
New Years Resolutions vs Specific Goals

Happy New Year. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas. Wishing you a wonderful 2011.

It might just seem like a strange idea for me to suggest you don’t make any new year’s resolutions. I have good reasons:

  • People usually make them halfheartedly
  • They are usually very generic and not specific, e.g. lose weight, go to the gym more, eat more healthily
  • People set too many at the same time
  • Most people give up by the end of January

You see the trouble is, people often make new year’s resolutions not because they want to but because they feel they have to. People ask what your new year’s resolution is and they feel they have to give an answer.


Instead of just giving a generic answer like lose weight, how about you actually spend some time instead working out proper, specific goals. Use the SMART way of writing your goal – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Always include a date for your goal and a measurable outcome.

Think about what it is you actually want to achieve. How do you want to feel? So instead of just saying I want to lose weight, you could set a goal like this instead:

By 31st March 2011 I will weigh ………. (insert your goal weight).

Now write down how you will look, feel and any sounds that are important to your goal (e.g. hearing people congratulate you on how good you look). Put your goal somewhere where you will see it. Read it regularly.

If it seems too big, then break it down into smaller steps.

E.g. By 14th January I will weigh ……….(insert intermediate goal weight). Repeat these smaller goals, until you have achieved your bigger goal.

It is also important to congratulate yourself and celebrate your success. So have something specific in mind for when you have achieved your goal. For example, you could treat yourself to a new outfit when you have reached your ideal weight, or a new hairstyle. Whatever it is this will help with your motivation towards achieving your goal.

Write out your goals now and how you want to feel when you have achieved them. In upcoming articles I will be writing more about using EFT to help you lose weight. EFT can be used to help you achieve any goal. You can use EFT to help you if you are struggling with motivation, lack of confidence, not believing in yourself, failures in the past etc. It really is a flexible tool that can help you in many different ways to achieve your goals.

“A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

Here’s to your success.

“A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

Christmas Spirit – Tapping to keep you sane

It is that busy time of year again! There is always lots to do – presents to buy and wrap, food to prepare, parties to attend, work to complete, family to visit etc. We can feel like we are being pulled in all different directions and like there is not enough hours in the day! We often feel overwhelmed and stressed and can get so caught up in the material things that we forget the spirit of Christmas (and I’m not talking about the alcoholic variety).

Christmas tree
Christmas tree

So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you.  Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum stress/overwhelm etc).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I’m so stressed about Christmas and everything I have to do, I still deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I still have loads of shopping to do, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list, I love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: I’m stressed about Christmas
Side of Eye: I’m so overwhelmed by my to-do list
Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do
Under Nose: And not enough hours in the day
Chin: I’ll never get it all done
Collarbone: Why didn’t I start earlier?
Under Arm: I always leave it to the last minute
Top of Head: It’s always a rush and panic at the end

Eyebrow: I wish I could plan things better
Side of Eye: Why do I have to do everything anyway?
Under Eye: I feel so stressed, I’ve got so much to do
Under Nose: I don’t have the time to buy all the presents,
Chin: all the food, prepare the house, do the wrapping
Collarbone: It’s all too much for me to do
Under Arm: I hate feeling so stressed about Christmas
Top of Head: I can’t enjoy myself because I’ve got too much to do

Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if could prioritise my to-do list
Under Eye: Maybe I can get some help off my family
Under Nose: Maybe I can take some time out to prioritise
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about my to-do list
Collarbone: Maybe I can get it all done if my family helps me
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I do all these things

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel calmer and more centered.

EFT is always there for us right at our fingertips, ready to help us when we need it. Remember that you need to look after yourself this Christmas. Making some time every day (even for 5 minutes) will help you stay calm and able to cope with all the extra things you need to do at this busy time of year.

