Sharing My Gratitude of EFT

I’d like to share my gratitude for EFT. EFT has really changed my life for the better. I know that any challenge I face does not have to overwhelm me or fill me with anxiety or fear. I can tap on it.

I know that when I feel a bit stressed, I can tap it away.

I know that when I feel upset or harassed or even right pissed off, I can tap on it.

I know that when I don’t feel like tapping, I can even tap on that too!

I’m grateful I have this amazing flexible tool at my fingertips anytime I need it.

I’m grateful I can tap away my fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, stress, sadness, pain etc.

I’m grateful that EFT allows me to really feel my feelings, to acknowledge them and accept them, without judgement.

I’m really grateful to have EFT in my life. I hope that you learn this amazing tool and use it for your benefit like I have.

Keep tapping
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I’m Highly Sensitive and that’s OK

Lately my clients have been people who are highly sensitive. I find I can relate to these clients very well as I am highly sensitive myself. I, like many sensitive folk found it hard growing up. I was told:

  • You’re too sensitive
  • Stop taking things so seriously
  • Toughen up
  • You should have thicker skin
  • Don’t take things to heart so much

I thought it was wrong to be so sensitive. I wasn’t “normal”.

This means that I grew up with this big stigma. I tried to play down my sensitive side. I would cry at movies my friends didn’t seem bothered by. I would always try & hide the fact that I had cried, unless one of my friends had cried too & then it would be “ok” for me to admit that I had cried too. I have even been known to cry at adverts but would not admit that to anyone!

I need time alone every day. That must mean I am some kind of freak surely! Ok, maybe it means that I’m ok when my partner goes away & I have to spend time alone. I enjoy my own company and relish this quiet time to myself.

I have done a lot of tapping about this and now realise that being highly sensitive is actually a good thing. Especially as an EFT practitioner. It makes me more empathetic. I understand my clients on a deep level.

If you are highly sensitive, then I suggest you do some tapping to help you come to terms with it and accept that it is actually a good thing. Here are some suggestions:

  • Even though I’m highly sensitive, maybe that’s ok
  • Even though I was always told to toughen up and get thicker skin, maybe I’m ok just the way I am
  • Even though I was always told I’m too sensitive and take things to heart too easily, what if this is a good thing for me
  • Even though I was always told not to be so sensitive and that spending time alone is wrong, what if everyone else is wrong and I know what I need

I cannot tell you how much better I felt after I worked on this.To feel ok in your own skin is so important!

Let me emphasise that again – to feel ok in your own skin is so important!

I feel so grateful that EFT allowed me to do this.

If you are highly sensitive then I suggest that you work with someone who really understands you and is highly sensitive themselves.

If you want to explore this issue yourself, Rue Hass, EFT Master has a wonderful website and book for Highly Sensitive People.

I cannot recommend working on this issue highly enough if you are highly sensitive.

Get tapping – you will feel so much more comfortable and ok with yourself if you work on this issue.

Keep tapping!
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Weekend Has Gone Too Fast

This weekend seems to have flown by. Whilst I got a lot done, I feel that there is so much more I needed to/could’ve/should’ve done! But I also acknowledge that I needed some down time too, like enjoying a film at the cinema & a nice meal with my partner. The weather had its part to play too and didn’t comply with my plans to be in the garden all weekend. Well we have to learn to adapt and adjust in these situations. But we can be left with feelings of frustration, anger, guilt etc.

We can use EFT to help us deal with these feelings and also enable us to be more flexible about our plans so that we can go with the flow more easily. Try statements like the following:

  • Even though I didn’t get everything done that I needed to this weekend and I feel frustrated, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I feel guilty for taking some time off and enjoying myself, I love and accept myself
  • Even though I wish I could’ve got a lot more done this weekend, I accept that I’m not superwoman/man
  • Even though there just wasn’t enough time to fit everything in this weekend, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I didn’t manage to fit everything in this weekend, I acknowledge that I need some down time too

Remember to keep tapping until you feel better about how your weekend turned out.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Tackling The Self Doubt Voice

How often have you had self doubts? Many people beat themselves up all the time with their self doubts.  We often give ourselves a much harder time than we do other people. If this sounds like you then here is a tapping script that can help.

