and all my feelings of inadequacy

Eyebrow: I’ve still got way too many things to do
Side of Eye: I should’ve started shopping earlier
Under Eye: Why didn’t I get more organised
Under Nose: I’ve left it to the last minute again
Under Chin: I’m so stressed about Christmas
Collarbone: I don’t get enough help with all the preparations
Under Arm: When will I learn to start preparing earlier
Top of Head: I’ve got too many presents to buy still

Eyebrow: I’m going to be working so hard on Christmas Eve
Side of Eye: I don’t think I’ve bought the right presents for people
Under Eye: There’s too much pressure on me
Under Nose: I can’t afford Christmas!
Under Chin: I don’t have enough money to buy presents
Collarbone: Why can’t my husband/wife/partner help me?
Under Arm: Christmas is too stressful
Top of Head: I hate all this pressure to do everything perfectly

Eyebrow: What if I could stop feeling so stressed
Side of Eye: Maybe if I was calmer, I’d get more done
Under Eye: What if I wrote a list and get more organised
Under Nose: Maybe I can get some help
Under Chin: Maybe I’m putting too much pressure on myself
Collarbone: What if I appreciated the really important things
Under Arm: What if I don’t have to do everything perfectly
Top of Head: What if I made some thoughtful presents instead of buying stuff people don’t want anyway

Keep tapping until you feel calm and peaceful.  If any particular stress or anxieties come up then make sure that you tap on them too.

Tapping Suggestions:

  • Not having enough money to buy presents, food, drink, party clothes etc
  • Worries about spending time with certain family members, arguments
  • Losing the real meaning of Christmas and all the commercialism
  • Missing a loved one or being separated from loved ones at Christmas
  • Not having enough time to relax, pressures of having to visit lots of people etc
  • Having to travel long distances

I wish you a wonderful, calm and peaceful Christmas!

How To Help Your Child With Cancer – Free Teleseminar

Attention: Parents, Relatives, Caregivers and Medical Support Staff

How To Help Your Child With Cancer!
Special Free Tele-Seminar

Deborah D Miller Ph.D. has been working with kids with cancer in a hospital
setting since Sept 2007 using Energy Techniques like EFT.

The results have been remarkable, resulting in an improved quality of life
for the children, the parents, relatives, nursing staff and medical support
people involved.
Parents: Learn tools that empower and calm you so that you can better
help your child.

Come join Deborah for this Tele-seminar series where she will help you
address the issues that affect you as a parent with a child with cancer.

In this free teleseminar:

– Deborah explains how she got involved with the kids with cancer
– Results achieved for the kids, parents and staff
– Energy Techniques: What are they? What is Tapping? How to Tap.
– Where to begin helping your child
– Learn how to use these techniques to help your child
– Live tapping during the call
Call date: Dec 2 2009
Live Call Time: 2:00 pm ET 11:00 am Pacific – 7:00 pm UK time

If you cannot make the live call or want to listen to it for a second
time everyone who registers will also receive the link to the recording.

Just Click here to register for this Free Call http://www.lifemademucheasier.com/212-19-5-17.html


Thank you for sharing this – please help spread the word.

Losing Weight The Easy (EFT) Way

So you’d like to lose weight. You’ve tried the low-carb, low GI, calorie controlled and even the cabbage soup diet (yuck!). You’ve yo-yoed up and down, maybe even putting on more weight than you lost the last time. So how about you try something completely different this time? Something that’s a little weird and strange-looking.

Well if you’re willing to try a bit of “Tapping” or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) then you could just transform your relationship with food forever. Paul McKenna is famous for his weight loss books and programs and his technique is a ‘close relative’ of EFT.

EFT involves gentle tapping on natural comfort points on the body, that you can do yourself. It’s simple and easy to learn. EFT has been very successful for people who want to lose weight. It works without pills, measuring calories, counting “sins” or any other props.

EFT typically produces quick results. It also empowers people by allowing them to help themselves whenever they feel a craving for a particular food. In short, it helps put you in control of your relationship with food and allows you to naturally choose healthier options.

EFT can help address all the negative emotions that often accompany over-eating. Working with a Practitioner ensures all aspects of the client’s relationship with food are addressed. EFT works by tuning into the problem, as certain points on the face and body are tapped, thus clearing the blockage associated with that emotion. Certain statements are repeated to help the client tune in to the problem. The statement contains an element of acknowledging the problem and accepting the self despite the problem. This is often a key piece. The tapping is repeated until the emotion or feeling subsides. The client is encouraged to tune in themselves and use their own words to describe their feelings.