Happy Christmas and keep on tapping!
07866 013 637

It is that busy time of year again! There is always lots to do – presents to buy and wrap, food to prepare, parties to attend, work to complete, family to visit etc. We can feel like we are being pulled in all different directions and like there is not enough hours in the day! We often feel overwhelmed and stressed and can get so caught up in the material things that we forget the spirit of Christmas (and I’m not talking about the alcoholic variety).
So take some time out, sit down for a few minutes and do some tapping. Here is a tapping script that can help you.  Write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 first (where 10 is maximum stress/overwhelm etc).
Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:
  • Even though I’m so stressed about Christmas and everything I have to do, I still deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I still have loads of shopping to do, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list, I love and accept myself anyway
Eyebrow: I’m stressed about Christmas
Side of Eye: I’m so overwhelmed by my to-do list
Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do
Under Nose: And not enough hours in the day
Chin: I’ll never get it all done
Collarbone: Why didn’t I start earlier?
Under Arm: I always leave it to the last minute
Top of Head: It’s always a rush and panic at the end
Eyebrow: I wish I could plan things better
Side of Eye: Why do I have to do everything anyway?
Under Eye: I feel so stressed, I’ve got so much to do
Under Nose: I don’t have the time to buy all the presents,
Chin: all the food, prepare the house, do the wrapping
Collarbone: It’s all too much for me to do
Under Arm: I hate feeling so stressed about Christmas
Top of Head: I can’t enjoy myself because I’ve got too much to do
Eyebrow: I’m open to thinking about this differently
Side of Eye: What if could prioritise my to-do list
Under Eye: Maybe I can get some help off my family
Under Nose: Maybe I can take some time out to prioritise
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about my to-do list
Collarbone: Maybe I can get it all done if my family helps me
Under Arm: What if I enjoyed getting some help
Top of Head: I’m open to enjoying myself as I do all these things

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you feel calmer and more centered.

Different Ways of Tapping

One of the things that people regularly say when they start tapping is “Am I doing it right?”. The good news is that EFT is very flexible. The most important thing to remember is that you need to stay tuned in to the feelings you are working on and tap on the points on the body.

Sometimes you will need to be persistent. This is my Top Tip!

Keep tapping until you feel better”.

Here are some different ways you can try doing EFT:

  • Tap whilst repeating out loud how you feel
  • Tap whilst repeating how you feel in your mind
  • Tap slowly on each point repeating your reminder phrase several times
  • Tap faster on each point just repeating your reminder phrase once
  • Tap really lightly on each point
  • Tap using a bit more pressure on each point (make sure it’s not too hard though – it should not hurt!)
  • Tap using both hands tapping both sides of the body
  • Tap with one hand, tapping the opposite side of the body (i.e. left hand taps right eyebrow, right side of eye etc)

You can either repeat the same reminder phrase on each tapping point or say different phrases related to your particular issue on each point – experiment and see which works best for you. It usually helps if you write down how you feel using keywords and phrases and tap whilst reading the words you have written.

I hope that these tips help you relax and enjoy tapping even more.  If you have any questions or feedback then please leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

How To Handle Change

One thing that is guaranteed in this world is change.  Sometimes it’s a change that we want and welcome.  Other times we have changes forced upon us and we fight them.  Even when it’s a change we want, we can experience resistance and negative emotions.  How do we deal with all of that?  EFT is there for us as usual, right at our fingertips.  Here’s a tapping script that you might find useful to help you cope with change.

Tap on the Karate Chop spot on either hand whilst repeating out loud these 3 setups (or change the words to suit your situation):

  • Even though this change feels so hard and uncomfortable, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I didn’t want this change and I don’t want to have to deal with it, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel
  • Even though this change feels so difficult and I want things to stay the way they are, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel

Eyebrow: This change is so difficult and uncomfortable
Side of eye: I’m so upset by this change
Under eye: I don’t want this change
Under nose: I didn’t choose this change
Chin: Changes never work out for me
Collarbone: I’m so resistant to this change
Under arm: I wish this change didn’t have to happen
Top of head: Why can’t things stay the same?