Write down the level of your self-doubt on a scale of 0 -10 before you start (10 being maximum self-doubt).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I have all these self doubts,  I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I doubt my abilities all the time and give myself such a hard time, I’m open to being kinder to myself
  • Even though I beat myself up all the time constantly doubt myself and my abilities, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I doubt myself all the time
Side of Eye: I can’t do anything without doubting how I’ve done
Under Eye: I seem to beat myself up with my self doubts
Under Nose: I have all this negativity
Chin: I doubt my abilities constantly
Collarbone: Why do I have all these self doubts?
Under Arm: I can’t seem to think positively about my abilities
Top of Head: I can’t recognise when I’ve done a good job

Eyebrow: All this self-doubt
Side of Eye: I beat myself about how I’ve done
Under Eye: I analyse how I did and always think I could’ve done better
Under Nose: I beat myself up
Chin: I have all these self doubts
Collarbone: It seems like I’m always doubting myself
Under Arm: I give myself a hard time with all this self-doubt
Top of Head: I wonder why I seem to always doubt myself and my abilities

Eyebrow: Maybe I can feel better about myself
Side of Eye: What if I could be kinder to myself
Under Eye: What if I trusted my abilities
Under Nose: Maybe I can believe in myself
Chin: Maybe I can let these doubts go
Collarbone: What if I believed in myself
Under Arm: What if it was easier than I thought
Top of Head: Maybe I don’t have to doubt myself all the time

Do you doubt yourself in certain situations more than others? What purpose does your self-doubt serve? What would you lose if you didn’t doubt yourself any more? Remember to keep tapping on the different aspects of your self-doubt.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Getting Out Of Your Own Way

Sometimes we feel yuck and know that tapping can help us. Yet we don’t do it! Why is that? Is is some form of self-sabotage? Is it that we don’t think we deserve to feel better? Or is it that we don’t have the time to do it? Well we can always make time when something is important.

What if we don’t think EFT will help in this case? Or is it that we simply want to “wallow” in our feelings for a while. I have done that in the past and got really annoyed with myself! I feel really upset and think I’m not going to do anything about it. I’m going to sulk into these feelings for a while. Then I annoy myself and think I must do something about this!

Well perhaps some tapping about not tapping is in order. Try:

  • Even though I don’t seem to want to tap about this, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’m sabotaging myself, what if I could get out of my own way
  • Even though I seem to want to wallow in these feelings rather than tapping, I acknowledge and accept these feelings
  • Even though I think tapping won’t help, what if I was pleasantly surprised by the results
  • Even though I don’t think I deserve to get over this, what if I could be kind to myself and help myself
  • Even though I don’t have time to work on this right now, what if I could make the time

Sometimes we just have to acknowledge and accept our feelings. Tapping is perfect to help us do this. Sometimes we have to wallow for awhile. EFT is always there for us when we are ready!

Keep tapping.

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When I Don’t Tap…

I had a chat with my Mum last weekend. She said that she can tell when my Dad is not tapping because he becomes short-tempered. He is much more mellow when he does regularly tap. I then chatted to my Dad and he said that sometimes when he is working away he is just too busy to tap or he forgets, as he is not in his normal routine.

I told my Dad about finger tapping and several ways to fit in some EFT that won’t take up much of his time. I’m personally a big fan of finger tapping and fitting in some tapping whilst doing other activities e.g. tapping whilst walking or waiting in a queue.

We only benefit from EFT when we make the time to do it. If we can find ways that don’t take up much time and are convenient we are more likely to do it regularly and to gain from the benefits.

Feeling calmer, being more mellow, not getting so stressed are all wonderful benefits. Personally I feel more balanced and centered and able to handle life’s challenges much easier when I tap every day. So I make it a priority to do so every day. I don’t always manage it but most of the time I do. Making a note of the benefits you get when you do tap can also help you make the time to tap. Noticing the downsides like being more short-tempered can also motivate you to tap regularly!

Whatever does it for you – being aware of the downsides or the benefits, I hope that you continue to tap every day.

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Kids Leaving the Nest

Are your children about to leave the nest? Are you questioning who you will be now that your children are leaving home? The Mother role is diminishing and it can make you re-evaluate who you are, who you want to be and what you want to do with your life. Maybe you haven’t worked or only worked limited hours when your children have been at home and you are now considering whether to go back to work or work longer hours. Or maybe you’re considering re-training for a new career.

If that sounds like you, then you might like to tune in to your body and see what messages it is trying to tell you. Do you feel tension or tightness anywhere? Notice what is going on in your body and ask it if it has a message for you.

Here is a script you can use to help you during this transitional time.

