The Cold Bugs are Coming

It’s that time of year again – the weather is getting colder, the nights are getting darker earlier and the cold bugs are coming! If you usually get a cold around this time of year then this one is definitely for you. If you seem to be surrounded by other people who are sniffling and coughing and you want to ensure you don’t end up like them – then this is for you too!

Cold bug

Last year I did some amazing classes with Jan Luther, EFT Master. I felt like I was coming down with a cold and she used this line with me – I’m an excellent bug repellant! I loved it! It really “landed” with me. I immediately pictured my immune system fighting off those bugs – they just bounced right off me. I have since used that line several times when I felt like I was getting a cold and the cold has gone away! Brilliant!

So here’s a tapping script you might want to try yourself.

  • Even though I feel like I’m getting a cold, I’m an excellent bug repellant
  • Even though I really don’t want a cold and I feel like one is coming, I’m open to it disappearing
  • Even though my throat is getting sore and I’m sure I’m going to have a cold, my immune system is strong and can easily fight these bugs

Eyebrow: I’m sure I’m coming down with a cold
Side of eye: I really feel like I’m getting a cold
Under eye: My throat is getting sore
Under nose: I can feel this cold is coming
Chin: I wish I wouldn’t get sick
Collarbone: I hate having a cold
Under arm: I really can’t afford time off work
Top of head: I hate being surrounded by all these people with these cold bugs!

Eyebrow: I can feel this cold coming
Side of eye: It’s that buggy time of year
Under eye: I can feel a bit of a sniffle
Under nose: I’m surrounded by all these cold bugs
Chin: I really don’t want to have a cold again
Collarbone: I can’t stand having a cold and feeling so yucky
Under arm: I don’t want a cold
Top of head: I always get a cold this time of year

Eyebrow: I’m an excellent bug repellant
Side of eye: I can fight off these cold bugs easily
Under eye: My immune system is strong
Under nose: I can kill these bugs easily
Chin: I’m healthy and vibrant
Collarbone: My immune system is strong and healthy
Under arm: I’m going to stay healthy
Top of head: I’m such a good bug repellant

Now focus on any symptoms you already have and tap on those, being as specific as possible. E.g. Even though it feels like there is sandpaper in my throat and it’s all scratchy, I love and accept myself anyway. Keep repeating “I’m an excellent bug repellant”, “my immune system is strong and healthy” etc.

Enjoy fighting off those cold bugs!
07866 013 637

Simply Breathe to Relieve Stress

One of the first things that happens when we are stressed is that we start breathing very shallowly, only using the top of our lungs. We often don’t breathe deep enough in general and when we get stressed this becomes even worse. You can check how you are breathing by simply placing one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Either lay down, sit or stand comfortably as you do this. Notice whether your chest hand or your stomach hand is rising as you breathe normally. To breathe effectively your stomach area should rise more than your chest as your diaphragm expands.

To counter stress one of the simplest things you can do is to breathe! There are several different breathing exercises you can do and here is one of the simplest and most effective.

Firstly sit in a comfortable position and place your hands in your lap.  You will be breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth in this exercise.  Place the tip of your tongue on the soft tissue just behind your upper front teeth and keep it there during this exercise.

  • Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of 4
  • Hold your breath for a count of 7
  • Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. When you exhale, make a soft “whoosh” sound
  • This is 1 round. Repeat again 3 times, making a total of 4 rounds

The important thing is the ratio of 4:7:8. The out breath is twice as long as the in breath.  You can make the breaths shorter, ensuring you stick to the ratio.  Ensure you only do 4 breaths each time you practice this exercise initially. With time you can increase it to 8 breaths.

4-7-8 Breathing Exercise

This exercise has a natural calming and tranquilizing effect on the body. Use it whenever you feel stressed, feel tension in your body, before you react to a situation and in bed to help you go to sleep. It is a quick and effective exercise to do and can be done anywhere.

“Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”
Andrew Weil, M.D

Repeat this exercise at least twice a day and whenever you feel you need it.

