Releasing the Past

We know that working on specific events is the most effective and thorough way to get results with EFT. If something is bothering you in the present it is highly likely that there are specific events from your past that you need to clear. Working with EFT is a very effective and gentle way of releasing yourself from the burden of your past.

Release past
Release your past

You could have current beliefs that you formed as a child that no longer serve you. For example, you wouldn’t ask an 8-year-old for advice on money but you probably have beliefs about money that were formed when you were that age or even younger. You might have grown up in a household where money was tight and you learned things like “money is hard to come by” or “rich people are greedy” etc.

So next time something is bothering you, ask yourself what it reminds you of. Try to recall some times in the past when you felt the same way or similar events happened. Then use the Movie technique or tell the story to clear out those old events and release your past. Once you’ve cleared these specific events from your past you will find the present situation no longer bothers you. If it still does, do some more digging and see if there are other past events you need to clear or do some tapping on your current situation.

EFT is a wonderful tool to help us release our past and get rid of beliefs that no longer serve us.

“You have to know the past to understand the present.” —  Dr. Carl Sagan

Keep tapping

Many Paths to Healing

People often say they don’t know where to start when working with their issues. They don’t know what to say or feel so overwhelmed that they can’t even begin. Well firstly you can tap for your overwhelm and I’ve written about this before. There are no “right” words and again I’ve addressed that subject previously.  What I want to emphasise today is that we never really know where we’re going to go when we start tapping. We can start on one issue and it can lead us somewhere entirely different.  There are many paths or doorways to our healing.

This happened to me today. I started tapping on one issue and it led me somewhere entirely different. It never ceases to amaze me when this happens 🙂  I love it when we just organically follow where the tapping takes us. I learnt new insights and found new things to tap on. Great! It all helps me on my healing journey. So don’t worry about where to start or what words to use. Just start tapping and follow where it leads.

Paths to healing
Paths to healing

Keep tapping

Trauma Help for the Philippines

Typhoon Yolanda left a trail of devastation in the Philippines.  Thousands of lives lost, millions of people affected.  4 million people displaced.  Those who survived are still suffering from trauma.  Every time the wind picks up or the rain starts they are filled with fear. Sebastiaan van der Schrier visited the Philippines in December and helped hundreds of children overcome their fears and release the trauma. Now he is being joined by other EFT practitioners to clear the trauma of thousands of children, teach 100 psychologists EFT and build houses and storm proof school rooms.

To find out more and donate please click:

Keep tapping

Tapping World Summit 2014 – Register Now!

Tapping World Summit 2014
3 good reasons why you DO NOT want to miss this…

I want to make sure you know about something really special that is taking place on February 24th.  And I want to make sure to share some details about it that you might not know…

Before I get to that though, make sure to write down the date and time so you don’t forget:

February 24th at 8PM ET

You see, at this specific date and time, there is a free online event taking place that will dramatically change your life.  During this event you’ll be guided through the application of a technique that delivers such tremendous results, and so quickly, that it falls into the “I can’t believe this works so well” category.

The technique is EFT, or Tapping, and if you’ve been paying attention to all the buzz lately around
the 2014 Tapping World Summit — the 6th annual event —  you’re probably curious to learn more about it…

I highly recommend checking out the page below to learn all about it, and about why you need to attend this massive free online event (over 500,000 people attended last year alone!).  The event starts on February 24th but there are a full 10 days of life-altering presentations…

Here are 3 good reasons why you DO NOT want to miss this online event:

1 – This event is an experience, not just an event with information.  Attendees don’t just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better.

They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.  They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.  They leave having cleared childhood traumas.  They leave the event better than when they went in.  You, yes YOU,…will leave this event better than when you enter it.

This event has been going on for 6 years.  It has a reputation for getting results for attendees, year after year after year.  🙂

2 – This event is 100% content, no products are pitched.  Don’t expect any sales pitches during these presentations, because you won’t get any.  Every one of the 23 presentations, that you can listen to in their entirety, are 100% content only.