Repeat the above several times or change the words to suit how you feel, until you feel a reduction in the intensity. If you feel ready you can tap on these statements which focus on the solution:

Eyebrow: Maybe this change will be easier
Side of eye: Maybe this time the change is for the best
Under eye: What if this time it’ll be easier
Under nose: What if things work out ok for me this time
Chin: What if things go my way
Collarbone: What if it turns out even better than I expected
Under arm: What if it does work out for me
Top of head: What if this change turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to me

Repeat the tapping as necessary and use your own words where appropriate.  Tap on the specific changes that are happening in your life and how you feel about them, until you feel calmer and able to handle the situation.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Even though I’m worried of having a panic attack and not being able to handle it I choose to know I can get through it and feel normal again quickly


Even though I can’t handle having a panic attack and just want to take a tablet and go to bed to sleep it off, I choose to know it will pass and I can get through it


Even though I hate the feeling in my legs when I’m feeling anxious and having a panic attack I choose to get through it quickly and feel calm and normal again easily and quickly


Eyebrow: I worry I’ll have a panic attack

Side of Eye: I hate having these panic attacks

Under Eye: I wish I didn’t have these panic attacks

Under Nose: I hate feeling anxious

Chin: I can’t stand my legs feeling like jelly

Collarbone: I want to take a tablet and sleep it off when it starts

Under Arm: I just want to get away from these feelings

Crown of head: I just want it to be over


Now tap on the positives:

Eyebrow: I choose to be able to handle these strange feelings

Side of Eye: I know I’m ok even though I feel like this

Under Eye: I can get through this easily

Under Nose: My legs will feel normal again quickly

Chin: I know these feelings will pass quickly

Collarbone: It’ll all be over soon and I’m ok anyway

Under Arm: I choose to be able to handle these panic attacks

Crown of head: I can get through these panic attacks easily and quickly

Thanksgiving – Celebrating Gratitude

Lots of my American friends were celebrating Thanksgiving yesterday. So it got me thinking about how I could use the day to offer my thanks too. Whilst I didn’t partake in a Thanksgiving celebration with friends and family, I did spend some time reflecting on all that I am grateful for.

Thanksgiving - Offering Gratitude

This is something that I do on a regular basis anyway. Each day I write in my Gratitude Journal. This is a special notebook where I write down several things each day that I am grateful for.

At times you may feel that you don’t have a lot to be grateful for. For example, you could have money worries or having trouble in a relationship. The key is at these times is to find something to be grateful for. It could be the sunshine when you woke up, or a kind word someone says to you at work. It could be the roof over your head, the love of your family or your train being on time. There is always something to be grateful for. Sometimes we just need to look a bit harder. Other times it will be easy and your gratitude will pour out of you.

Remember what we focus on we get. So by focusing on our gratitude we attract more things to be grateful for.

As well as writing in my gratitude journal, I like to tap in my gratitude. I repeat what I am grateful for, whilst tapping on the points. I start at the eyebrow and finish at the top of my head. I might repeat certain items several times or repeat a different item on each tapping point. The key for me here is to really feel that gratitude as I’m tapping it in. I find the combination of EFT and gratitude very powerful indeed.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Anonymous

My gratitude to Katherine Krych (@HealingRays) for sharing this quote on Twitter.

The more you practice being grateful, the easier it becomes and the more things you find to be grateful for. I will leave you with this quote:

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart

In deepest gratitude!
07866 013 637

Just Listen

I’m referring to listening to our inner talk. Those repetitive thoughts that we have day in day out. If things aren’t the way you want them to be, you can bet that your thoughts are repetitively focusing on what you don’t want, not what you do want.

So just take the time to listen to your inner talk. Make some notes about the thoughts that you are having. It is very important to not beat yourself up because you are having ‘negative’ thoughts. Just listen and observe them. Remember that what we resist persists!

So learn your inner dialogue first. Once you know what thoughts are repeatedly going on in your mind you can focus instead on the kind of thoughts you would like to have. Write a list of the kind of thoughts that are the opposite to your negative thoughts. Write them out in a positive way.

Any time one of those old negative thoughts pops into your mind just thank it and let it go. Be gentle with yourself. Then bring to mind one of your positive thoughts for a few moments. The more you focus on those positive thoughts the more the negative ones will turn up less often.

If you find it difficult to focus on the positive and negative thoughts seem to dominate your mind then tap along with this script.

