Get Physical

The other day I had one of those days… I was constantly interrupted and hassled by colleagues, the phone didn’t stop ringing and I couldn’t seem to get a minutes peace to concentrate on the task I was doing. By the end of the day my head was pounding and I felt really stressed.

I finger tapped all the way home – which is an hour-long drive. By the time I got home I felt much better. I could have tapped some more when I got home but I really felt like I needed to do something more physical. So I decided to dig out my boxercise DVD and punch and shout my remaining stress and frustration out.

Get Physical

It was superb! There is nothing like moving your body and releasing in this way. It was really physical which is exactly what my body was telling me I needed. As I punched  and yelled along I could feel myself relaxing and letting go of the day I’d had.

Sometimes you just have to move your body to release your stuck energy. This was one of those times & I’m so grateful I listened to what my body needed. By the end of the workout I felt fantastic & much lighter.

You can get more physical using EFT too. Try standing up or walking around as you tap. Try shouting and yelling to release your anger, stress or frustration. After tapping several rounds try tapping using the flat of your palm all over your body – up and down your arms, torso and legs. Try shaking your hands, arms, legs and feet after tapping to release any stuck energy. Do whatever feels right to you.

I often finger tap whilst walking or running.  I love being out in the fresh air and feeling my energy start to flow better.

Most importantly – listen to what your body needs. Many of us spend long hours stuck at a desk or driving. Moving our body is natural and important for our energy to flow freely. Remember to get physical and move it, move it, move it! 🙂

Keep tapping

How to Get Over the Stress of Health Anxiety

Guest Blog

How to Get Over the Stress of Health Anxiety

Google is a valuable tool, but Google has also caused the development of a serious problem for those that have been living with anxiety symptoms: severe health anxiety.

Health anxiety has always been a thing. It’s something that affects many people living with anxiety or panic attacks (especially panic attacks), because the symptoms of anxiety can feel so severe that many people struggle to believe that they’re anxiety related.

But what’s made it worse is the ability to Google symptoms. The biggest problem is not just hypochondria in the traditional sense – people aren’t necessarily looking up diseases and psychosomatically causing the symptoms of those diseases. Rather, severe anxiety can cause physical symptoms that genuinely resemble some very serious health problems, the most common being:

  • MS
  • Brain Tumors
  • Heart Failure/Attack

It’s possible that symptoms mimic other diseases as well, like lime disease or some type of tumor. But those three health issues have nearly identical symptoms to anxiety, and so many people that suffer from anxiety eventually convince themselves that they have one of these disorders.

That can create some severe health anxiety, and severe health anxiety leads to even more physical symptoms. It’s not uncommon to find those living with health anxiety spending most of every day thinking about their health.

Stopping the Cycle of Health Anxiety

Health anxiety can be very hard to turn off. Seeing your doctor is step one. Remember, your doctor has seen people with MS, brain tumors, and heart attacks. If they’re worried, they’ll order tests. If they’re not worried, they won’t.

Trust your doctor. If they don’t order a CT scan, chances are it’s because they’ve seen people with MS and brain tumors and your issues seem like anxiety. It’s easy to tell yourself “they didn’t check, so it’s still there” but doctors are trained to look for medically serious issues, and if they’re not worried, you shouldn’t be either.

Your next steps are to try each of the following:

  • Start Exercising – This is incredibly important. Exercise is a profound stress reduction tool, and it will give you the opportunity to focus on your health more so that you will worry about it less in the future. Exercising releases endorphins which reduce anxiety, and the more you are dedicated to your health, the less you’ll be bothered with health stress.
  • Participate in Anxiety Forums – There are several valuable anxiety forums filled with people that dealt with your exact same thoughts. Participating in those forums can be a lifesaver, as many of them will share how their stories are exactly like yours and how they were finally able to accept that they have anxiety.
  • Learn About Health Anxiety – Did you know that you can suffer from severe anxiety physical symptoms even when know anxiety is present? One of the main contributors to health anxiety is how hard it is to believe that the frightening symptoms you experience are caused by anxiety.

Anxiety treatments need to focus on two things: Coming to the realization that it’s highly unlikely that you have any health problem, and realizing that you need to stop concerning yourself with your health.