Let me know how this exercise helps you.
07866 013 637

EFT Food Cravings Research

There are many advocates of EFT or tapping out there, yours truly being one of them! What there isn’t that much of is scientific evidence! Now of course this is not necessary for EFT to work and many people don’t give two hoots about it. Then there are the others who are sceptical and need scientific evidence before they will even consider this strange tapping thing!

A recent scientific study has been undertaken on food cravings. The study was undertaken by Stapleton, Sheldon, Porter & Whitty, 2009-2010. The research was funded by a grant from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). It is hoped that the article reporting this study will now be published in a professional journal.  

Food cravings - chocolate cake

You can read the full article about the research on Dr. Patricia Carrington’s Zap Cravings website. 

These research projects are vital in promoting the effectiveness of EFT in the medical and scientific community. We are then able to talk about EFT with some scientific backing which in turn encourages even more people to try the technique on their issues. 

The research helps highlight what we already know – EFT works!

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

I Want that House!

Are you going through some moving stress? Have you found the house you want to buy? Maybe you’ve really fallen in love with it and set your heart on it. Or maybe you’re holding yourself back just in case it doesn’t go through. It isn’t easy either way. With the current recession, lack of available mortgages, wondering whether the house prices are going to fall even further. It all causes us stress. Then you have the whole hassle of the move itself. All that packing, organising, change of address and on the list goes.

I want this house

This tapping script is targeted at that stressful time when you’re trying to buy your house and you have that uncertainty, fear and trepidation about whether it will or won’t happen. Before you start, rate your score on a scale of 0 – 10 where 10 is maximum intensity.

  • Even though I really want that house, it’s so perfect for me/us, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I’m scared this house purchase will fall through, I’m open to remaining calm
  • Even though it is so stressful not knowing if we will get this house and I’ll be really disappointed if we don’t, I accept all my feelings anyway

Eyebrow: I’m so stressed about this house
Side of eye: I really hope we get it – it’s my perfect house
Under eye: I’m so scared it will all fall through
Under nose: I hate feeling all this stress
Chin: I wish I knew if we were going to get this house
Collarbone: I really love this house and will be devastated if we don’t get it!
Under arm: I can’t stand this waiting game
Top of head: It’s so stressful not knowing if we’ll get this house or not

Eyebrow: I just can’t cope with the thought that we’ll lose this house
Side of eye: We’ve looked at so many houses and this is the only one I want
Under eye: I just won’t cope if it all falls through
Under nose: I have this big knot in my stomach
Chin: I wish it would all hurry up and go through
Collarbone: Why is it taking so long?
Under arm: I wake up at night in a cold sweat about this house
Top of head: I can’t stand this stress, it’s making me feel ill

Eyebrow: I’m open to staying calm
Side of eye: I guess worrying about it doesn’t really help
Under eye: Maybe I can feel a bit calmer
Under nose: What if I could let this stress go
Chin: I really want this house
Collarbone: Maybe I can remain positive
Under arm: What if it all goes smoothly
Top of head: Maybe it will all work out ok

Now take a deep breath and check your score again. Repeat the tapping until your score comes down to zero.  Remember to use your words if they are more appropriate to you.

There are many different aspects about moving that cause us stress and anxiety. In future blogs I will address these aspects.

Until then, keep tapping!
07866 013 637

50% off Promotion – The Tapping Solution

Pick up your copy of the amazing film – “The Tapping Solution” now for 50% off! Yes, that’s right – you did read it correctly!

A whopping 50% off this incredible film!!!

Nick Ortner (producer of the film) is offering 100% of GROSS sales of “The Tapping Solution” to Dawson Church’s New Study, from now until September 17th! This is an amazing offer and such a valuable research study.

Dawson Church, author of “The Genie in Your Genes” is heading up a research study with 10 war veterans with PTSD, to prove how EFT affects stress genes, the genes that contain the code for stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

What’s more you will be able to listen to a Dawson Church interview for free! Dawson talks about:

  • how stress affects our genes and how EFT can help
  • changes that are likely to come to our health service
  • the story of an Iraqi veteran and how EFT helped

Please help support this very important new research. It can help EFT gain credibility in the mainstream health care system.

Pick up your copy of “The Tapping Solution” right now. It is an incredible film about the amazing benefits of tapping or EFT.  I have watched the film many times and have used it to introduce people to EFT if they have not heard of it before.