3 – This event is free.  If you’re given the opportunity to attend an event that is 100% content, that has a proven track record of getting people results during the 10-days of the event, that uses a technique that has been scientifically proven to get results and is supported by the world’s leading personal development experts, medical doctors, and psychologists, and it’s all free…why wouldn’t you give it a chance?

There is literally nothing to lose.  Sign up for it and if you don’t like the event (which I highly doubt will happen), just unsubscribe from the event and you won’t hear about it again.  But why not give it a chance?  It seems like there are only positives and no negatives that could come out of the opportunity…

Go here to learn more and sign up:

Trust me on this one…this technique and this event is truly amazing.

P.S. – If you want to see what some of the experts that I mentioned above have to say about this event, about EFT Tapping, and about Nick Ortner, the host of the event you can see that on this page:

You’ll get to hear from experts like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Kris Carr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jack Canfield, Jennifer McLean, Cheryl Richardson, Arielle Ford, Joe Vitale and many others…

Keep tapping

“My dad said he wished I’d never been born!”

“I wish you’d never been born!”  Those were the words that Bobbie heard from her father at her 5th birthday party, in front of her friends.  They were just a few of the painful words she had to hear through the years from her father.  This particular event was one of the most painful and traumatic that she had to deal with growing up, and one that continued to cause her pain decades later.

I want to share Bobbie’s story with you in a powerful and extremely moving video, where Bobbie works with Nick Ortner — NY Times best-selling author of “The Tapping Solution” and producer of the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit — on stage at a live event, and I’ll tell you why…

In the video you’ll get to see her use EFT Tapping, one of the most effective techniques I’ve ever seen used for personal change and growth, and see her go through an emotional and physical transformation right before your eyes.

Most importantly, I want you to see how you can use this same technique to change your life.

This is the 3rd video in the pre-event series that they’ve just released.  The other two were interviews with Dr. Wayne Dyer and with Dr. Lissa Rankin (both of which are great videos – you can get access to those as well if you’re interested.)

Trust me when I tell you that you’re going to be glued to this video!  Just watch the first couple of minutes and you’ll see what I mean:

Let me explain more on why this video is life-changing…

All of us have dealt with childhood traumas, little or big events where we felt hurt, upset, scared, angry or any other painful emotion.  And many of these events, whether we realize it or not, continue to affect us today, in our beliefs, our level of confidence, the emotions we feel and so much more.

Take a second to think back on your childhood. What event or events come to mind where you felt hurt, upset, scared, angry or any other negative emotion?  When you think back on these events, how do you think they’ve affected you today?

This video will show you just how easily and quickly you can take the negative charge off of those memories and how you can release the conscious and unconscious holds that they have on you.

One thing that’s especially interesting about this video is that it was filmed during a live event that is focused on the connection between our emotions and physical pain .  During the video, you’ll actually get to see Bobbie get rid of the pain in her knees, something that she hasn’t had happen in 25 years!

Check it out:

P.S. – And if you want to learn more about how you can use EFT Tapping, the way that Bobbie does in the video, you’ll also be able to get access to the free, 10-day event known as the 6th annual Tapping World Summit.  Just go here to learn more:

Keep tapping

Can the mind really heal the body?

Can the mind really heal the body?

I’m sure you’ve heard things said before like “mind over body” or “your mind can heal anything,” but do you ever think to yourself…”that’s easier said than done!”

After all…if you’re like most people, you don’t have time to sit around like a Buddist Monk meditating for hours a day, focusing on healing your body, so how exactly do you apply it to your life?

Well, I want to share a video with you today that will share some startling research on just how powerful the mind is over the body, as well as introduce a grounded, everyday technique that you can use to actually help your mind to keep your body healthy.

It’s a video of Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D., where she sits down with Nick Ortner, the producer of the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, to discuss her findings and the implications they have for all of us, both the “seemingly” healthy and unhealthy.

Here are just a few snippets of what you can expect:

– At around 7 minutes you’ll hear about what she learned from studying over 3,500 cases of “spontaneous remission” and what the research both tells us and isn’t telling us about why people get sick or healthy.

– At around 8:40 you’ll learn about the 9 common characteristics that people with “spontaneous remission” have and why they’re critical to know for both people who are healthy or sick.