The latter is another issues that those with health anxiety need to realize: You probably don’t have MS, or a brain tumor, or a serious heart condition (especially if the doctor has ruled them out). But you could get them tomorrow, because anyone can get them at any time. The question you need to ask yourself is: if tomorrow you did get a serious health problem, do you want to look back at your past and realize that you spent all your time worrying about your health?

Your goal is to live a happy life. Those with health anxiety need to realize that every day spent obsessing over their health is a day wasted in the event they did have a health problem. As long as you’re exercising, eating healthy, and going to the doctor for regular checkups, you’re doing everything you can. Learn to spend the rest of your time in a way that makes you happy.

About the Author: Ryan Rivera’s severe panic attack symptoms caused him significant health anxiety. He now writes on a website about anxiety at

Thanks for a wonderful article Ryan – some great tips there.

Find out how EFT can help with anxiety/panic attacks.

Going With The Flow

Sometimes we plan things and they don’t turn out how we expect them to. We can feel disappointed, sad, resentful or even guilty. If you are someone who finds it hard to deal with situations when things don’t go to plan then some tapping can help. We can’t always control things and even with the best will in the world the unexpected sometimes happens.

To allow yourself to be more flexible and more able to “go with the flow”, enables you to appreciate the present moment and not have to feel disappointed etc when things don’t go exactly to plan.

Try tapping the following few setup statements and see what happens:

  • Even though I like to organise and plan everything and feel disappointed if it doesn’t work out, I’m open to the possibility of going with the flow
  • Even though I feel sad/guilty/resentful {use your exact words} if my plans go awry, I choose to be flexible and just go with it instead
  • Even though I hate it when things don’t go to plan, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I feel unsafe if my plans change unexpectedly, I choose to trust I’ll be ok

Remember to use your words where appropriate.  Keep tapping on all the aspects that pop up when you work on this issue. Be persistent until you feel a shift.

I hope this has been useful.

Keep tapping

I’m Overwhelmed…Where do I start?

A client recently asked this question. They felt absolutely overwhelmed and when they tried tapping they kept jumping from one issue to the next. My client was tapping in bed because they had recently not been sleeping very well.  I advised several things:

  • Keep a pad of paper & pen next to your bed so that if you wake up with lots of things going around your mind you can write them down and get them out of your head.
  • Write a to-do list and prioritise your tasks.  It is easy when we are overwhelmed to feel like we have to do everything. Don’t waste any time on low priority items.  We forget we can ask for help – delegate tasks where possible.
  • Just tap. Don’t try to tap on each issue or aspect. Just begin tapping and focus on slowing down your breathing and your mind. Focus on your overwhelm and keep tapping until you feel calm.

It is easy to become overwhelmed by the number of issues you have to tap on! So just start tapping and focus on your breathing and slowing down your mind. Once you feel calm then you can begin tapping on specific issues.

When we are overwhelmed and our to-do list seems miles long it is easy to forget about looking after ourselves.  It is even more important to look after ourself at these times but it seems like such a low priority.  Remember to schedule in some down time and do something relaxing such as taking a walk, spending time in nature, doing a meditation or tapping.

Keep tapping

Getting Out There

We all know we should exercise to keep us healthy. Some people are easily motivated and the rest of us need a little help sometimes! EFT can help us get out there and exercise. Now firstly, make sure you choose some of exercise you do actually enjoy. No amount of tapping is going to help you do something you just don’t like!


Focus on what it is that de-motivates you or makes you think up excuses not to go. E.g. if you are exercising outside do you make excuses if the weather isn’t perfect? I have had some of my best runs in the rain, so I can’t use that excuse any more!

Write down all your de-motivators and excuses and then tap your way through them. Ask yourself what is really going on beneath the excuses etc and tap on that too. It could be a feeling of low self-worth for example.

Here’s some ideas to help you get started:

  • Even though I know I should exercise, I just don’t have the time to fit it in right now and I am willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’d rather collapse on the sofa after a stressful day at work, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I haven’t got enough energy to do exercise, I’m open to accepting myself
  • Even though I always have to push myself to exercise and I wish it were easier to motivate myself, I’m ok

Some of these may sound familiar to you. Many people struggle to find the time and summon the energy to exercise. We have to make the time and that’s where it can get difficult. We can feel we are being selfish by wanting some time to ourselves. But what is more important that our wellbeing?