Click here to order your copy right now.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are powerful positive auto suggestions that we repeat on a regular basis.  We can use EFT or tapping to make them even more powerful. There is no need for the setup statement, so we can just repeat our affirmation starting at the eyebrow point and keep going until we finish at the crown of the head. Repeat your affirmation with feeling and do several rounds of tapping.

Always ensure your affirmations are for your best outcome, simple to repeat, not too long and worded positively.

Here are some positive affirmations you may wish to try. Some of these have been influenced by Louise L.Hay who has been a great inspiration to me.

  • I am healthy
  • I can do it
  • I am filled with peace and joy
  • I am a success
  • Success comes easy to me
  • Money flows to me easily
  • I learn new things easily
  • My health is improving
  • I am fit and healthy
  • All my cells are working for my highest good
  • My immune system is strong
  • My energy is flowing smoothly
  • Inspiration flows easily to me
  • I love and accept myself
  • I feel calm and confident
  • Yes! Yes! Yes!
  • I weigh xx (insert ideal weight)
  • I am grateful to be alive
  • I sleep well every night
  • All is well in my world

I hope you have fun with these affirmations! Repeat several rounds of your affirmations a couple of times a day. 

Do let me know some of your favourite affirmations! It’s fun to share.

Keep tapping.
07866 013 637

We Need to Talk

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck and desperately wanting to be understood by your partner? Do you put off having “that talk” about your relationship, because you anticipate it will be difficult, uncomfortable or agonising!  Many of us don’t approach our partner because we think they will respond in a certain way. We anticipate their reaction, how they will feel and we think it’s just too difficult to deal with. So we don’t have that talk and bury our heads in the sand! Instead we go around seething, resenting, judging, getting angry, frustrated, sad and upset! Does that sound familiar?

EFT can’t change our partner but what it can help us with is our own judgements, thoughts, feelings and blockages that prevent us from approaching our partners and communicating with them in a calm way. It can also help us deal with the reaction we get if it’s not we want, expect or need.

Firstly try writing down exactly what it is you are feeling.  Then use what you have written down to come up with your tapping statements.  Below are some examples to help you get started:

  • Even though I keep putting off talking to my partner, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I can’t find the time to talk to my partner properly, I’m open to making the time
  • Even though talking about how I feel with {name} is so difficult, they just don’t understand me, I accept myself completely anyway
  • Even though {name} won’t understand what I’m trying to say, it’s just so difficult to talk with them, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway
  • Even though {name} will get upset when we have this talk, what if they surprised me and really listened to what I have to say
  • Even though I’m scared of hurting {name} with what I have to say, I’m open to remaining calm and getting my points across anyway
  • Even though {name} can’t handle it when I get upset, I really need to talk about this
  • Even though I don’t know how to explain  how I feel and what I need from {name}, I’m open to letting it be easier than I think it will be

Next, tap your way through your list until you feel a shift (check your scores are all down to zero before you stop). Then try practicing “your talk” with your partner in your mind. Visualise how you both react. If there is anything that doesn’t go as you planned it, then keep tapping on the different aspects until you feel comfortable.

Whilst we cannot control how our partners will actually react, we will succeed in communicating a whole lot better if we are calm and in control of our emotions. If the talk doesn’t go as planned, then do some more tapping to help you deal with the situation.

Good luck with “that talk”.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Tapping the day Away

If you have experienced the benefits of EFT then you know just how good you feel when you have cleared an issue up. You’ve worked on your issue and you are feeling so much better. This EFT stuff is great you think. Then you leave it alone until the next time you have an issue that needs addressing. Does that sound like you? Well, what I would encourage you to do is to make a commitment to tap every day anyway.

Whether you are working on an issue or not, tapping every day has its benefits. We are toning our energy system and encouraging the chi or energy to flow smoothly throughout our body. We know the benefits of exercising our bodies regularly. So how about discovering the benefits of toning your energy system every day?

I know, it takes time and you’re really busy with a million and one other things to do, which all seem they are a higher priority. What if the tapping every day helped you deal with all that other stuff? What if you felt like you had more energy and you could think more clearly? That would be worth it wouldn’t it?