– At around 16 minutes Lissa will share about the only 2 modes that our nervous system can be in, and how in one of them, our bodies self repair mechanism literally shuts down!  And the scary part is…most people tend to get stuck in this shut down mode (she’ll explain why and how you can get out of it).

– At about 19 minutes she’ll share with you why some of her supposedly “healthiest” clients (exercising, eating well, meditating, etc) were getting sick and the big “aha” moment she had about what was causing it all.

– At around 26 minutes Lissa will blow your mind be redefining what “placebo” actually is.  She’ll share with you how most scientific studies are blowing off placebo and not digging deep enough into what is actually going on with the mind and body.

– At around 27 minutes, she’ll answer a big question that Nick Ortner asks her about the EFT Tapping technique…”Is just the Placebo Effect?”

– At about 36 minutes, she’ll share with you why she believes people in the “blue zones” have a much higher than average rate of living to be over 100 years old.

Watch this video!  I know you’ll love it.  🙂

Keep tapping!

Louise Woods

Do you struggle with Forgiveness?

Wayne Dyer was angry, and with good reason…

At the age of 34 Wayne Dyer drove to Biloxi, Mississippi to visit the grave of his father, an alcoholic and abusive man who had abandoned him, his mother and two brothers the day he was born.

Although he had died 10 years earlier, Wayne had only just found out about his death.

He drove to the grave that day with a level of anger so great, so deep from years of hurt built up, that he went there with two tasks in mind:  To find out if it was even acknowledged on his death certificate that Wayne was his son, and to literally “pee” on the grave of the father that he held all this hatred, anger and resentment towards for 34 years.

What came out of that visit however, completely and forever changed his life. It is one of the most beautiful stories you’ll ever hear.  It shares a message of forgiveness and it’s power to transform that I think is truly life-changing and worth your time to listen to.

He tells this story, and much more, in this exclusive interview with Nick Ortner, conducted for the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, which starts on February 24th:

If you had been in Wayne’s shoes, would you have been able to forgive?

Who do you have in YOUR life that you need to forgive?  How would it change your life to forgive and release any anger, resentment, hatred or other negative emotions that you carry, towards BOTH others as well as yourself? (Don’t forget the forgiving yourself part!)

Most people today know Wayne Dyer for his best-selling books (having sold literally hundreds of millions of copies), his Public Broadcasting Station television specials, and his heart-warming and thought-provoking talks…

But do not know that up to that point in his life when he visited his father’s grave, he was overweight, drinking heavily, and was as he describes himself, “Basically on an involuntary suicide mission.”

But he was able to radically transform, through the power of forgiveness, and in this video, as well as the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, you’ll learn how to do the same, to radically improve the quality of your own life.

I hope you take a few minutes to watch this video, and I highly recommend attending the 10 day Tapping World Summit, which begins on February 24th.  This event has had over a million people attend it over the last 5 years.  It is a huge, life-changing, no-cost event.

I’ll see you there!

P.S. – One of my favorite parts of the videos is Wayne’s “plane story” where he came out of the bathroom on a plane covered in sweat from head to toe.  It’s hilarious and will having you laughing out loud.  It’s at about 20 minutes.  Make sure to check it out:

Here are my top tips for working on forgiveness with EFT:

  • Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are condoning the thing the person did – you are just letting it go
  • Tap on the event first before working on forgiveness – especially important if it was a trauma
  • Clear the event so that you can recall it fully with no effect (Try the movie technique)
  • Tap on any anger, frustration etc until it is a zero
  • Tap on how hard it is to forgive
  • Try tapping “Even though I don’t want to forgive…” or “Even though they {Name} don’t deserve forgiveness…”
  • Tap on forgiving yourself (this is important and we often don’t think about forgiving ourselves).

It’s best to work with an experienced EFT practitioner for trauma/deeply upsetting emotions/feelings/memories etc. They will hold the space for you, support you, gently guide you and keep you on track.