  • Even though I’m so negative all the time, I accept my feelings anyway
  • Even though my thoughts are so negative all the time, it’s a life long habit, I still accept myself anyway
  • Even though I just can’t have positive thoughts, they’re always negative, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: I can’t have positive thoughts
Side of eye: My thoughts are always negative
Under eye: I’ve always had very negative thoughts
Under nose: I’ve tried to be positive before
Chin: It just didn’t work
Collarbone: My mind just brought up more negatives
Under arm: It feels like too much hard work
Top of head: It’s just easier to think negative thoughts

Eyebrow: It takes too much energy to think positively
Side of eye: It’s so hard to think positively
Under eye: I just don’t have the energy to change my thinking
Under nose: Negative thoughts are easy to me
Chin: I find it really hard to have positive thoughts
Collarbone: My mind is always negative
Under arm: It’s natural for me to think negatively
Top of head: I feels like I have to force myself to be positive

Eyebrow: I’m open to the possibility of changing this today
Side of eye: I could just try this
Under eye: Maybe it will work this time
Under nose: What if it was easier this time
Chin: I could be kinder to myself
Collarbone: I could just let those negative thoughts go
Under arm: Maybe I can practice this every day
Top of head: I could be kind and patient with myself

Remember to keep tapping until you feel at ease with changing your thoughts to be more positive. If you still find yourself having a lot of negative thoughts then do some more tapping, focusing on the cause of your negative thoughts.

Practice makes perfect!

Remember the words of Buddha:

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Happy Birthday Devon EFT

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Yes Devon EFT is 1 years old today! Happy birthday Devon EFT!!!

Happy 1st Birthday Devon EFT
Happy 1st Birthday Devon EFT

I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my blogging journey so far. By writing this blog I have deepened my understanding and knowledge. Every time I write I learn something new. For this I am very grateful.

I look forward to sharing more tips, tapping scripts and techniques with you in the coming year. Please comment and feel free to request a specific tapping script or technique. I welcome your questions and feedback.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

I Don’t Know What to Tap On

This is another common thing people say. I don’t know what to tap on or I have so much “stuff” that I don’t know where to start.

A good way to approach this is to start by working on the feeling of overwhelm. It can feel very overwhelming if you have a lot of issues to work on. Rate this feeling of overwhelm on a scale of 0 – 10 (10 is maximum overwhelm) and then do some tapping. E.g.

  • Even though I feel so overwhelmed, I just don’t know where to start, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I have  too much stuff to work on, it feels too overwhelming, I’m ok right now
  • Even though I feel all this overwhelm because I don’t know where to start, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway

Keep tapping on your overwhelm until you feel calm again. You might want to try tapping on:

  • Even though I don’t know what to tap on, I’m open to the possibility of figuring it out
  • Even though I have so much stuff going on, I don’t know where to start, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I just don’t know where to start, I deeply and completely accept my feelings anyway

You can also try writing a list of issues you need to work on. Then you could prioritise them by how much they are affecting you on a daily basis or by writing out their score and going for the highest scoring ones first.


EFT - Write a list
Write a list of things to tap on

Another useful approach is Gary Craig’s famous question:

If you had your life to live over, what person or event would you just as soon skip?

This can often highlight the core issue that you need to work on.

Often it can be useful to tap on what is going on with you right now. Tapping to clear out these issues can help you feel ready to deal with other issues from the past.

The key is to just start! Be gentle with yourself and keep tapping. Work your way through your list and watch the issues transform.

I hope this has been useful.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

Sleep…Perchance to Dream

If you’ve ever had a sleepless night you realise just how important sleep is. It is often only when we don’t have things that we realise just how important they are. Sleep is like that. We take it for granted. Yet it is so valuable for our health and well-being.

You may lie awake at night, worrying about money, your job, your relationship, your family or your health. Or you could find yourself drifting off to sleep ok, only to wake up a few hours later and not be able to get back to sleep.

Firstly, I’d recommend trying the obvious things – avoid mental stimulation before going to bed i.e. no TV, computer etc. Avoid drinking coffee or any other stimulants at least a few hours before your bedtime. Ensure your bedroom is a dark enough and a comfortable temperature etc.

It can be useful to keep a notebook and pen beside your bed. Jot down any thoughts that are going through your mind. It can feel like the proverbial hamster in a wheel otherwise with the same thoughts going round and round your head all night.