If you do have some resistance, here is a script which can help. Followed by some tips about how you can easily fit in some tapping into your day. Enjoy!

  • Even though I’m too busy to tap every day, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I can’t find the time to do EFT every day, I’m open to letting it be easy
  • Even though it seems like too much effort to make time to tap every day, what if I could let it be easy

Eyebrow: I’m too busy to tap every day
Side of eye: I find it so hard to find time to do EFT
Under eye: I’m not good at finding time for me
Under nose: It takes too much effort to tap every day
Chin: I don’t have enough time
Collarbone: Ge’ez, I’m busy enough already!
Under arm: I just don’t know how I’d find the time
Top of head: I can’t make time just for me and my health

Eyebrow: I’m open to finding ways to do this
Side of eye: I guess I would feel better
Under eye: Maybe I can fit in a few minutes of tapping
Under nose: What if I did manage to find some time
Chin: I do want to feel better
Collarbone: Maybe I can fit in some tapping every day
Under arm: I could do manage a few minutes a day
Top of head: I am worth finding the time to do some tapping

Now take a nice easy deep breath. Repeat the tapping if you are still feeling any resistance. Adjust the phrases until you get down to a zero and feel ready to fit EFT into your day. 

Tap every day

Here’s those tips:

  • Tap in the shower in the morning
  • Tap every time you go to the toilet
  • Tap whilst you wait for the kettle to boil
  • Tap whilst you are waiting at the traffic lights
  • Tap when you are standing in a queue
  • Tap when you are on hold on the phone
  • Tap when you read your email
  • Tap before you go to sleep at night

You see there are many ways to fit EFT into your day. You don’t have to be tuned into anything in particular if you don’t want to. You can just use finger tapping (especially good if you are in public!). Try tapping in some positive statements, e.g. my energy is flowing freely, I am feeling calm and peaceful, I am healthy, whole and complete.

If you haven’t yet experienced the benefits of EFT then learn now! Checkout my ‘What is EFT?’ page.

Keep tapping, every day!
07866 013 637

Switching Activities

We all experience times when we have many things demanding our attention. All these different activities to be done. It can be difficult to prioritise. There are many ways of doing this and we are all guilty at times of doing the ‘nice to do’ pile before the ‘must do’ and ‘should do’ piles!

I recommend reading Stephen Covey’s excellent book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’. In it he details how to prioritise starting with the ‘Important, Urgent’ list. Next up is ‘Important, Not Urgent’, then ‘Not Important, Urgent’ pile (e.g. interruptions) and finally the ‘Not Important, Not Urgent’ list (which you shouldn’t really waste time with!).

Lately, I have managed to prioritise my tasks and also to plan them in my day. What I have been struggling with, is getting my head out of one space or task and shifting it to the next. So I decided to do some tapping on it and it really helped.  You can also use EFT if you find prioritising and planning difficult.

Here is the script I used to help shift me. I hope that you find it useful too.

  • Even though I find it hard to switch tasks, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I struggle to switch my head space, I’m open to letting it be easy
  • Even though it’s difficult to switch from one task and onto another, what if I could let it be easy

Eyebrow: It’s so difficult to switch between tasks
Side of eye: I find it so hard to swap my head from task to task
Under eye: It’s hard to switch from one task to another
Under nose: I wish it were easy for me swap tasks
Chin: I find my previous task stays in my mind
Collarbone: I hate switching between tasks
Under arm: It’s so difficult switching tasks
Top of head: I find it hard to get going on my new task

Eyebrow: I’m open to the possibility of it being easier
Side of eye: Maybe I can let it be easy
Under eye: What if I found it easy to switch between tasks
Under nose: Letting it be easy
Chin: Maybe I can do this easily
Collarbone: It doesn’t have to be hard
Under arm: I can relax about this
Top of head: Letting it be easy to switch tasks

Remember to tap until you feel the issue has been fully resolved. EFT is a wonderful help to me and I love sharing the ways I use it. It helps my clients and other people use it in ways they might not have thought of.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Persistence is the Key

Here’s the rub. You hear about this strange-sounding technique called EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. You discover lots of people have helped themselves or been helped by a practitioner and the more you read the more you think – I’ll give that a go myself!  Then you read about those 1 minute wonders and think that will happen for me too.