As a first step, EFT is a fantastic way of controlling any cravings that you may have. People are often surprised at how effective EFT is at helping them control their cravings. After a few rounds of EFT, the craving typically disappears and the object they were previously craving can appear less appetising or even repulsive! EFT statements follow a pattern of:

  • Even though I feel {name problem} I accept myself anyway or
  • Even though I have {this problem} I accept myself anyway

So with cravings the following types of statements are often used:

  • Even though I really crave this chocolate bar, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I have this strong craving for a cream doughnut, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I crave ice-cream at night, I accept myself anyway

This is a wonderful way to get started with EFT. It is the beginning of the process of putting you back in control. Following on from this, we begin to look at all the emotions involved with eating. Many people eat because they are avoiding certain emotions and they use food to stuff down their feelings. Some people feel empty inside and use food to help fill their loneliness or sadness.

The following EFT statements relate to the emotions involved when we eat food:

  • Even though I eat when I’m bored, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I eat cakes to avoid my feelings…
  • Even though I use food to soothe myself…
  • Even though I stuff myself when I’m angry…
  • Even though I eat too much when I’m lonely…

By focusing on these thoughts whilst tapping on the specific energy points, the emotions are calmed and the energy system balanced. Leaving you feeling in control and able to think clearly about what you want to eat and why.

EFT can also be used to address any feelings of shame or guilt after you’ve eaten too much. Examples:

  • Even though I feel guilty for eating that whole packet of biscuits…
  • Even though I’m ashamed I ate a whole tub of ice-cream…

We’ll then explore the feelings that surround their family and childhood experiences. These are often major factors in our relationship with food as an adult. Examples:

  • Even though my Mum always gave me biscuits when I was sad…
  • Even though my Dad said I should eat every morsel on my plate because of the starving children in Africa…
  • Even though my Mum and I always ate cakes whenever Dad was mad…

Following on from this we’ll look at all the things that are preventing them from losing weight. These are very individual and may range from feeling unsafe if they were thinner to feeling like they don’t deserve to be happy with their figure. Many people feel like they would have too much pressure on them to keep the weight off and this is a major psychological block.

We may also look at any specific incidents from the past where the client used food to soothe their emotions and this can be very revealing as to why food is presently used in this way. These earlier events can then be tapped on to clear them from the system. I also get my clients to visualise themselves in the future, weighing their goal weight and get them to tap on any doubts, fears or anxieties that come up.

As yo-yo dieting and starving after bingeing slow down the metabolism, we will also if necessary tap on their slow metabolism or use a positive affirmation such as “my metabolism is speeding up”. This can be very empowering.

I give my clients “tapping homework” to do in between sessions. The client is then empowered to help themselves whenever they have a craving or recognise a negative emotion and the results are usually quicker with continued tapping.
It is possible to learn EFT yourself very quickly and gain good results. However, working with an experienced practitioner who will guide you through the process is often more effective and supportive.

For more information please visit my website: http://www.freeflowingenergy.co.uk.

Or give me a call and we can start working together to change your relationship with food. Tel: 07866 013 637

Low Energy Levels

If you feel that everything is taking much more energy at this time of year, then you are not alone.  It’s typical for us to slow down in the winter and spend more time inside.  Many people suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder.  SAD symptoms include low energy levels, depression, anxiety, mood changes, overeating, loss of concentration and sleep problems.  

If that feels like you then why not invest in a solar lightbox?  I’ve got a Bodyclock dawn simulator which is an alarm clock that wakes you with a sunrise.  This really helps me get up on a dark winter morning!  The brightening light is a natural signal for your body to reduce the production of sleep hormones and gradually increase the levels of hormones that wake you up and get you moving.  I wouldn’t be without mine.  http://www.lumie.com/shop/products/bodyclock-sunray-100    

If you could do with a bit of an energy boost try this tip and follow the tapping script to help improve your energy levels.  

Thump Your K27 Points (Collarbone)


  • Increases energy
  • Relieves tiredness if you are feeling drowsy
  • Focuses your mind  


Tap on the collarbone (K27) points with your fingers bunched together for about 20 – 30 seconds.  The collarbone points are located just below and slightly outward from the bumps at the end of the collarbone.  Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. 

Do this at least once every day and more often if you need it.  This is a great pick me up if you are driving – do one side at a time to keep one hand on the steering wheel!

Tapping Script


Tap on the Karate Chop spot on either hand whilst repeating out loud these 3 setups (or change the words to suit your situation).