You can also address your worries, stress, anxiety etc with EFT before you go to bed. Here are some examples you might want to try:

  • Even though I lie awake in bed every night, worrying about my finances, I still deeply and completely accept myself
  • Even though I toss and turn every night because I’m stressed at work, I have too many responsibilities and I just can’t cope, I’m still ok
  • Even though I can’t sleep because I’m so worried that my marriage is failing and I just can’t talk to my husband/wife, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I lay awake each night worrying about my Mother’s health and I don’t know if she’ll make it through this year, I love and accept myself anyway

Whatever it is that you are worrying about be really specific. Tap a few rounds on what you do at night when you are not sleeping. Here’s an example:

  • Even though I can’t sleep and I lie there tossing and turning all night long, I’m ok right now
  • Even though I keep checking the clock to see how much sleep I’m missing out on, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I lie there listening to every noise, wondering what it is, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I can’t sleep at night
Side of eye: I lie there tossing and turning
Under eye: I keep checking the clock
Under nose: To see how much sleep I’ve missed
Chin: I think I’ll never get to sleep
Collarbone: My mind races at night
Under arm: It feels like I’m awake all night
Top of head: I feel so lonely lying here with no-one to talk to

Eyebrow: I hate not sleeping
Side of eye: I feel so tired
Under eye: I really want to go to sleep
Under nose: But I can’t stop worrying about ………………
Chin: I listen to all the noises
Collarbone: I wonder what they are
Under arm: I can’t get comfortable
Top of head: I keep getting up to go to the toilet

Eyebrow: Maybe I can write down how I feel
Side of eye: I could write down all my worrying thoughts
Under eye: I wonder if I’m worrying too much
Under nose: What if I could get a good nights sleep
Chin: Maybe I can stop worrying
Collarbone: What if I could just focus on my breathing
Under arm: Maybe I can get really comfortable
Top of head: What if I did some deep breathing and felt really relaxed

Remember to tune in to how you feel and be specific as possible.

I hope that the script and ideas help you get a good nights sleep!

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

Lately I have been working more and more with the imagery of the subconscious mind. I love working this way! For those of you who are more visual this is perfect. If you are more auditory or kinaesthetic then you can focus more on the sounds or feelings.

You can try working this way yourself. Bring to mind an issue you’d like to work on. Rate your issue in the usual way (o – 10 intensity). Now close your eyes and tune it to the issue and ask yourself if there is an image that represents this issue. Or you could ask what would that issue look like? Just let the image come to you. It probably won’t make much logical sense. That doesn’t matter – your subconscious mind works directly with these images.

If it is a physical pain or feeling you are working on you could ask what colour is that pain? What size or shape is it? Build up the picture as much as you can. Then you can either use this image directly in your tapping or tap on the issue itself and check how the picture changes as you progress. Typically what happens is that the picture changes as you clear out the emotions.

For example, a recent image I had was a hard red plastic wall stuck in front of me. I could just about see through it. I tapped on:

  • Even though I have this hard red plastic wall stuck in front of me, I still love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though this fear is like a hard red plastic wall in front of me, I know that right now, I’m ok
  • Even though I feel all this fear and I can see it stuck in front of me like a hard red plastic wall, I completely accept all of my feelings about this

I tapped through the points interchanging the imagery words with the feelings. At the end of my session my image had changed quite significantly. The hard red plastic wall had changed into a soft red sheet which was further away from and blowing gently in the breeze. I also felt the fear had gone and there were some other emotions left for me to work on.

You can also use the imagery less directly too. A client of mine felt her problems were like this really tall tower that she wanted to climb but didn’t know how to. It had vertical sides which were slippery and it seemed impossible to climb. We didn’t work with this image directly but at the end of each session we check in with her tower to see how it is changing. The sides became less slippery, footholds appeared and she was now equipped with climbing gear. Gradually her tower is changing and she can now see a way to the top.

Impossible Tower

This is a such a wonderful way to work where you can see the changes happening right before your eyes!

Hope you have fun with this!

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

The Right Words?