As an experienced practitioner, I’d say those 1 minute wonders don’t happen very often. Many people try EFT for a couple of rounds and think, ah it’s not working for me and give up.

Well EFT does work. Often it is our persistence that is the key. So my advice is to keep tapping! Here’s some tips to help you, if you were expecting a 1 minute wonder that didn’t happen!

  1. Always do your SUDS level – just think how do I feel about this issue on a scale of 0 to 10? Where 0 is no intensity and 10 is maximum intensity.
  2. Start tapping on your issue and keep going!
  3. After each round or two, re-check your SUDS level.
  4. Keep tapping until you are down to 0.
  5. If you get stuck try saying “Even though I’m stuck on this issue at a 3 (insert your number), I deeply and completely accept myself and choose to easily get it down to a 0”.

You can tap for your frustration if things aren’t moving as quickly as you like. You can also tap for the issue being more complicated than you expected. I’m sure you’re getting the idea now that you can pretty much tap on anything and everything!

Remember that working by ourselves it is often difficult to see our own problems. We can’t see the wood through the trees. So get some help. Preferably from an experienced practitioner like myself. Even a friend will help though – they should help you see things you can’t yourself.

In a future blog post (watch this space) I will list out some fantastic questions that can help you discover the root cause of your problem. With EFT we often peel away the layers as we tap. What we end up tapping on, maybe completely different to what we started on. All that matters though is that we persistently and gently keep working until we get to that root cause. Once we find that true healing takes place.

So always remember to be persistent and keep tapping!

07866 013 637

Feedback Not Failure

If someone gives you feedback, do you immediately feel you’ve failed in some way? Do you feel a failure if you haven’t done something perfectly?

Even if you receive constructive criticism do you feel a failure? Well here’s an alternative way to think of that feedback. It’s an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) presupposition:

“There is no failure, only feedback”

You have a choice as to how you handle your feedback and failures. You can remain stuck and give up, thinking you’re not good enough or you can learn the lessons presented, dust yourself off and try again.

As Albert Einstein said:

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

Everyone makes mistakes. The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is their ability to learn from their mistakes, adjust their behaviour/actions and try again. Each time you make a mistake you learn more about what you are trying to achieve and yourself.

Just think what would have happened if you had given up trying to walk the first time you fell over. You wouldn’t have gotten very far in life! So be like a child and just get up and try again.

Focussing on your failure keeps you stuck in the past and the problems. So focus on the results you’ve gotten and what you want to achieve. Now shift your focus to other possibilities and move forward.

Think about what you want to achieve, what you have achieved so far, what feedback you’ve  had, what you have learned, how you use your lessons in a positive way and how you will measure your success. Then dust yourself off and have another go!

Remember, the words of Elbert Hubbard:

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one.”

Go for it!
07866 013 637

Clearing Your Clutter

Is clutter the bain of your life? It’s all that stuff that you mean to sort out one day. Except that one day never seems to come does it? You know the kind of stuff right? Your magazines, photos, paperwork, bills, the kids toys, old gadgets, presents, clothes, knick knacks etc. It gets sorted into piles and left until another time. Then time passes and you get used to walking around that pile or even moving it off the dining table so you can eat and then pop it back again when you’re done.


It takes an effort to clear our clutter. It takes energy. It takes our emotions for quite often there are sentimental feelings about our clutter.

This isn’t the only type of clutter though. We have email clutter – just think when was the last time you had a good sort out of your inbox? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of emails that you get? It could be time to de-clutter your inbox and free yourself of those negative feelings when you check your email.

There is also thought clutter too. When we get overwhelmed by different ideas and thoughts. So you can also de-clutter your mind and write your ideas and thoughts down to free you to be more inspired.

If the idea of de-cluttering makes you break out into a sweat then use EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques to help you with this resistance.