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I hate change and I still want to be a Mom to my kids, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though part of me doesn’t want my kids to leave, I don’t know who I’ll be when they are gone, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I’ve been needed for so long, now it feels like my kids don’t need me anymore and I don’t know how to handle that, I accept my feelings about this anyway

Eyebrow: I hate change
Side of Eye: Change is scary
Under Eye: I don’t know who I’ll be when my kids leave home
Under Nose: I’ve been a Mum for so long
Chin: I don’t know what I’ll do when my kids leave
Collarbone: I like to be needed
Under Arm: Part of me doesn’t want them to leave
Top of Head: What will I do when they leave home

Eyebrow: I feel this worry in my shoulder
Side of Eye: My shoulder is frozen in fear and worry
Under Eye: Who will I be when they leave?
Under Nose: This is so hard
Chin: I don’t know how to handle them leaving 
Collarbone: How will I handle having all this extra time
Under Arm: I’m frozen in fear of this change
Top of Head: I’m not sure what I’ll do with my life now

Eyebrow: I’m open to feeling different about this
Side of Eye: What if I could feel excited about the opportunities I have
Under Eye: Maybe I can feel less scared and worried
Under Nose: I’m open to finding this easier
Chin: What if I could see this as an opportunity for me
Collarbone: Maybe I’ll enjoy the extra time I’ll have
Under Arm: What if I found it easier to handle this situation
Top of Head: I’m open to letting it be easy to let my kids go

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel so scared or worried. I’d love to hear your feedback, so please leave a comment.

Keep tapping!


07866 013 637

You Can Spare 5 Minutes

Many people know the benefits of EFT. They have had success with it. Yet they frequently don’t have time to tap or work on their issues. We all have the same 24 hours available to us. Yet sometimes we make strange choices about how we fill our time, or what we prioritise. Surely our health and wellbeing should be at the top of our list?

I’m not suggesting that you spend an hour every day or even every week working on your issues. Yet that would be wonderful if you could! What I am suggesting is taking just 5 minutes for yourself every day. Everybody, no matter how busy they are can take 5 minutes for themselves!

So turn off the phone, step away from the computer, TV, kids, partner etc. Find a quiet spot and sit comfortably. Then spend 5 minutes tapping for yourself, for your wellbeing. What you tap on you can decide each day. Just make sure you do this for yourself. You’ll thank yourself for it, I promise you.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Power of the Mind with Bruce Lipton

A Must See Video On the Power of the Mind with Bruce Lipton

Would you like to know why EFT works and why it’s so effective?  🙂

Well Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and best-selling author, is about to explain to you why he considers EFT to be like “super learning”.

In this fascinating video Bruce will explain to you how your thoughts can make you sick, broke and unhappy, why regular “positive thinking” doesn’t work and how you can use EFT to reprogram your mind to get what you want in life.

You can check it out here:

Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who has spent years studying how our thoughts affect us in all areas of life.

His scientific studies are so shocking and revealing and have such wide-ranging ramifications that the established communities have gone to great lengths to keep them hidden, especially the medical community.

Bruce Lipton has out-right said that the majority of medical studies done today are inaccurate and misleading and he has the proof to show why.

If you’re ready for some mind-blowing information on how your thoughts effect all areas of your life and how you can use EFT to be healthy, wealthy and happy then I highly suggest watching this video:

Here are a few of the things that he discusses:

– Why positive thinking is not enough to change your life (And what he says does work)

– How the unconscious programming you received in childhood is effecting you today (And what you can do about the programs that aren’t serving you)

– The one simple belief that traditional medicine is based on that is 100% false.

This video is guaranteed to be one of the most eye-opening videos you’ll see all year.


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P.S. – This video is part of the fr*ee Tapping World Summit Video series being released over the next few days leading up to this enormous event starting
on Feb. 21st (Last year over 100,000 people attended this event online)

If you missed the first video with Jack Canfield on how your past traumas and negative emotions may be keeping you from attracting what you want in life you’ll get access to that video as well when you see this one. Both are very powerful…

Talking To Yourself

I was recently working with a new client who was new to EFT. After explaining the technique and tapping through a few rounds he experienced a noticeable shift. He felt more relaxed (a common result) and also had a cognitive shift regarding his issue.

He said that the way we had tapped was like having a conversation with himself. He explained that he was always having these conversations with himself anyway, so it would be great to tap at the same time to clear out the energy disruption and emotions involved.

Previously he had been explained EFT in a very mechanical way. The person had given him the words to use and repeat on each tapping point. E.g. this craving. Whilst that is one way of working, it doesn’t leave room for being creative and letting the words flow like in a conversation.