There are so many benefits to exercising from reduced blood pressure to staying a healthy weight, reducing stress and sleeping better. So use EFT to help motivate yourself and let go of your excuses. Get out there & enjoy exercising…I’m sure you’ll feel better afterwards.

Let me know if you would like a session to help you with this issue.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Persistence Pays

“Progress results from persistence with purpose” — Frank Tyger

I had a client the other day who said that she would be willing to try EFT but that she had tried it in the past and it hadn’t worked. After a bit of questioning it turns out that she had only tried EFT for a few minutes and didn’t get any results so she gave up! That really frustrates me! (Maybe I need to tap on that!) There are so many videos and testimonials of 1 minute wonders that people think their issue should be fixed in a minute or a few. Whilst 1 minute wonders do occur most people need to tap for a lot longer than that. FYI – most practitioners sessions last an hour. Most people need several sessions to work through their issue(s).

We aren’t all the same and just because 1 person resolved their fear of flying in a minute doesn’t mean ours will be resolved as quickly or easily. It is probably worth tapping on the fact that you feel your issue should be resolved quickly. Feeling like a failure if your issue didn’t get resolved quickly is not going to help you or your issue!

Then set yourself a decent amount of time (like an hour) to work on your issue in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Write down your SUDS level (intensity) and the main aspects of your issue and keep tapping through all the aspects. If you haven’t finished on the issue at the end of your issue, then write yourself some notes on what you tapped on and what you feel is left. Then commit to further sessions to fully resolve it. You may feel like you need some help from a friend or practitioner to help you get to the core of your issue.

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” — Benjamin Franklin

Remember that persistence is often the key – keep tapping on all the different aspects until you have completely resolved your issue.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637


Silence is Golden – Tapping Without Words

One of the most common things clients struggle with EFT is how to find the “right” words to use. Well there are no “right” words as I have written about in the past. In fact, we can tap without using any words at all.

This happened in a client session recently. The client was playing back certain memories in their head. I was tapping on their hand, allowing them to be fully present on the memory and feelings going on for them. Intuitively I knew that me asking them to start saying words would bring them out of their memory. So I just gently kept tapping and focusing on breathing.

After awhile I felt that they had reached a place where I could check in with them. I reassured the client that just focusing on the memory whilst I was tapping was just perfect in that moment. I was then able to question the client to check how the emotions were feeling now.

The session continued in this way until the client felt no more emotion and could play back the memory without feeling triggered in any way. So remember the words are just designed to help us stay tuned in the memory/emotion/pain etc. If you are right there in your memory/emotion/pain then you don’t need the words – keep focused on the sensations and keep tapping until you have completely resolved the issue.

The main things to remember about EFT are to be specific, focused and persistent!

Until next time!

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

This Video May Make You Cry

I know for the past month you’ve been hearing all about this weird “tapping” thing and the Tapping World Summit.

If you’re not sure about this tapping thing I think you should watch this video about how EFT is being used to help a group of people who have gone through some seriously traumatic events..

All I can say is…Wow!  Absolutely amazing…

There’s an opportunity to help yourself and help the people shown in the video if you choose to.

You see, if you choose to purchase the MP3’s or CD’s of the 2012 Tapping World
Summit today 100% of your purchase price will go to help the people shown in
the video.

That’s right…100%.  The folks over at the Tapping Solution will pay for all of
the product costs and actually lose money just to make this happen.

I think it shows what they’re all about, which is spreading EFT and helping people to heal, grow and improve their life in every way possible.

Check out the video and pick up the summit today.  You’ll be glad you did.
And so will the hundreds of children shown in the video…


Keep tapping
07866 013 637

How to Attend the Tapping World Summit

Just a quick post to let you know that registration for the 2012 Tapping World Summit is officially open.

This event has been all the buzz lately and it’s with good reason…

This event is 100% content, all designed to help you get results…and the entire 10 days of the event are free.

In the event you’ll learn exactly how to use Tapping for a variety of different issues.