The most common question that I get asked is what are the “right” words to use in EFT? Some people ask if they have to use words at all. They find it difficult to find the words to use or they find it distracts from their feelings. If you are new to EFT it can put you off doing it! You may have gotten stuck into this thinking that you can’t find the “right” words to say and you’ll do it wrong if you say the “wrong” words.

Let’s set the record straight right now! There are no “right” words! Or “wrong” words for that matter!

Right Words/Wrong Words?

When we are working with ourselves sometimes the words don’t flow. We are often too far into our problem to see what is going on. Like seeing the proverbial wood through the trees. If you are new to EFT there is a lot going on – figuring out the words, where to tap, how many times to tap, how hard to tap and oh yeah what was I feeling again?

The most important thing is that we are tuned in to how we are feeling. If you are having the feelings right here and now you can easily tune in and tap! If you are working on something not in the here and now then make sure you really tune in to the feelings and then tap.

If you have sensations in your body then focus on them as well as the emotions you are feeling. Our body often has wonderful messages for us if we just take some time to listen! You don’t need to know what the message is – just acknowledge your body for giving you the message and use what is going on for you.

For example, say you are feeling stressed at work and you have a tight knot in your stomach. You can tune in to that feeling and tap. If you want to add some words then you can. Otherwise just acknowledge the feeling, thank your body for giving you this message and focus on the tight knot and the stress as you tap.

When practitioners work with clients we tune in to what the client is telling us. We listen deeply to what they are saying and tune in to our intuition. Sometimes we don’t get it “right” and the client can adjust what we have suggested. Clients often find it easier to adjust some words rather than starting from scratch!

If you are still feeling like you’re not sure – just start tapping. Often the words will start to flow as we begin to tap and release some of this stuck energy. So keep tapping and tuning in.

If you are still feeling stuck about the words then you can actually tap on that too. Try:

  • Even though I don’t know how to find the right words to use, I’m open to just focusing on my feelings and tapping anyway
  • Even though I’m sure I have to use the right words, otherwise EFT won’t work, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’m worried I’ll make myself feel worse if I use the wrong words, I’m open to the possibility that tapping will help me anyway and there are no right and wrong words

Remember to just tune in to how you feel and then tap.

There are no “right” or “wrong” words!

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

I Feel SAD Autumn is Here

The temperature has dropped, the nights are drawing in and the leaves are falling. Autumn is definitely here! If you hate the season change you are not alone. Many people get affected by it. We want to carry on doing what we have all year, yet we don’t seem to have the same energy levels.

Many of us feel like hibernating as we don’t fancy going out in the cold, dark and often wet evenings. The days will seem even shorter when the clocks go back at the end of the month. At this time of year, some people suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder.  SAD symptoms include low energy levels, mood changes, depression, anxiety, loss of concentration, overeating and sleep problems.

We may start craving stodgy, comfort food and put on a bit of weight. One thing is for sure, our ancestors were much more in tune with the seasons than we are. Lets face it – they had to be. They didn’t have the resources and technology that we have that allow us to work into the night, lit by artificial lights etc.

So one of the things that you may want to try doing is to listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Slow down if you feel your energy levels are dropping. Wrap up warm and eat more soups and stews!

You can also try some tapping statements to help you adjust. Here are a sample of setup statements that you may want to try.

  • Even though I hate the clocks going back and I find the dark nights so depressing, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I don’t want to go out because it’s so dark and cold, I accept my feelings anyway
  • Even though I feel like hibernating when autumn starts, I love and accept myself
  • Even though my energy levels drop in the autumn and I get frustrated with myself, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so down because it gets dark so early and I really crave sunlight, I’m ok
  • Even though I don’t want to slow down but my energy levels force me to, what if I could listen to my body’s needs
  • Even though I can’t do all the things I want to in the autumn, I’m open to accepting that
  • Even though my body feels so sluggish in the autumn and winter, I’m open to accepting this
  • Even though I crave stodgy, comfort food, what if I ate what my body needed
  • Even though I put weight on at this time of year because I eat stodgy comfort food, I love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so lethargic and I don’t have the energy to do much, I accept my feelings anyway
  • Even though I have to change my lifestyle because of this seasonal change and I hate doing it, I accept my feelings about it

I hope these statements have inspired you to do some tapping and release these feelings about the onset of autumn!