I’ve blogged in the past about people worrying about “the right words” to use and I thought the idea of having a conversation with yourself might just explain it even better. So next time that something is bothering you, notice the conversation you are having with yourself and tap! Just keep tapping as you go through your conversation. All those things you are telling yourself. Perhaps you are weighing up the pros and cons of a decision or a talking to yourself about a behaviour you do. Perhaps you are trying to figure out how to speak to someone about an issue, or how to approach a situation. Just start tapping whilst you are having this conversation with yourself. You may feel energy move in your body, feel calmer, yawn or be able to laugh at yourself. All these can indicate a shift. Keep tapping until you feel a shift occur and there is more clarity or a resolution.

You can also begin to notice any negative self talk you do as well. E.g. notice when you say to yourself – I’m not good enough for that, I’m not clever enough to go for that job, I don’t deserve that promotion etc. Again when you begin to notice the self talk you can tap any time you notice it, acknowledge it and let it go. You can even say “I now release these thoughts” as you tap.

Keep the conversations going and keep tapping!

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Patience is a Virtue

Do you hate waiting for things? I’m referring to things like a job offer, a promotion, moving house or going on holiday. Or maybe it’s the smaller things that really try your patience like waiting for a bus, waiting in the traffic or waiting at the dentists.  Is there a difference in your patience? Do you have more patience for bigger events and less for the mundane things? Or is it the other way around?

What things do you do whilst you have to wait? What emotions are present when you are waiting? Frustration, anger, fear, guilt? Make a note of your feelings around these issues so that you can compare with how you feel after you have done some tapping on the issue.

So, as usual, write down your score on a scale of 0 -10 (where 10 is maximum impatience).

Tap on the Karate Chop whilst repeating three times:

  • Even though I hate waiting for things, I’m willing to accept myself anyway
  • Even though I get so frustrated and angry when I’m waiting, I’m open to accepting myself anyway
  • Even though I have no patience, I accept how I feel anyway

Eyebrow: I hate waiting
Side of Eye: It makes me angry and grumpy
Under Eye: It’s so frustrating waiting
Under Nose: I have no patience
Chin: I get so mad if I have to wait
Collarbone: It frustrates me waiting for things
Under Arm: I don’t have any patience
Top of Head: It feels like I’m wasting my life waiting

Eyebrow: I can’t sit still when I’m waiting
Side of Eye: I have to keep checking how much time has passed
Under Eye: and how much time is left to go
Under Nose: I find it so annoying
Chin: It makes me so mad
Collarbone: It really winds me up waiting
Under Arm: I find myself fidgeting and pacing back and forth
Top of Head: I have no patience and hate waiting

Eyebrow: I’m open to feeling different about waiting
Side of Eye: What if I could feel calmer about waiting
Under Eye: Maybe I can feel less frustrated
Under Nose: I’m open to having more patience
Chin: What if I could do something constructive when I have to wait
Collarbone: Maybe I won’t get angry and frustrated
Under Arm: What if I found it easier to wait
Top of Head: I’m open to letting it be easy to feel patient

Use your words where appropriate to really tune in to how you feel. Keep tapping until you no longer feel so impatient. I’d love to hear your feedback, so please leave a comment.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Energy Toning

Energy what? Energy toning. In other words, toning our energy system. When we exercise we tone our physical body. This is the equivalent for our energy body. This is a concept developed by Steve Wells and Dr. David Lake in their SET or Simple Energy Techniques system. You can continually tap on the points whilst you focus on an issue or just continuously tap on the points without focusing on anything. They noticed that participants  who continuously tapped through their workshops got better results.

This continuous tapping is a great way to help you feel calmer and more balanced every day. One of the easiest ways to do this continuous tapping is to use just the finger points. These are mostly left out now by more EFT practitioners. Use your thumb to tap on the finger points on the same hand. You can either do one hand at a time or both hands together. Some suggestions for when to do this:

  • Stressful meeting at work
  • Stuck in rush hour traffic
  • Watching TV
  • Stuck in a queue at the supermarket
  • Whilst walking

There are so many ways you fit this in to your daily life. Because you don’t need to repeat setup statements and reminder phrases it is easy to do in public and not be seen. The finger points are particularly useful and very discreet. No-one will know you are tapping!

For more information on SET please visit

I have made a commitment to do more continual finger tapping myself this year. Already I have found myself feeling calmer and responding to situations in a more thoughtful, rather than reactionary way.

I would love to hear your experiences with this. Please drop me a comment with your feedback.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

I’m Blogging Every Week In 2011

I’ve signed up to post a blog every week in 2011.  I am looking forward to writing more posts and challenging myself to writing more than one a week whenever possible.