This is the 4th year that this event has run.  Last year there were over 300,000 people who registered.

There’s a reason why the event keeps growing from year to year…it’s because Tapping works!

And since this event only happens once per year…you want to make sure to check it out right away so you can learn how to use Tapping in your life.

After all, if you could learn a technique that could drastically improve your life and you
could learn how to do it for free…wouldn’t you want to?

The summit is great if you are just starting to learn about tapping or if you’ve been tapping for a long time. There really is something for everyone.

See you at the summit,
07866 013 637

Stop Judging Yourself

Recently I was beating myself up for responding to stress in a way that used to serve me. I thought I had released that stress response from my system. I did some EFT with one of my tapping buddies. Out of that tapping I became aware of sadness at responding in the old way. I also realised that I was judging myself for responding in this way. I also realised that judging myself was a familiar pattern too.

We tapped together to release the sadness and self judgement. The old response used to serve me well and stop me getting too stressed by forcing me to stop (I’d get a stomach bug or bad cold). I no longer have that old level of stress in my life, yet at times I still respond like I used to. I was effectively beating myself up for still responding in the old way. Out of our session together I was able to release my sadness, self judgement and develop a sense of inner peace.

I became aware of the need to listen to my body more carefully and more often. That way I can become aware of any emotions or stress building up and listen without judgement.

We often judge ourselves instead of accepting and allowing our emotions to flow. So if you judge yourself at times for feeling certain emotions or reacting in certain ways then tapping can definitely benefit you. Try some of the following statements to help you stop judging yourself:

  • Even though I’m judging myself for feeling {emotion} I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’m judging myself because I reacted in that old way, I’m open to being kind to myself and letting go of this judgement
  • Even though I always judge myself instead of accepting these feelings, I’m open to the possibility of accepting all of me

Tap through all of the related emotions until you feel a sense of peace and self acceptance. We are often very self-critical and self judging. So make this tapping a priority if this is an issue for you.

I wish you self acceptance and peace.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

The Right Fit

I had a great discussion with a client recently about the different therapies that they had tried. What is important to note is that not every therapy will work for you. Not even EFT which works on most people!

So how do you know what is right for you?

The Right Fit

First of all, do some research and find out what the therapy involves. If it sounds interesting and something that might help you then take the next step. Search for a local practitioner if it is a therapy that requires that or find one you are drawn to. Talk to the therapist and see if they feel a right fit for you. This is very important. The fit has to be right with both the therapy and the practitioner. It could be the best therapy for you but if you don’t like the therapist, it probably isn’t going to happen. If you are dreading going to see your therapist then you are probably not going to get a lot out of your session together!

There has been a lot written about the therapeutic relationship. Fundamentally we want to be listened to and understood. We want to feel like our therapist “gets us”. We don’t want to feel like they are judging us or criticising us. I would say that we want them to challenge us certainly, but in a caring way. You should feel supported and like you are working together as a team.

You can always set up an initial appointment and see what happens in the session together. If the fit feels good then you can arrange more sessions and if it doesn’t you can try someone else.

Remember that just because a therapist is right for your friend/partner or family member they may not be right for you.

So take some time to find a therapy that you are interested in trying and then find a therapist that feels like a good fit.  When the therapist/client relationship is the right fit, wonderful things can happen.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Taking On Too Much

  • How often do you take on too much?
  • Do you feel like you can’t say no?
  • Do you want to please everybody?
  • Do you feel you are letting people down if you say no?

We can’t be superman or superwoman! We need to have boundaries. We need to look after ourselves. If we do too much and then get ill then we can’t help anyone.

So make looking after yourself a priority. Learn to say no. Enlist the help of others.

If any of that triggers something in you then it’s time to tap! Start by trying statements like:

  • Even though I always take on too much, I’m open to the possibility of changing my ways
  • Even though I feel like I can’t say no, I’m open to learning how to set boundaries
  • Even though I want to help everybody and make them feel good, I do need to look after me
  • Even though I’m a people pleaser, I’m open to looking after myself too

Remember to keep tapping until you have fully finished with each aspect.