  •  Even though I feel so worn out, I’ve got no energy, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so tired, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel
  • Even though the winter is draining my energy levels, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel  

Reminder Phrases:

  • Eyebrow: I’m just so tired
  • Side of eye: I’ve got no energy
  • Under eye: I don’t want to feel tired time all the time
  • Under nose: I can’t be bothered to do anything
  • Chin: I’m so worn out
  • Collarbone: I’m exhausted
  • Under arm: I wish I had more energy
  • Top of head: I wish I had the energy to do more  


  • Eyebrow: Maybe I can feel better
  • Side of eye: Maybe my energy levels will increase
  • Under eye: What if I had more energy
  • Under nose: What if I had all the energy I need
  • Chin: I can start to feel more energised
  • Collarbone: I’m open to gaining more energy
  • Under arm: What if my energy levels were boosted
  • Top of head: I am feeling my energy increase and I want to do more


  • Eyebrow: I’m so lethargic
  • Side of eye: My energy is increasing
  • Under eye: I wish I wasn’t so tired
  • Under nose: What if my energy started increasing
  • Chin: I can’t do things I want to do
  • Collarbone: My energy levels are returning
  • Under arm: I just want to sleep all the time
  • Top of head: I am feeling more vibrant and alive  

Repeat the tapping as necessary and use your own words where appropriate.  Try tapping on the specific things that are draining your energy and keep tapping until you feel better.

My Gary Craig Article

Do you have people in your life who are sceptical about EFT? Would you like your family or friends to be more open about EFT?  My article about my sceptical Dad was featured in Gary Craig’s EFT Insights Newsletter on September 18th. 

Featured Article #1: Louise’s sceptical dad warmed up to EFT:  Do you have a friend or relative that is sceptical about EFT? Read this article by Louise Woods from the UK and discover how she handled the problem. Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

I have been an EFT practitioner for about 3 years now. Previously I was a software engineer and had a successful career. After many years of stress and feeling there had to be more to life I took the plunge and started practising as a complementary therapist. I met a lot of resistance from my family when I changed careers. I think that they thought I had “lost the plot”!

Over the years they have come to accept that I’m not going to go back to doing a “normal” job. My Dad in particular has been quite sceptical about all that I do. In the last couple of years he has had angina and had to have an operation to fit a stent in one of his arteries.

Luckily this was successful and he has been feeling much better. He is however on both cholesterol and blood pressure tablets. I really thought that EFT could benefit my Dad and knew he was very sceptical and unlikely to try it.

A couple of months ago I thought I’d show my parents an EFT film and see what happened. After watching it, my Dad asked me “is there anyone in the UK who does this?”. Both my Mum and I commented that I do EFT and that he has clearly not taken notice of what I do! (I’ve since done some EFT on myself for the issues that raised!). I then spent some time showing him how to do EFT and suggested some tapping wording to get him started. These were along the lines of:

Even though I have this high blood pressure…
Even though my blood pressure is too high, I choose for it to return to a normal healthy level…
Even though I don’t like taking these blood pressure tablets…

I really didn’t think he would go through with and that he was just humouring me. But I thought at least I’ve tried.

I’m pleased to say that I was wrong. He started out tapping every day on his high blood pressure. My Mum commented that he seemed a bit less stressed. I then spoke to him a few weeks later and he reported that he was not tapping on his blood pressure anymore but that he was tapping on his temper! I was gobsmacked!

He has a very quick temper and really doesn’t handle stress well at all. I knew this was more like the core issue of his physical manifestations but wanted to tread carefully around his apologises. He has been tapping regularly since. The other day my Mum asked me what have I done to my Dad!

He is a now a lot calmer, his temper is much better and he even apologizes if he does lose it! If he starts losing his temper my Mum now says “tap, tap” and he does! His blood pressure has also come down. He has even started telling other people about EFT now. What a transformation! I’m going to encourage him to keep tapping on a regular basis and suggest he start looking at some childhood issues. I feel I have opened a door in my sceptical Dad. EFT is such an amazing tool, I love it. Thank you Gary, for sharing it with us.

In deepest gratitude,

Louise Woods

For more information please visit my website http://www.freeflowingenergy.co.uk/.

Welcome to Devon EFT

Would You Like To Achieve Emotional Freedom? 

Are Stress, Anxiety Or Panic Attacks Causing You Misery? 

I would love to help you beat your stress, overcome your anxiety and put an end to your panic attacks.  If you are having relationship problems, I can help you deal with the emotional issues and get your relationship back on track.  If you are limited by a fear or phobia, just imagine how much more you will get out of life if you let me help you put it behind you.

Louise Woods Devon EFTMy name is Louise Woods and I hope to inspire you to try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or tapping as it is commonly referred to. I’m an EFT practitioner who loves to share the gift of EFT with others. EFT has helped me let go of years of stress, fears, relationship problems and much more. I would be honoured to teach you EFT so that you can get the benefits I have experienced.

Try EFT for yourself or give me a call and let me help you now. I offer telephone sessions worldwide or face to face sessions in Devon.

Call me now to book your appointment.  Tel: 07866 013 637

Not sure if EFT can help you?  Please give me a call for a free chat.

This site represents the views and ways of working with EFT of Louise Woods and not necessarily those of Gary Craig. Gary Craig’s original version of EFT and complete training can be found at http://www.emofree.com/