Keep tapping

Christmas Tapping

Well Christmas 2013 is almost upon us! My log fire is burning, Christmas tunes are playing and I’m excited about catching up with my family and friends. I hope that you are feeling the joy too…if not then please take some time to tap. So many people forget that they have this amazing tool at their fingertips. So here are some reminders to help you stay calm this Christmas time:

  • Tap if you are still running around doing your Christmas shopping
  • Finger tap if you are stuck in a queue or suffering trolley rage in a supermarket
  • Tap if you can’t find the “right” presents
  • Tap when you are feeling stressed about getting everything done
  • Finger tap if you are stuck in traffic or can’t find a parking space
  • Tap on any money worries you have
  • Tap when you are feeling angry, frustrated etc with family not helping
  • Use tapping if you are getting stuck in the middle of family disputes or arguments
  • Tap if you feel overwhelmed

Remember you can finger tap discreetly practically anywhere, anytime. Take yourself off to the bathroom if it is all feeling too much and spend 5 minutes tapping until you feel calmer.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and happy, healthy New Year.

Christmas tree
Merry Christmas

If you would like a one to one session with me, please drop me a line. I offer sessions face to face or via Skype.

Keep tapping

Tapping In The Mirror

Tapping by ourselves can be difficult.  It can be tricky to get past our inner protector and bypass our resistance of “not going where we need to”. So how do we get around that? Well one idea that works for me is to sit in front of a mirror and tap. Just doing this, looking at ourselves deeply can bring issues to the surface. Tap on what comes up.

Tap in the mirror

Another approach is to use the reflection as the Therapist and the real you as the Client. Have your Therapist ask your Client what the issue is or what is holding you back from working on it? What is the benefit of keeping this issue? What is the downside of letting it go?

Working on our identity or self image issues is quite profound using this technique. What is it that you see? What don’t you like about your body? Which parts do you wish you could change? All of these ideas can help us when we are stuck.

Of course you can always find an experienced EFT Practitioner like me to work with. But if that’s not possible then mirror tapping can be a great help.

Keep tapping

Technology Troubles

Today I wanted to shout and scream at my laptop. In fact at one point I was almost ready to toss it out the window! Technology is a marvelous thing – when it works! 🙂 But it can be really frustrating when it doesn’t! In this digital age we always connected via our computers, smart phones etc. Whilst it can be a good thing it can also work against us to.

We can feel increased levels of stress at home with work emails pinging on our phone. If we can’t connect or something goes wrong it can be very stressful especially when we have strict deadlines. So whilst tapping can’t fix your technology troubles (hey it’s not that magic!) it can help calm your stress levels, anger, frustration, anxiety etc.

So step away from the technology – maybe go outside & connect with the real world & do some tapping 🙂

  • I’m so stressed right now
  • I can’t ever switch off
  • I’m really frustrated with my laptop
  • Why does it always go wrong when I have a strict deadline
  • Technology really frustrates me
  • I’m so stressed with my laptop right now
  • Firefox keeps crashing
  • I’m getting way too many emails
  • I never get proper down time
  • I’m always on the go
  • I’m addicted to my technology

I definitely need this tapping today…Firefox crashed halfway through my blog post! Tap, tap, tap.

Keep tapping


You Can Only Change You

We all wish we could make people change at times. Sometimes it’s our family or our partner – why can’t they be more supportive/loving etc? Sometimes it’s people we work with – why do they have to be so negative all the time? Why can’t they pull their weight etc.

Well unfortunately we can’t make other people change. What we can do is work on ourselves. We can change our attitude and the way we react and this can have a beneficial effect on our relationship with the other person.

So next time you find yourself wishing someone would change, try doing some tapping instead.


  • Even though I wish Dan was more supportive and offered me more help, I’m ok
  • Even though Donna is always so negative and always puts people down, maybe she’s having a hard time at home
  • Even though Patrick never pulls his weight and always manages to worm his way out of doing his fair share, I accept my feelings about this

Tap on the fact that you really wish they would change & why.  Tap on all the aspects of the issue, e.g. your frustration, anger, bitterness etc. Tap on specific events where they were doing the thing you wish they’d change.  Keep going until you feel calm/neutral.  You may have had some insights as to why they behave a certain way. Hopefully by now you will be feeling different towards them – at least more compassionately!