Learn to look after yourself. You could:

  • Relax in the bath with some essential oils
  • Take a walk in nature
  • Read a book
  • Watch your favourite movie
  • Get a massage
  • Meditate

All of these things help us to look after ourselves and ultimately others too. Use EFT any time your boundaries get overrun and you are putting everyone else before yourself!

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Now…in a minute

I was recently amused by a friend on Facebook. They had the following image on their page:

Now in a minute

Being Welsh, it amused me no end. I have said this phrase often myself! 🙂

That got me thinking about other similar sayings like the Spanish “mañana” or the Cornish: “I’ll do it dreckly”!  Then I realised how frustrating it can be to hear phrases such as this.

If we are expecting something to be done immediately or by a certain time we can get quite angry if it isn’t done when expected. So what can we do instead?

Tap of course!

Try the following:

  • Even though I’m really angry that they took so long to fix my {object}, I can choose to stay calm about this
  • Even though I’m frustrated that they haven’t finished working on my {object}, I’m ok
  • Even though they let me down because they haven’t delivered what they promised, I accept myself and this situation anyway
  • Even though I feel disappointed that they missed their deadline, I’m open to accepting this situation

Remember to be as specific as possible and keep tapping on all the emotions that come up.

There is also another aspect to this. When we say phrases such as this ourselves, what are trying to do?

Are we trying to put off the task by being vague? Do we not want to do it and therefore deliberately avoid a proper answer. Do we not think we are able to commit and complete when expected? Just practice asking yourself these questions the next time you say one of these phrases, and notice what is going on for you.

There is also the possibility that we need to lighten up and relax a little! Perhaps deadlines are a bit of an issue for you? Ask yourself what it is that you find comforting about having exact deadlines and tap around that to see if you are able to let go… All good food for thought 🙂

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Connecting With Nature

So I was feeling kind of wobbly and a bit out of sorts. My usual “tool” would be to start tapping. Today felt different. I felt like I needed to get out and get some fresh air. It was cold and starting to sleet. I wrapped myself up in coat, hood and gloves and started walking. I walked in my local park and connected with the river. I stood and just watched it. I felt the constancy of the water flowing. I felt the wonderful energy of the water, trees and plants.

Daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses were starting to appear. I felt a wonderful sense of aliveness and new life. I breathed in deeply and appreciated everything around me. Everything else just seemed to disappear. My problems faded into the background.

Today I was helped by mother nature and I felt very grateful for this experience.

Flowing River
Flowing River

I know that EFT is always there for me. Sometimes a walk in the park can help too. Sometimes combining the two is even more powerful – tapping in nature, surrounded by all that wonderful energy 🙂

Do you have somewhere special where you go to connect with nature and indeed yourself? I’d love to hear your experiences too.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637

Dealing with Shock

“Shock: a sudden or violent disturbance of the mind, emotions, or sensibilities”

When life throws us difficult circumstances to deal with we often feel shock. It could be hearing bad news such as a loved one receiving a diagnosis of illness or passing away. It could an accident or traumatic event of some kind (e.g. fire or flood). The shock could be from a relationship ending or losing a job. It could also be something that someone said or the way someone behaved that shocked us.

Shock can make us feel weak, faint and raise our pulse. We may become absorbed in what happened and unable to think about anything else. We may feel numb, anxious or keep replaying the event over in our mind.

So what to do? At the first opportunity you have, get tapping! You don’t need to do the setup statement when you are right there in the feelings. Just start tapping focusing on what you are feeling.

Tapping really helps us release our emotions and deal with them, soothing our energy system which will also be feeling the shock.

Tap as often as you can, especially when you are recalling the shocking event or thinking about the consequences.  Keep tapping until the shock has dissipated or subsided. Tap on all the aspects of what has happened, e.g. hearing the news, thinking about the consequences, all of the emotions involved, the after effects and any previous shocks etc.

If the shock is very bad then it is probably best to seek the help of a practitioner who will be able to guide you through the process of dealing with all the associated feelings. Always seek the advice of a medical practitioner if your symptoms are severe.

EFT is a great tool to learn to help us in times of need. Adding it to your life skills is one way you can help yourself to stay on an even keel, even after a shock.

Keep tapping
07866 013 637