Try the following setup statements:

  • Even though the thought of de-cluttering makes me break out into a sweat, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though it takes too much energy and I feel emotionally drained after de-cluttering, what if I found it easy and felt energised afterwards instead
  • Even though I keep putting off de-cluttering because of the hassle factor, I know how much better I’ll feel after I’ve done it

Tap through your resistance. Tap on any emotions you feel about de-cluttering such as anxiety, fear or sadness about letting your things go.

As well as feeling less overwhelmed yourself you can help out other people. You can donate things to charity, recycle or swap items easily through different websites. Just think how good you’ll feel when you’ve de-clutttered your home and inbox. Your energy and inspiration can flow easily!

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Decisions, decisions

Have you ever felt stuck and unable to make a decision?

Do you constantly switch from one option to the other & still can’t make up your mind?

Have you ever made a decision and then regretted the option you chose?

You’re not alone. Many of us struggle in this exact way.

Decisions, decisions

Lots of people suffer physical symptoms from their indecision. E.g. headaches, shoulder pain, churning stomach, night sweats, sleepless nights etc.

EFT can help! You can use Emotional Freedom Techniques to help you get over the fear, worry and anxiety associated with making a decision. You can use EFT to help you make that decision.

Try using the following script when you’re stuck and see if helps you make your decision easier. Before you start, on a scale of 0 – 10 how do you feel about making this decision? 0 would be calm and relaxed and 10 would be maximum stress/intensity about making the decision.

  • Even though I can’t make decisions, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I always struggle to make a decision, I toss and turn over it,  I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’m finding it impossible to make this decision, I’m open to letting it be easy

Eyebrow: It’s so difficult to make decisions
Side of eye: I find it so hard to decide
Under eye: I have to weigh up all of the options over and over again
Under nose: I wish it were easy for me to know the right decision
Chin: It’s so difficult to know which is the right decision for me
Collarbone: I have sleepless nights over this decision
Under arm: My stomach churns over making decisions
Top of head: I get so stressed when I have to make a decision

Eyebrow: What if I make the wrong choice
Side of eye: Why is it so hard for me to make decisions
Under eye: I have to make sure it’s the right decision
Under nose: I want to know I’ve made the right choice
Chin: I’ll never be able to decide
Collarbone: I wake at night worrying about this decision
Under arm: I get night sweats stressing about this decision
Top of head: I hate making decisions it’s so stressful

Eyebrow: What if it were easy for me to make decisions
Side of eye: Maybe I can relax and think clearly
Under eye: I can listen to my intuition
Under nose: I can tune into my inner wisdom
Chin: Maybe it can be easy to make a good decision
Collarbone: What if I can sleep soundly even when I  have decisions to make
Under arm: Maybe I can let my intuition guide me
Top of head: Letting be easy and safe for me to make decisions easily

Now re-check your score and repeat the tapping until you are down to 0 and you feel good about making your decision.

Do let me know how you get on.

Keep on tapping.
07866 013 637

Tapping Script for Work Stress

One of the major causes of our stress these days is our work.  It is estimated that 16.7% of people who worked in 2009 thought their job was very or extremely stressful (Psychosocial Working Conditions survey). Of course, this stress doesn’t just affect our working life but our home life too. Many people suffer strained relationships as a result of their work stress.

So what to do? I recommend learning EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or tapping as it is commonly called. This technique is easy to learn and can be done any time you feel stressed. Just taking 5 minutes to tap during a toilet break can really reduce your stress levels. If you don’t know how to tap just yet then take a look at my “What is EFT?” page. Below is a tapping script which can help you reduce your stress level right now.

Before you start, score your stress level on a scale of 0 – 10 (10 is maximum intensity). Once you have your score, tap along:

  • Even though I’m so stressed, I have way too much to do and I’ll never get it all done, I accept my feelings about this
  • Even though I’ve got too much on my plate and I just can’t cope,  I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve been given way too many responsibilities, no-one could cope with this workload, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: I’m so stressed right now
Side of eye: I’ve got too much to do
Under eye: I’ve got way too much for one person to handle
Under nose: I can’t cope with this workload
Chin: No-one could cope with this amount of work it’s ridiculous
Collarbone: I’ve got too much on my plate
Under arm: I’ve got way too many responsibilities
Top of head: I’m so stressed and I just can’t cope any more