Remember we can only change ourselves. Tapping can always calm us down and help us with the way we react to people.

Keep tapping


Dealing with Negative Thoughts

Sometimes we have negative thoughts. We know we’re not “supposed” to have them. We can get upset when we have them, we judge them, judge ourselves, beat ourselves up and generally carry on the negative cycle some more. I have been doing some tapping on this lately. I found myself having lots of negative thoughts. I would create negative scenarios in my mind and image bad things happening. I recognised this was going on in myself and that I was judging and criticising myself too. Enough already!

So you guessed it – I tapped. I actually had help from my EFT buddy with this as I felt it was a “biggie” for me. So we tapped on:

  • The negative thoughts
  • Judgements
  • Criticism
  • Not “supposed” to have them

After awhile I could feel my body relax. I could feel more kindness towards myself. I could appreciate that part of me was trying to keep me safe. I realised that thinking these thoughts wasn’t all bad…feeling safe is important to me. If that helps me avoid dangerous situations that is a good thing.

I also realised I was creating choices for myself. I could choose how to react. I could acknowledge the negative thought, thank myself for thinking it and then let it go. I didn’t “have” to judge or criticise myself. I felt so much better after the tapping. Since then, the negative thoughts have decreased. I know that when they happen again I won’t be so hard on myself next time. 🙂

Keep tapping

Allowing Yourself To Rant

I recently blogged about ranting. I felt like a rant today. So I took myself off on my walk in nature. This I find very restorative in itself. I added my finger tapping as I walked and then just ranted. I did this quietly in my mind as I was outside. But I didn’t hold back or stop myself – I just allowed all my rants out, tapping all the while. It felt so good 🙂

So often we let our inner critic or judge stop us from letting all our thoughts and emotions out because we “shouldn’t think that” etc. This doesn’t help us let our emotions flow though.

Here’s some tapping ideas to help you let your emotions flow and have a good rant!

  • Even though I’m judging myself, I choose to let all my emotions flow anyway
  • Even though I criticise myself for having certain thoughts/emotions, what if I could accept them and let them flow
  • Even though I don’t allow myself to have a rant when I need to, I’m open to this changing
  • Even though I don’t allow my emotions to flow and judge them, I’m willing to let them flow

Rant away & keep tapping of course 🙂


What Does Your Body Need?

I was tapping with a client recently who was working with a pain in her body. I had her imagine shining a light inside her shoulder and asked her what she saw. We then tapped on what she saw and she related that she had also had a dream involving a similar image in the past. I found that fascinating and we tapped on the emotions & images that came up around that.

Tapping on the physical symptoms can help but in my experience it pays to listen to your body and the message it is trying to give you.  So try asking:

  • What does my body need?
  • What is this body part trying to tell me?
  • What emotion(s) are in my body part?
  • When did this pain start? What happened at that time? e.g. accident/stressful event
  • Is there a past trauma stuck in my body/body part?

Write down whatever comes up and tap on that.  Keep tuning in to your body and asking it what it needs now? Keep listening to your body and tap on all aspects until they are all at zero.

It is always best to work with a practitioner for complex issues like trauma, so that you get the support you need.

Keep tapping

Just Rant

When was the last time you had a good rant? Sometimes we need to offload stuff and just let it out. We can be overwhelmed and the smallest thing can send us over the edge as it were (dropping a pint of milk for example).

Things have often built up over time but for one reason or another we’ve held it all in. We’re told to soldier on, just get on with it, count our blessings etc.

What happens when we hold it all in is that it festers away and builds up until you reach breaking point. So allow yourself to let it all out. Shout, scream, punch a pillow or just generally get it out.

Of course, being an EFT Practitioner and massive tapping fan, I recommend tapping and ranting at the same time. Or rant first then tap as you run out of steam. You can often get lots of insights by tapping during or after a good old rant.

Now I’m reminded of that Tears For Fears track…Shout, shout let it all out… (1985 – jeez now I feel old!)

Keep tapping