You can help me out by leaving a comment about what topics you’d like to see here. If you have a particular issue in mind, let me know and I can write a tapping script. I love creating tapping scripts and it’s wonderful to share them here so that others benefit.

If you already enjoy my blog I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes and tell your friends.

More soon!

Keep tapping

Different Ways of Tapping

One of the things that people regularly say when they start tapping is “Am I doing it right?”. The good news is that EFT is very flexible. The most important thing to remember is that you need to stay tuned in to the feelings you are working on and tap on the points on the body.

Sometimes you will need to be persistent. This is my Top Tip!

Keep tapping until you feel better”.

Here are some different ways you can try doing EFT:

  • Tap whilst repeating out loud how you feel
  • Tap whilst repeating how you feel in your mind
  • Tap slowly on each point repeating your reminder phrase several times
  • Tap faster on each point just repeating your reminder phrase once
  • Tap really lightly on each point
  • Tap using a bit more pressure on each point (make sure it’s not too hard though – it should not hurt!)
  • Tap using both hands tapping both sides of the body
  • Tap with one hand, tapping the opposite side of the body (i.e. left hand taps right eyebrow, right side of eye etc)

You can either repeat the same reminder phrase on each tapping point or say different phrases related to your particular issue on each point – experiment and see which works best for you. It usually helps if you write down how you feel using keywords and phrases and tap whilst reading the words you have written.

I hope that these tips help you relax and enjoy tapping even more.  If you have any questions or feedback then please leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

How To Handle Change

One thing that is guaranteed in this world is change.  Sometimes it’s a change that we want and welcome.  Other times we have changes forced upon us and we fight them.  Even when it’s a change we want, we can experience resistance and negative emotions.  How do we deal with all of that?  EFT is there for us as usual, right at our fingertips.  Here’s a tapping script that you might find useful to help you cope with change.

Tap on the Karate Chop spot on either hand whilst repeating out loud these 3 setups (or change the words to suit your situation):

  • Even though this change feels so hard and uncomfortable, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway
  • Even though I didn’t want this change and I don’t want to have to deal with it, I deeply and completely accept who I am and how I feel
  • Even though this change feels so difficult and I want things to stay the way they are, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel

Eyebrow: This change is so difficult and uncomfortable
Side of eye: I’m so upset by this change
Under eye: I don’t want this change
Under nose: I didn’t choose this change
Chin: Changes never work out for me
Collarbone: I’m so resistant to this change
Under arm: I wish this change didn’t have to happen
Top of head: Why can’t things stay the same?

Repeat the above several times or change the words to suit how you feel, until you feel a reduction in the intensity. If you feel ready you can tap on these statements which focus on the solution:

Eyebrow: Maybe this change will be easier
Side of eye: Maybe this time the change is for the best
Under eye: What if this time it’ll be easier
Under nose: What if things work out ok for me this time
Chin: What if things go my way
Collarbone: What if it turns out even better than I expected
Under arm: What if it does work out for me
Top of head: What if this change turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to me

Repeat the tapping as necessary and use your own words where appropriate.  Tap on the specific changes that are happening in your life and how you feel about them, until you feel calmer and able to handle the situation.

Keep tapping!
07866 013 637

Even though I’m worried of having a panic attack and not being able to handle it I choose to know I can get through it and feel normal again quickly


Even though I can’t handle having a panic attack and just want to take a tablet and go to bed to sleep it off, I choose to know it will pass and I can get through it


Even though I hate the feeling in my legs when I’m feeling anxious and having a panic attack I choose to get through it quickly and feel calm and normal again easily and quickly


Eyebrow: I worry I’ll have a panic attack

Side of Eye: I hate having these panic attacks

Under Eye: I wish I didn’t have these panic attacks

Under Nose: I hate feeling anxious

Chin: I can’t stand my legs feeling like jelly

Collarbone: I want to take a tablet and sleep it off when it starts

Under Arm: I just want to get away from these feelings

Crown of head: I just want it to be over


Now tap on the positives:

Eyebrow: I choose to be able to handle these strange feelings

Side of Eye: I know I’m ok even though I feel like this

Under Eye: I can get through this easily

Under Nose: My legs will feel normal again quickly

Chin: I know these feelings will pass quickly

Collarbone: It’ll all be over soon and I’m ok anyway

Under Arm: I choose to be able to handle these panic attacks

Crown of head: I can get through these panic attacks easily and quickly