Eyebrow: I don’t want to let anyone down
Side of eye: I feel I should be able to cope better
Under eye: I’m letting myself down
Under nose: It’s just too much work to handle
Chin: The deadlines are too tight and not realistic
Collarbone: I’ll never get it all done
Under arm: I’m so overwhelmed
Top of head: It’s too much to cope with

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting this stress go
Side of eye: Maybe I can delegate some tasks
Under eye: What if I could prioritise easily
Under nose: Maybe I can release all this tension and think clearer
Chin: What if I could stop for five minutes and calm my breathing down
Collarbone: Maybe I can focus and work more efficiently
Under arm: Maybe I can cope better
Top of head: I’m open to letting this stress and overwhelm go

Now take a nice deep breath and re-assess your score. If you are down to 0 then you are done. If not keep on tapping and address any other aspects until you feel calm and in control once again.

Remember – if you are facing stress every day then you need to address it every day. Do a bit of tapping every day and you’ll be well on your way to a calmer life.

Keep on tapping
07866 013 637

Fear of Flying

Ok, so it’s that holiday time of year again. You’re feeling all excited because you’re off to a fantastic destination and you can’t wait to be free from your usual responsibilities. But wait, there’s a bit of a niggle going on. In fact, it’s more than a niggle. It’s a feeling of absolute dread…having that realisation that I have to fly…oh my!

Well wait there just a minute… You don’t have to feel the fear anyway. You don’t have to feel that dread, grin and bear it, take Valium, grit your chattering teeth, get drunk or any other manner of ways you normally deal with it. There is a simple way to clear your fear of flying. It’s EFT…Emotional Freedom Techniques or tapping as it is commonly called.

Now there could be many different things that cause your fear. These are the different aspects of your fear. Like different parts of a jigsaw puzzle as it were. Here are some of the common ones:

  • Being in a confined space
  • Noise of the engines
  • Feeling out of control
  • Vibration of the engines
  • Feeling trapped
  • Heights
  • Turbulence
  • Taking off
  • Landing
  • Fear of crashing
  • Not being able to see ahead
  • Not being able to see the ground
  • Fear of dying

Now that list is not exhaustive. So think about what it is that does it for you. If you start feeling a knot in your stomach, a tightness in your chest or throat or your palms starting sweating just thinking about it…tap right away, right now, go on, you’ll feel better I promise you.

Fear of flying

Here is a generic tapping script that you can tap along to. Rate your score first on a scale of 0 – 10 where 10 is maximum intensity (fear).

  • Even though I’m so scared of flying, I hate feeling out of control, I accept myself anyway
  • Even though I’m so scared of flying, my palms sweat, I get a tight chest and I feel frozen with terror, I’m ok
  • Even though I have this fear of flying, I’m open to letting this go now

Eyebrow: I’m so terrified of flying
Side of Eye: My palms sweat just thinking about it
Under Eye: I love to go on holiday, I just hate getting there
Under Nose: I’m so scared of flying
Chin: I feel so out of control
Collarbone: My chest gets tight as soon as I get to the airport
Under Arm: My palms sweat the whole flight
Top of Head: Flying terrifies me

Eyebrow: I feel frozen with terror the whole flight
Side of Eye: This fear really puts me off going on holiday
Under Eye: I hate having this fear
Under Nose: I wish I didn’t have to fly
Chin: But flying is so quick and convenient
Collarbone: I hate feeling out of control
Under Arm: I’m really terrified of flying
Top of Head: I feel so terrified my palms sweat and my chest gets tight

Eyebrow: I’m open to changing this feeling today
Side of Eye: Maybe I can let this fear go now
Under Eye: What if I could feel calm
Under Nose: Letting it be safe for me to let this fear go
Chin: Maybe I can feel calm and safe
Collarbone: I’m open to feeling differently
Under Arm: Letting it be safe, easy and comfortable for me to fly
Top of Head: Maybe I can relax and feel calm

I hope the script helped. Remember to work on all the bits of your jigsaw puzzle to fully clear your fear for ever. There may also be specific memories for you to work on. If there are then use the movie technique for each mental movie that has contributed to your fear. See my previous post for details how.

Keep on tapping
07866 013 637