Autumn colours

Try to look at the positive things about this time of year – the beautiful fall colours, catching up on your projects (e.g. sorting out your photos, reading, painting), enjoying the foods you don’t fancy in the summer (soups, stews and pies) and enjoying a slower pace of life.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

Menstrual Cramp Relief

Does your period feel like a “monthly curse”? Is your menstrual cycle a bane in your life?

  • Do you get irritable, tired, emotional, sensitive and feel like crying at the slightest little thing?
  • Do you get severe menstrual cramps or period pains?
  • Do you feel physically and mentally drained?

Not just me then!  If you would like to skip work, head for your bed and hide under your duvet with a hot water bottle each month, then this is for you!

Menstrual cramps

Here is a tapping script that I hope will help you if you are suffering from menstrual cramps. Firstly write down your score on a scale of 0 – 10 (where 10 is maximum pain/discomfort).

  • Even though my period feels like a curse every month, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel so emotional and the slightest thing upsets me when I have my period, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I get these really bad menstrual cramps and I just want to curl up into a ball, I still love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: My periods feel like a curse every month
Side of eye: I hate having my period
Under eye: I get these really bad menstrual cramps
Under nose: I can’t concentrate when I’ve got these period pains
Chin: All I want to do is curl up into a ball
Collarbone: These menstrual cramps are dragging me down
Under arm: It feels like my insides are being dragged out of me
Top of head: I find it hard to do anything when these cramps are this bad 

Eyebrow: If someone looks at me funny, I’ll burst into tears
Side of eye: I feel so emotional
Under eye: These menstrual cramps are killing me
Under nose: I feel so drained by these period pains
Chin: It’s so tiring having these cramps
Collarbone: This pain in my ovaries is making me feel so drained
Under arm: I just want to go to bed with a hot water bottle
Top of head: I hate going to work when I feel like this

Eyebrow: I wonder if I could feel better
Side of eye: Maybe I can tap away this pain
Under eye: I’m open to feeling better
Under nose: What if I could concentrate easier
Chin: Maybe I can feel calmer and more balanced
Collarbone: Maybe I can still function when I have my period
Under arm: What if my pain felt easier
Top of head: I’m open to feeling better when I have my period

Take a nice deep breath. Re-assess your score. Keep on tapping and use your words where appropriate. E.g. if you feel you have a dark cloud hanging over you when you have your period, then use these words. If you feel your period pains feel like a red-hot poker digging in your back then use these words! You get the idea!

I hope that you feel better soon.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

Money Worries

In the midst of a recession it is not surprising to hear that a lot of people are having money worries right now. Many people are feeling very stressed about money and whilst I can’t guarantee your income will increase with tapping, you can deal with the associated stress, anxiety, fears and other emotions that come up.

Money Worries

From a law of attraction point of view what we focus on is what we get. So if you are constantly focusing on lack of money then that is what you get. I’ll include some suggestions to address that, after the tapping script.

Firstly, assess how you are feeling. On a scale of 0 – 10 how do you feel about not having enough money? 10 being the most stressed/worried/scared etc. Write down the emotion(s) you feel too, scoring each one if there are multiple feelings.

  • Even though I don’t have enough money right now and it is such a struggle to keep up with all the bills, I still deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though money is so tight, there’s never enough, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I’m so stressed because we just don’t have enough money coming in and it’s getting worse every month, I still love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: There isn’t enough money coming in
Side of eye: I’m so stressed about money
Under eye: I’m scared we can’t pay all the bills every month
Under nose: I hate having these money worries
Chin: I have sleepless nights because of money
Collarbone: My stomach churns at night because I’m worrying about money
Under arm: I’m scared because we never have enough
Top of head: I’m working really hard and there still isn’t enough 

Eyebrow: I don’t know what else to do
Side of eye: It’s so draining worrying about money all the time
Under eye: I’ll never have enough money
Under nose: I hate struggling to pay the bills
Chin: I never have any luxuries
Collarbone: It’s hard enough just paying for the essentials
Under arm: I’m so fed up of all this money stress
Top of head: This money stress is a burden on my back

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this money stress go
Side of eye: Worrying about money is not helping
Under eye: I’m open to changing these feelings today
Under nose: What if I can let go of this fear about money
Chin: What if I can feel calmer about money
Collarbone: Maybe I can sleep peacefully at night
Under arm: Maybe I can let this stress in my stomach go
Top of head: I’m open to feeling calmer about money

Repeat the tapping, until you feel calmer and your scores are down to zero. As usual use your words where they are more appropriate.

What message are you sending to the Universe? Notice when you say things like:

  • I can’t afford it
  • We don’t have enough money for that
  • That is too expensive

By saying these things we are sending the message of lack to the Universe. Try changing your responses to a more positive response, e.g.

  • I have other priorities for my money at the moment
  • We’re keeping some money aside for X
  • I’ve seen a better value product somewhere else

Gently remind yourself to focus on what you do have, rather than what you don’t. Keep on tapping on all those negative money emotions!

Talk soon!
07866 013 637

Fear of Success

Fear of what I hear you say? Success? I know most people are familiar with fear of failure. What is often surprising though is that a lot of people also have a fear of success. So how do you go about dealing with that fear of success? Firstly, you need to understand what success means to you and the expectations you associate with it. 

Fear of success


Think about past times in your life and the specific events when you were successful. Now if any of those upset you then use EFT to clear out the negative emotions. Try the movie technique to clear out any negativity from those events. Many people actually sabotage themselves so that they don’t achieve their success. EFT can really help you clear out this self sabotaging behaviour. 

Try the following questions and write down what comes up for you… 

  • Success means ……………
  • I fear success because ……………
  • I don’t deserve success because ……………
  • Last time I was successful …………… happened
  • Being successful means I’ll have to ……………
  • Being successful means I won’t be able to ……………
  • Being successful means I’ll have to give up ……………
  • Being successful means I’ll lose ……………
  • I sabotage myself by doing ……………

You can now use this information and do some tapping. So, if for example, you are worried that if you are succesful you won’t have enough time for your family then tap on that. If you think you’ll have so much pressure on you to keep up that success that it will drain you until you crash and burn, then tap on that.  If you think you don’t deserve to be successful, then tap on that. Tap, tap, tap! 

Here is a sample tapping script that you can use. Score your fear before you start tapping (where 10 is maximum fear). 

  • Even though I have this fear of success, I’m open to changing that today
  • Even though I’m really frightened I’ll be a success and that will put so much pressure on me that I’ll crash and burn, I acknowledge and accept my feelings
  • Even though I’m so scared I’ll be a success and then I’ll have no time for my family, I’m open to finding the right balance in my life

Eyebrow: I have this fear of success
Side of eye: It seems strange to fear success
Under eye: I’m scared I’ll have all this pressure on me
Under nose: I don’t want to get so busy that I have no family life
Chin: What if the pressure is too much for me
Collarbone: What if I feel overwhelmed
Under arm: I’m scared of success
Top of head: I’m scared I’ll have no time for my family and they’ll resent me 

Eyebrow: I don’t deserve success
Side of eye: There will be too much pressure on me to keep this success going
Under eye: I’ll get overwhelmed
Under nose: I’m not good enough to succeed
Chin: I’ll feel guilty that I’m not giving enough to my family
Collarbone: I don’t want to succeed and then find it all too much to handle
Under arm: I’m scared of  sustaining this success
Top of head: What if my family hate me for doing so well 

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this fear go
Side of eye: I want to clear out all these doubts
Under eye: I’m open to changing this fear today
Under nose: What if I can enjoy my success
Chin: What if I can find the right balance between success and family life
Collarbone: Maybe my family will support me
Under arm: Maybe I do deserve to be successful
Top of head: I’m open to enjoying my success 

Remember to use your words where appropriate. Re-check your score and keep tapping and adjusting your statements until you are down to zero. Tap on all the different aspects of your fear. Test your results when you think you are finished. Visualise yourself being successful and check that no negatives come up. If they do, then do some more tapping. 

I will leave you with this amazing quote from Marianne Williamson: 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 

Keep tapping and enjoy the success you deserve!
07866 013 637